Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 318 Becoming a Spirit

Since the last time he benefited from Xuantian's fire and defeated Senior Luo's seizure, he has regarded this method as the primary way to deal with such sudden crises.

Compared to being taken away from someone, even being injured, what does it mean?

A painful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

But this smile froze on his face before it lasted for a moment.

Just because the voice in his head spoke again, and in his tone, not only was there no trace of panic, but he was astonished as if he were watching a play.

"Junior, how hot are you?"

Is this person not afraid of fire?

This was Mo Xun's first reaction after being surprised!

"Who are you?" Mo Xun gritted his teeth and roared at the top of his lungs.

The man laughed again: "You'd better take away the real fire first, lest I get reincarnated before I'm roasted to death!"

Listening to this wanton ridicule, Mo Xun slowly put away the real fire and breathed heavily on the spot.

"That's right, I don't have a soul or a soul, I don't even have a spirit body. No matter how powerful you are, you are of no use to me!"

Mo Xun was stunned for a moment, not understanding what he meant.

However, this person did not pretend to be mysterious, and continued: "Of course, you don't have to be afraid that I will seize your body. Even if I have this heart, I don't have the ability! But you kid is really a cruel person, so you haven't made any trouble yet. If you know what's going on, you dare to set fire to your own sea of ​​consciousness, tsk tsk..."

At this time, Mo Xun didn't care about the other party's entertainment and asked hurriedly: "What do you mean?"

"Are my words very profound? As a junior, it doesn't matter if you have poor qualifications, but you are still so stupid. How did you practice to this day?"

Mo Xun still ignored the joke and said again: "You'd better tell your whole story clearly, otherwise I would rather give up my life than let you succeed!"

After a cup of tea, Mo Xun walked out of the tunnel calmly, as if nothing had happened.

"Are you OK?"

At first glance, Luo Xi noticed Mo Xun's slightly pale face.

Han Qiu also looked up and down curiously, but perhaps because of his lingering anger, he did not speak.

"It's okay, let's go!"

Luo Xi frowned her delicate eyebrows, but she understood and did not continue to ask. Han Qiu on the side, although he wanted to know the skill of this cup of tea and what Mo Xun did, he was equally interested and did not ask.

Three people, each with their own thoughts!

The person hidden in Mo Xun's sea of ​​consciousness, no, it should only be called a flicker of consciousness, turned out to be the famous Master Cang Kuo.

However, that is just a wisp of memory left by Master Cang Kuo before he passed through the Nascent Soul Heart Tribulation!

That piece of jade leaf is called Faxin Jade.

According to what he said, before giving birth to a baby, Master Cang Kuo used a secret method to seal a memory in order to prevent his consciousness from being annihilated by the inner demons.

But later, for some unknown reason, Master Cang Kuo ignored the matter, and the Dharma Heart Jade was long forgotten.

And that wisp of consciousness that carried part of the memory, nourished by the Faxin Jade, gradually gave birth to a touch of spiritual wisdom over time.

To say what this is now, I really can’t tell!

Especially when this person said that consciousness can derive spiritual intelligence, Mo Xun almost thought it was a fantasy!

He had heard that trees could become spirits and stones could become spirits, but he never knew that human consciousness could also become spirits!

Even though the matter was clearly in front of him, he still found it difficult to accept it.

As for why the other party chose him among the three to possess him, the reason is a bit speechless.

That "Tai Xuan Dao Technique" was the main technique practiced by Master Cang Kuo when he entered Taoism. It can also be regarded as a top-grade existence among the wood attributes.

This senior consciousness can only use this complete technique.

Among the three people, only Mo Xun has the wood spirit root. If you don't look for him, who will you look for?

This seems to be the second time that he has received special "favor" from God because of his four-line miscellaneous spiritual roots.

It's just that this kind of favor really comes as a surprise.

This person's request was simple. He just begged Mo Xun to take him out of this place and see the world.

Like a child who has never been out of the mountains, he expresses his yearning for the outside world.

Beneath this chaotic consciousness, there is actually a naughty heart hidden inside.

"Boy, is this fairy your Taoist companion? She is so beautiful!"

Mo Xun ignored this inappropriate conversation and asked, "Are you sure you no longer need the Dharma Heart Jade and can just possess the portrait?"

"This is nature. It was painted by Cang Kuo's own hands. It is tainted with a trace of his breath. It has the same origin as me."

Mo Xun thought for a while, then asked curiously: "So, are you considered to be Master Cang Kuo now?"

"Hey, since the day I was born with spiritual intelligence, I have nothing to do with him, I just carry some of his memories!"

To be honest, Mo Xun couldn't understand this. He really couldn't figure out how a person's consciousness could evolve into another independent existence.

It's like two different brains conceived in one body.

The world is full of wonders!

"Can I understand that Master Cang Kuo is your master?"

The voice was obviously unhappy and muttered: "Didn't you say that Cang Kuo has ascended long ago? Since he is not in this world, he naturally has no master."

These words are a bit funny, a glimmer of consciousness, but he doesn't want to lose his worth.

"Then what shall I call you?"

The man pondered for a while, and suddenly said to himself in surprise: "Since he is no longer here, then am I not him? Yes, yes... let's do this, I will be Mr. Gongyang from now on. If you call me Senior Gongyang, I will be him." !”

Mo Xun thought to himself that it seemed that "Gong Yangjun" was indeed the name of Master Cang Kuo in the mortal world.

But it's a bit awkward for him to call Yili Consciousness his senior.

In his view, there is no difference between consciousness and a certain part of the human body.

This is like asking him to call senior in front of a strand of hair or a foot. It feels weird no matter how you hear it.

"This... let's talk about it later!"

Fortunately, at this time, Luo Xi's message rang in his ears.

"Brother Mo just stayed in the secret room for a long time, but did he encounter any trouble?"

Before Mo Xun could answer, Gongyang interrupted: "Boy Mo, I don't mind if you tell me about me. It would be even better if we could make some friends with you!"

Mo Xun was a little dumbfounded. A chaotic consciousness that didn't even exist in form still had the heart to cling to beauty?

He even secretly slandered, judging from this person's behavior, the Master Cang Kuo was probably not much better.

Mo Xun first went to Luo Xi and thanked her twice, and then said to Gong Yang in the sea of ​​consciousness: "If you want to make friends, can't you just possess her body yourself?"

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