Mo Xun stared at the incense burner for a while. This thing did have some spiritual power surrounding it, but he didn't know what it was used for.

Fortunately, Luo Xi said at this time: "This thing is called the Concentration Furnace. The sandalwood burning in it can increase the effect of concentrating the mind and calming the breath by three points. It can be regarded as a rare auxiliary cultivation tool!"

Mo Xun nodded in understanding, as if the effect he heard was similar to that of the Soul-Nourishing Wood.

"Since we have agreed to hunt for treasure together, this Concentration Furnace will be kept by me first, and then distributed in the end. What do you think?"

With Luo Xi's cultivation, she can deserve such words. Mo Xun and Han Qiu looked at each other, and it seemed that this was the only way to do it.

Seeing that the two agreed, Luo Xi's sleeves brushed over, and the Concentration Furnace was put into her storage bag.

Mo Xun's eyes fell back on the painting on the wall.

This thing seems to be an ordinary thing. I am afraid that even if the person in the painting is not Cang Kuo Zhenren, he has a great relationship with him.

Han Qiu squatted down and wanted to pick up the futon on the ground to have a look, but he didn't expect that it was quite heavy.

He then turned his palm into a knife and tore the gray cloth covering the futon, revealing a bright red inside.

"It's the Warm Sun Blood Jade!"

With Han Qiu's surprised cry, Mo Xun and Luo Xi's attention was immediately attracted.

The two also followed Han Qiu's example and unpacked the remaining three futons one by one.

They were all wrapped with round blood-colored jades, and they were warm and smooth between the touches, which really fit the word "Warm Sun".

Mo Xun knew about this thing. It is said that sitting on this thing to practice can nourish the meridians in the body. Although this kind of nourishment is extremely weak, it is also a rare thing.

This can be regarded as a harvest after several twists and turns. The faces of the three people are naturally very happy.

"There are four pieces of this thing in total. The three of us can each take one first. The remaining one will still be kept by me temporarily. We will decide how to distribute it in the end. What do you think, fellow Taoists?"

Han Qiu and Mo Xun had no objection. Then, with a flash of rosy clouds, they each put the things into their storage bags.

Although these newly acquired things are not valuable treasures, it is finally a good start.

Bypassing the front hall, the three continued to search backwards.

Passing through a corridor, there were several stone chambers on both sides.

The doors of the stone chambers were all closed, and there was a layer of defensive restrictions outside.

But this did not bother the three of them. After each of them used their best skills, they directly broke it open with brute force.

Entering the first room, it was several feet wide, but the huge stone chamber was empty. Judging from the animal skins scattered all over the floor, it seemed to be a spiritual pet room.

Because of the age, the animal skins had dried and turned black, and it was impossible to tell what kind of spiritual beast it was.

The three of them came to the room opposite, which was still empty.

However, the careful Luo Xi found several gray stone balls the size of fingernails in the corner.

"What do you think this is, fairy?"

After a few days of getting along, Han Qiu also found that among the three people, Luo Xi had the most extensive knowledge, so he asked immediately.

Luo Xi picked up one with her slender fingers and looked at it in front of her eyes. After a moment, she said uncertainly: "It looks like insect eggs!"

Insect eggs?

After Han Qiu pondered, he couldn't help but guess: "Is this a insect room?"

The three of them looked at each other, and obviously no one could give a definite answer.

But if this is true, this Cang Kuo Zhenren is really involved in a wide range of things. He is proficient in formations and raises spirit pets. He is also an insect cultivator.

Of course, for high-level cultivators, this is actually nothing. After all, they have a lot of lifespan and sufficient cultivation resources. It is inevitable that they have a wide range of interests.

"If that's the case, do we still need to distribute this thing?"

Han Qiu sighed lightly and said listlessly: "This thing has become a fossil, what's the point of it?"

Luo Xi was also a little uninterested. He threw the stone egg on the ground again, and did not forget to pat the dust on his hands, turned around and followed Han Qiu out.

Since Huo Qian'er collected a lot of spiritual insect books for Mo Xun last time, he has done some research on the art of repelling insects. In addition, he has raised a boundary-breaking insect, so he is not unfamiliar with this.

Seeing the two leave, Mo Xun's heart moved, and he picked up a few insect egg fossils on the ground, and then followed them out.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Brother Mo really knows how to live!"

Mo Xun turned a deaf ear to the sudden and somewhat charming ridicule in his ears.

In the third stone room, as several fireballs were shot, they finally saw some useful treasures.

In the center of the stone room, there stood a huge furnace about ten feet tall, with eight dragon heads carved around it.

It was obvious that this was the alchemy room!

When they walked around the furnace, they saw several gourds hanging on the wall at first glance.

Almost at the same time, the three of them flew up and grabbed a gourd each.

At this moment, even a fool could guess what was inside!

But when they poured out the contents with great expectation, they were dumbfounded at the same time. It turned out to be a pile of burnt black powder.

"It seems that the original elixir has already deteriorated and rotted!"

Han Qiu sighed again. Not to mention him, even Luo Xi felt very sorry.

In fact, this situation is reasonable. Even if it is an immortal elixir, it may not be preserved for tens of thousands of years.

In the alchemy room, there is nothing else except the huge furnace in the middle!

Mo Xun looked down at the fire trough under the furnace, and was curious. He wondered what kind of flame the Yuanying cultivator used to make the elixir.

The three of them walked around the furnace for a few times. To be honest, it was the first time for them to see such a large furnace.

"Hehe, Fairy Luo, Brother Han, I am not talented, but I am very interested in the art of alchemy. I wonder if this thing can be given to me, Han?"

Han Qiu's words were obviously a bit shameless.

There is no fool here. The value of the alchemy magic weapon that can be used as an alchemy magic weapon for Yuanying cultivators is self-evident.

Luo Xi sneered: "Don't you think that Fellow Daoist Han is a bit greedy?"

Han Qiu said without blushing or beating his heart: "Fairy, please rest assured that I will definitely not let you two suffer a loss. In addition to additional compensation, no matter what you find next, you have the first choice. How about it?"

Mo Xun also sneered in his heart. He walked through three secret rooms in a row and only found such a treasure. Who can say whether there will be other gains next?

But before he could speak, Luo Xi waved his hand and said, "Deal, as long as you can bring something of equal value, this furnace will be yours."

Hearing this, Han Qiu was immediately delighted and hurriedly bowed to the two of them.

Mo Xun frowned slightly, turned his head and glanced at Luo Xi, feeling very dissatisfied. You know, he is also a person who often refines pills, and he is also quite interested in this thing.

Just when he was about to speak, Luo Xi's voice transmission sounded in his ears.

"Brother Mo, don't be anxious. I feel that the good things are still behind!"

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