Mo Xun told the two of them what he was thinking. After hearing this, Han Qiu immediately asked, "Brother Su, do you mean that this place is still inhabited?"

Luo Xi, who was standing by, reached out and touched the table and chairs. They were spotless, as if they were often wiped.

Mo Xun shook his head and said, "I think that everything we see now is still just an illusion!"

Luo Xi and Han Qiu looked at each other, and seemed to be awakened by Mo Xun's bold guess at the same time.

Mo Xun was able to make such a judgment because of his experience. He almost fell into the hands of this thing when he just started practicing.

Luo Xi paced back and forth for two steps, and then said, "That means that only by breaking the illusion array here can we really find the treasure of Master Cang Kuo?"

"That's right, but who among the three of us is proficient in array?"

The two of them looked at Han Qiu at the same time, and their meaning was self-evident.

Han Qiu smiled bitterly: "If I knew how to break the formation, why would I be so helpless?"

In fact, they also knew that the formation set up by a Yuanying cultivator was not so easy to break.

The Jindan cultivator who discovered this place took a year to deduce and find a way to break the formation, let alone them?

Even if someone knows the formation, how long can they have to slowly break the formation here?

With their few pieces of ginger, I am afraid they may not even be able to find the formation flag.

But Mo Xun, although he has poor cultivation talent and ordinary cultivation, often thinks about problems from a different perspective than ordinary people.

He came to the central hall again and his eyes fell on the ink painting on the incense table.

The core of the painting is obviously playing chess, and the calligraphy on the desk is also related to playing chess.

In another room, an unfinished chess game was specially placed...

Although there are all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy and painting in this bamboo house, the owner here is obviously more inclined to chess!

Mo Xun suddenly turned around and asked, "Fairy Luo, do you know how to play chess?"

Luo Xi was a little confused, frowned and asked, "I know a little, what's wrong?"

Mo Xun pointed to the half-played chess game and said, "Fairy, take a look, what is the situation of this chess game?"

Luo Xi walked over, looked around, and couldn't help thinking.

And Han Qiu also leaned over at the right time, also staring at the chessboard thoughtfully.

"As for the situation of both sides... White chess has the upper hand!"

Mo Xun hurriedly asked, "If the fairy plays black, can you be sure to win this game?"

Luo Xi's face showed some doubts, and she said like an outsider, "I don't quite understand what you mean, Taoist friend. Whether we can win depends on how the opponent moves next, but where is the opponent now?"

Mo Xun knew that he was a little bit misleading, so he changed his words immediately.

"Fairy, where do you think the next piece should be placed?"

Before Luo Xi spoke, Han Qiu pointed to a position on the chessboard and said, "Here!"

Mo Xun raised his head: "Does Han Daoyou also know this?"

Han Qiu smiled faintly, and his face looked humble.

"I know a little bit!"

Mo Xun looked at Luo Xi, and his eyes were obviously asking for her opinion.

Luo Xi stared at the chessboard and thought for a while, then nodded gently.

Then, Mo Xun picked up a black piece from the side and placed it at the position pointed by Han Qiu.

Who knew that as soon as the piece was placed, a magical thing happened. A white piece slowly appeared in the blank space next to the black piece.

Luo Xi and Han Qiu both had an unbelievable look on their faces, but they were both smart people, and they understood the trick in a blink of an eye.

This game of chess is the key to breaking the formation!

Mo Xun also smiled faintly. It seems that he found the right way by accident.

What happened next has nothing to do with him.

You have to know that if he hadn't studied with Mr. He for a few years, he probably wouldn't even know a few words, let alone play chess.

Mo Xun stood aside and gave up his position. Although Han Qiu and Luo Xi were not masters of this art, they could barely cope with it after discussing with each other.

Time passed in black and white. This game of hand-talk seemed short, but it took most of the day.

As Luo Xi placed the last piece, the scene in front of him suddenly changed. The originally elegant and quiet bamboo house full of the fragrance of books slowly disappeared.

The bamboo platform under his feet also turned into a winding and straight staircase, leading directly to a treasure hall halfway up the mountain.

On both sides of the steps, there was a large canopy tree about ten feet wide, with lush branches and leaves!

The three people were happy. There was indeed another secret here!

"Brother Su, this time it's really thanks to you!"

Mo Xun accepted the compliment with a smile. The three of them stepped onto the steps together and went straight to the treasure hall.

At this moment, they were all quite excited. After all, according to common sense, the greater the obstacle, the more valuable the treasure inside.

The wind control technique was performed, and in just a few breaths, they arrived outside the treasure hall.

"Sky Palace!"

The first impression of the three people was that it was a big tone!

However, as a great cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage, it deserves such a name.

In addition to the main hall in front of us, there are some side halls on both sides.

It is also magical. When I was in the bamboo house, I saw the dense forest on the mountain. I didn’t expect that there was such a palace hidden under the formation.

"My two Taoist friends, do you think we should act together or search for treasure separately?" Luo Xi stood between the two of them and said after looking around.

Han Qiu said without thinking: "Of course we should advance and retreat together. After finding all the treasures, we will distribute them!"

Luo Xi turned his head and looked at Mo Xun, and his meaning was self-evident.

Mo Xun nodded and said: "That's right!"

Since they had the same idea, they did not hesitate. The first place they entered was naturally the main hall in front of them.

Stepping into the gate, the layout inside seemed to be no different from the illusory bamboo house.

In the middle was a large incense table with a copper tripod incense burner on it.

There was still a painting hanging on the wall, but it was not a chess game, but a middle-aged man with fluttering sleeves and a three-inch long beard under his chin, playing the flute.

"Gong Yang Jun!"

Mo Xun pointed at the three characters and asked, "Is this the Immortal Cang Kuo?"

Han Qiu touched his chin and smiled, "It's still a female sheep! How could someone call himself Gong Yang?"

Luo Xi glanced at the people around her and said speechlessly, "Although I don't know the name of the Immortal Cang Kuo, the two characters 'Gong Yang' are an ancient surname!"

Han Qiu said "Oh" lightly, but he didn't feel embarrassed. His burning eyes were fixed on the incense burner as soon as he came in.

There were four cushions on the ground in front of the incense table, one at the innermost side, and the other three by the door, lined up in a row.

Mo Xun glanced around and secretly guessed that this place looked like a place for preaching.

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