Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 314 Black Heron Nebula Disk

Mo Xun hesitated for a moment, but finally suppressed his doubts and watched Han Qiu take away the furnace.

The fourth stone room seemed to be a place for rest. There were beds, tables, chairs, pens, inkstones, and all mundane things placed inside. Like the bamboo house, it looked quiet and elegant.

Maybe it was true as Han Qiu said that Cang Kuo Zhenren was a scholar before he practiced Taoism. As for the illusion, it was not entirely aimless!

The only room left was the last one.

When they broke the ban and saw the scene in the stone room, their eyes lit up at the same time.

Although it was still empty, three treasures were neatly placed on the stone table in the middle, surrounded by a faint halo, which was particularly eye-catching in the dim light.

These three things, one is a brush, the second is a pipa, and the third is a chessboard. It seems that in addition to the scroll, they correspond to the music, chess, calligraphy and painting!

When Han Qiu saw the three treasures, he was about to reach out to take them, but was stopped by Luo Xi.

"Fellow Daoist Han, have you forgotten your promise?"

Han Qiu shrank his hand a little embarrassedly, and smiled awkwardly: "Fairy, you are joking. I just want to see them first."

Luo Xi sneered: "Some things should be made clear first!"

Han Qiu glanced at the three treasures, and greed flashed in his eyes, but he still said with all his strength: "Fairy, please speak!"

Luo Xi glanced at Mo Xun who was silent, and then smiled: "Fellow Daoist just took the alchemy furnace. This time, naturally, fellow Daoist Su and I will choose first."

Han Qiu's shrewd eyes turned around, and then said with a smile: "Of course!"

In fact, for them, if they don't know the specific functions of these three things, there is no difference in the order.

Or, the first one to choose may not be as good as the one with good luck!

Therefore, Han Qiu didn't have much to worry about on this issue, so he might as well keep his promise generously.

Luo Xi turned her head to look at Mo Xun, with a slight smile on her lips.

"Do you want me to choose first, or should I choose first?"

To be honest, Mo Xun wanted to choose first, but when she thought about the future, there might be a lot of things that depended on this woman, and it would be bad to have a conflict on such a gambling matter, so she said: "Fairy, please go first!"

Luo Xi seemed to be waiting for this sentence, and then responded with "OK", and without hesitation, she immediately grabbed something.

Looking at Luo Xi's actions, Mo Xun was a little surprised. He thought she would choose a chessboard, but it turned out to be a pipa.

But it can be understood, after all, this pipa is a woman's thing.

But when Luo Xi's fingers just touched the halo, the pipa suddenly shattered and disappeared like a phantom.

Instead, it was a jade slip!

The three of them were stunned at the same time. What's going on?

Luo Xi's right hand, which was stretched out, also stopped in mid-air.

The three of them looked at each other in surprise, but in the blink of an eye, Luo Xi moved her hand and took the jade slip.

Without any hesitation, she put the jade slip on her forehead, while Han Qiu and Mo Xun knew what to do and waited quietly.

Han Qiu, on the other hand, was calm on the surface, but in his heart, he was extremely anxious.

After a long time, Luo Xi slowly opened her eyes, and without the two of them urging her, she took the initiative to explain: "What is recorded here is the method of refining and using a magic weapon called 'Heavenly Demon Harp'."

Then, she pointed to the other two things: "I think these two should be the same!"

Hearing this, Han Qiu's original expectation was instantly gone by more than half.

It turned out to be just the method of refining a magic weapon!

This is like suddenly changing a box of treasure in front of you into a password for making wealth. It seems to have changed from "fish" to "fishing", but the results are very different.

Let alone whether they can gather all the materials, it is probably not easy to find a refiner who can refine magic weapons.

The disappointment in the hearts of the three people can be imagined!

In front of the two people's eyes, Mo Xun thought for a while, and then stretched out his hand.

Luo Xi thought he would choose the brush, but he grabbed the chessboard.

The reason why Mo Xun chose the chessboard was that he had his own considerations in his mind.

When they were in the outside world, they used chess to break the illusion array, which was enough to show that the owner of this place was in love with chess.

As Luo Xi expected, when Mo Xun's fingers touched the chessboard, the image shattered, and what he got was still a jade slip.

Mo Xun quickly put it on his forehead to check, and it also contained the method of refining and using a magic weapon, called "Black Heron Nebula Disk"!

During this process, the expression on Mo Xun's face was always as calm as water, without any fluctuations.

After a long time, he put away the jade slip, but he had no intention of telling the two of them what was inside, which made Han Qiu and Luo Xi complain in their hearts.

Then the only thing left was the brush!

But just when Han Qiu reached out to take it, Luo Xi stopped him again.

Han Qiu immediately became alert like a rooster with its feathers blown off, and said with a gloomy face: "What does the fairy mean?"

Luo Xi stroked the hair by her ears and smiled.

"Fellow Daoist Han, there is no need to do this, but there are some things we have to make clear!"

Han Qiu snorted coldly, obviously not buying it, and said angrily: "Fairy, please speak!"

"If we take the alchemy furnace into account, we have actually each received a treasure, so the remaining one cannot be given to you so easily."


Han Qiu was speechless as soon as she opened her mouth. What she said was indeed correct.

And to be honest, the value of the alchemy furnace is probably far greater than these things.

After all, the alchemy furnace is a real existence, while these magic weapons are only on the jade slips.

After taking a few deep breaths, Han Qiu suppressed his resentment.

"Regarding the alchemy furnace, I have already said that I will compensate you with something of equal value later."

Luo Xi sneered.

"Do you think we are stupid, or do you think you can come up with something of equal value to a Nascent Soul cultivator?"

Listening to the verbal battle between the two, Mo Xun just stood quietly by the side. With such a smart woman around, he was naturally happy to be free.

Han Qiu stared at Luo Xi intently, and after a moment, his clenched fist slowly relaxed.

"What about the fairy's intention?"

Luo Xi said calmly: "This is simple. I have two plans, and you can choose one."

"I would like to hear the details!"

Han Qiu almost gritted his teeth when he said these four words.

"The first one..." As Luo Xi spoke, he stretched out a slender white index finger.


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