Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 315: Another Secret

"As for the alchemy furnace, you don't need to compensate me. As for this jade slip, it will be the same as other things. We will distribute it separately after we find all the treasures."

Han Qiu was silent for a while, but his face was obviously a little unnatural.

"What about the second option?"

Luo Xi smiled slightly: "The second option is that you can take the jade slip now, but as compensation for the alchemy furnace, the content on it needs to be copied to me and Su Daoyou, how about it?"

Hearing this, Han Qiu was about to refuse immediately.

After all, judging from the clues in the previous illusion, this Cang Kuo Zhenren is very fond of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, so most of the magic weapons he owns are original, and there should be no second one in the outside world.

If he can take it for himself, he will naturally enjoy it alone, but if it is in triplicate, its value will be greatly reduced.

But he opened his mouth, but stopped what he was about to say.

He suddenly thought that if he followed the first option, he would most likely miss this jade slip.

Although this jade slip is only a method of refining, and is still a long way from being a real magic weapon, it is still a treasure.

After pondering for a while, Han Qiu said reluctantly: "Okay, I'll choose the second one."

Then, Luo Xi copied the jade slip twice, gave one to Mo Xun, and then gave the original to Han Qiu.

This is the first time that the three of them have had such a big disagreement in the division of treasures.

Fortunately, they did not tear each other apart. As for whether to suffer losses or take advantages, they can only weigh it themselves.

Although Luo Xi did not discuss this arrangement with Mo Xun, Mo Xun did not have any objections.

When he saw the five big words "Jue Ming Judge Pen" on the jade slip, Mo Xun couldn't help but smile.

He knew the power of magic weapons very well. If he could refine all the things in the two jade slips, his strength would be unimaginable!

After leaving the main hall, the three came to the side hall on the left.

This place is not big, with only two stone chambers.

In the first chamber, there are many empty wooden shelves, and many names are engraved on the wooden shelves. It seems to be a place to store magic tools or treasures, but now, it is empty.

However, judging from those names alone, the owner's collection is quite spectacular.

Mo Xun couldn't help thinking that such a place might just be one of the places where Cang Kuo Zhenren practiced.

The wealth of a Yuanying cultivator can be seen!

In the second stone chamber, there are also seven or eight idle wooden shelves, but the names on them are all skills and magical powers.

Just when the three of them were a little discouraged, Mo Xun found something unusual.

"You two, look at this wall, is it a bit strange?"

There are many candlesticks hanging on the walls around, but they are not as neat and symmetrical as those in other stone chambers. They look a bit messy, and the heights are disordered, as if someone did it on purpose. "

After a moment, Han Qiu took the lead and said: "It seems to be dark and Qimen Wuxing! "

Then, he looked at Luo Xi again.

"Fairy Luo, do you understand this? "

Luo Xi frowned and shook his head. Qimen and the art of formation are originally from the same source. The three of them are actually laymen in this regard.

But then again, what is the purpose of arranging the art of Qimen in such a place?


It doesn't seem like it. If it is for defense, it should be placed outside the entire hall.

Of course, it is not ruled out that this place is too important, so a layer of protection is added deliberately.

For a moment, the three of them fell into deep thought.

But it stands to reason that this place has been abandoned for many years. Even if the Qimen art was originally arranged, it should have lost its function long ago. Otherwise, the three of them would most likely be attacked as soon as they entered here.

Or, is it just a work of the owner of this place on a whim?

This possibility is not small. After all, judging from the layers of illusion arrays, the real person Cang Kuo really likes to show off these tricks.

At this time, Han Qiu walked to a candlestick and reached out to touch it.

It doesn't matter if you don't touch it, but you will be shocked when you touch it.

I heard a mechanical sound, and the candlestick can actually rotate.

Han Qiu He immediately took two steps back and took out the magic weapon in his hand at the first time.

The other two were not much better, and they all took a defensive posture.

However, after waiting for a long time, there was no response, and the three of them relaxed.

But after this, they seemed to understand a little, especially Mo Xun, who immediately thought of something... a mechanism!

This suddenly reminded him of the secret room in Yuexing Palace before!

If this is the case, the arrangement of these candlesticks is likely to indicate that there is another secret here!

Of course, to solve this doubt, we must find out how to open the mechanism, and this method must fall on Qimen.

But then again, there won’t be any old monsters locked up here, right?

If so, even if the secret room can be opened, who can tell whether it is a blessing or a curse?

After Mo Xun made this guess, Han Qiu waved his hand and said, "What's there to be afraid of? As the saying goes, wealth and honor are sought in danger. If you are like Brother Su, if you look ahead and behind, what are you doing here? "

Speaking of this, Han Qiu chuckled and continued: "As for whether there is a secret room here, it is much simpler. Can't we just tear it down?"

Mo Xun's mouth twitched, feeling that what he said was... really irrefutable!

At the moment, it seems that there is only such a direct and effective method!

Han Qiu did what he said, and immediately took out the magic weapon, ready to dig three feet into the ground first.

But just when he started, Luo Xi suddenly said: "Let me try it first!"

Mo Xun and Han Qiu looked at each other. Although they didn't know Luo Xi's intention, they tacitly didn't ask more questions.

Since they could open it from the front, they naturally did it. After all, if they were careless and destroyed the treasure inside, or triggered some murderous intentions, it would be more trouble than gain.

But no one noticed that when Luo Xi walked to the first candlestick on the right, Mo Xun had already retreated to the door.

As the sound of the mechanism came, Luo Xi turned it a few times, waited for a while, and there was no movement.

Then came the second and third. Mo Xun found that the number of turns Luo Xi turned each time was different, but there was no pattern at all.

After the sixteenth candlestick was turned, a loud "boom" sound was heard, and the ground trembled. Everyone was on full alert at the first moment, especially Mo Xun, who was almost ready to leave.

However, after the "boom", a hole appeared on the ground in the middle of the stone chamber, revealing the steps inside.

This place is indeed another secret!

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