Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 316 Taixuan Dao Fa

Han Qiu was a little dumbfounded and asked: "Fairy Luo, you... don't you understand Qimen?"

This was actually what Mo Xun wanted to ask.

Luo Xi patted the dust off her hands, looked at Han Qiu with a bit of charm, and smiled mysteriously: "This is not a Qimen technique, I just got lucky!"

The two were obviously more confused. They were so familiar with it, how could there be any trace of coincidence.

I suddenly heard Luo Xi ask: "Do you remember the chess game just now?"

"What chess?" Han Qiu didn't react for a while.

Luo Xi pointed to the candlesticks and said: "Of course, you and I won the chess game together. I just thought that the number sixteen happened to correspond to the sixteen times of picking up the seeds at that time. I tried it by luck, and I didn't expect it to be successful!"

Han Qiu suddenly realized that it was so simple!

Mo Xun on the side was confused, mainly because he knew nothing about the black heron technique.

The three of them each lit up a magic weapon for lighting. Han Qiu was still in the front, and Mo Xun was the last. They walked down the steps.

After walking down for a while, they came to a flat passage. The passage was not wide and could only accommodate one person. It was pitch black inside.

After walking about four or five feet forward, a stone door appeared in front of them.

There was no mechanism or anything like that. Han Qiu had to use force to push the stone door open, making a harsh friction sound, which was particularly creepy in this narrow and claustrophobic passage.

Perhaps because of the long time, all the protective measures have failed. In this process, there was no obstacle.

After the stone door was opened, there was a closed secret room about ten feet in size, built with stone strips.

After seeing the empty secret room clearly, the eyes of the three people fell on a stone platform in the center at the same time.

Under the stone platform, there was a lotus shape of one foot square carved on the four sides. What attracted their attention was that on the lotus, there was a piece of emerald green jade leaf with a faint fluorescence.

The jade leaf is the size of a palm, crystal clear, and the details are carved with exquisite craftsmanship, just like a touch of fresh green in early spring.

However, this thing does not show any spirituality at all, and it is as ordinary as a craft made by a skilled craftsman in the mortal world.

But then again, this thing is placed so hidden, who would be ignorant enough to think that it is an ordinary item?

The value of this thing is definitely not lower than any treasure they have obtained before, or even the sum of those treasures.

At this moment, such a thought is probably not only flashing in Mo Xun's mind.

"Fairy Luo, do you recognize this thing?"

Luo Xi rolled her eyes at Han Qiu in annoyance, and was too lazy to pay attention to him. The meaning was too obvious: "Do you think I am a know-it-all and know everything?"

Mo Xun approached the jade leaf and looked at it intently. Except for the emerald green and many textures on it, there was no clue at all.

This thing doesn't look like a magic weapon or a magic treasure, what is it?

The three of them looked at each other, and for a moment, no one could tell.

After a moment, Luo Xi broke the silence and said, "You two, why don't you let me check it first, okay?"

Han Qiu glanced at Luo Xi and nodded, and Mo Xun also made a silent gesture of invitation.

Luo Xi then carefully picked up the jade leaf, looked at it several times, and then put it in her palm, closed her eyes, and seemed to be feeling something in her heart.

Mo Xun knew that she must be trying to communicate with this thing with spiritual power or consciousness.

However, after a long time, Luo Xi shook her head in confusion, obviously without any gain.

"Friend Han, you can try it too!"

Han Qiu couldn't wait any longer, and immediately took the jade leaf and carefully checked it. At the same time, he imitated Luo Xi and tried it repeatedly several times, but the thing still didn't react at all.

Han Qiu's face was also getting more and more disappointed.

"Has this thing been left for too long and lost its spirituality?"

To be honest, this possibility is not impossible, but it is very low.

It is understandable that low-level magic tools have lost their spirituality after tens of thousands of years, but this thing is a special collection of Yuanying cultivators. Is it so unbearable?

Luo Xi frowned and said, "It may also be that our cultivation is too low and we cannot activate this thing!"

Han Qiu nodded in agreement, and studied it for a long time before reluctantly handing it to Mo Xun.

"Brother Su, take a look too!"

Mo Xun took it carefully in his hand. In fact, he didn't have much hope in his heart. After all, with the cultivation and knowledge of the two people in front of him, they couldn't see through this thing, let alone him?

This thing has a smooth touch. Although it has been placed in the underground without seeing the sun for many years, it is not cold, but has a warm feeling.

Of course, this may also be because it has been touched by the previous two people!

Although he knew he couldn't figure it out, Mo Xun still followed the other two and tried to inject his spiritual power into it.

But the operation that he thought was useless, unexpectedly, made him freeze in place.

His head seemed to be stabbed by something, and he was temporarily absent-minded.

Then, countless digital yuan, like jumping tadpoles, rushed into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Those words were blurry at first, and then gradually became clear.

The first thing he recognized was the four big characters.

"Taixuan Dao Fa!"

This... turned out to be a set of exercises!

But how did this thing get into his mind?

"Brother Su...Brother Su?"

Han Qiu called him several times in succession, and Mo Xun finally realized what he was doing and hurriedly woke up from his loss of consciousness.

"What's wrong, Brother Su?"

Mo Xun forcibly suppressed the turmoil in his heart, and after quickly calming down, he put the jade leaf back to its original place, and then said: "It's okay, I suddenly remembered something else!"

Han Qiu and Luo Xi's eyes fell on Mo Xun's face at the same time. They both seemed to want to read something unusual from the calm expression.

"What's the matter? If it has something to do with this thing, I hope Brother Su will give you some advice!"

Mo Xun then shook his head and said: "It's nothing, just some old memories and has nothing to do with this thing."

Han Qiu looked at Mo Xun with a strange expression, obviously not believing this at all.

But no matter how impatient he was, if Mo Xun didn't want to say anything, how could he ask?

At this time, even a fool can see that Mo Xun must know the secret of this thing!

Han Qiu was secretly scheming. No matter what, he couldn't let Mo Xun get this jade leaf!

However, at this time, Mo Xun was not at all complacent after accidentally finding a rare treasure. In fact, he was even a little uneasy.

He is very familiar with the intrigues in the world of immortality. After so many years of cultivation, has such a good thing ever happened to him?

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