Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 319: Medicinal Garden

The male sheep sighed, his tone a little frustrated.

"If I had a choice, do you think I would be willing to stay in your body?"

Mo Xun was surprised and asked hurriedly: "Didn't you just say that you could possess that painting?"

"My existence relies on Cang Kuo's memory, which is the technique taught to you. The reason why I can use the portrait to live in my body is just because of the Cang Kuo aura contained in it."

Mo Xun seemed to understand a little bit, that is to say, although this person was born with independent spiritual intelligence, he was still inseparable from the influence of Master Cang Kuo.

"By the way, I have a piece of Nuanyang Blood Jade here. It may have been used by Master Cang Kuo back then. Can it also be used to possess you?"

Gongyang said with some displeasure: "It's just a dead thing, how can it be compared with a portrait that has been transformed into a charm? Besides, even if that thing is useful, I won't live in it and be sat on my butt all day long. Now, how can I save my face?"

Mo Xun curled his lips disdainfully, with a flicker of consciousness, to save face?

"Besides that portrait, is there anything else available?"

Gongyang was a little impatient and said angrily: "Yes, I can barely find a place for things like Cangkuo's natal magic weapon. If you have the ability, go find it."

Mo Xun thought to himself, fortunately, this kind of person only has a glimmer of consciousness. If he were left in the outside world, he would definitely not survive to build the foundation.

But having said that, he had to get this guy out of his body as soon as possible.

Otherwise, there really would be no secret at all.

There was still the last side hall left. When the three of them passed by the main hall, Mo Xun deliberately delayed it for half a beat.

Of course, such a move did not escape the eyes of the other two people.

Especially Han Qiu, I am afraid that he has been paying attention to Mo Xun since he came out.

Of course, Mo Xun didn't want to avoid the two of them.

Entering the main hall again, he took off the portrait hanging on the main wall with one move of one hand and fell into his hands.

Just as he was about to put this thing away, Han Qiu's voice came from behind him.

"It turns out that Brother Su is also a person who likes painting. I wonder if I can let you take a look at this painting?"

The two looked at each other. Before Mo Xun could speak, one of Han Qiu's hands was already holding the other end of the scroll.

After staring for a moment, Mo Xun suddenly smiled and released his palms.

"Fellow Taoist, please!"

Han Qiu also had a smile on his lips and slowly unfolded the scroll, seemingly casually admiring the contents. However, Mo Xun knew that this man had already examined the whole thing in just a few breaths. all over.

"Boy, you are too naive. If someone dared to do this in my time, I would have slapped him with a flaming palm!"

Mo Xun ignored Gongyang's taunts. He was a person who only pursued results. As for the process, it didn't mean much.

However, having such a guy living in his body made him feel more and more awkward, as if his every move was being monitored.

Han Qiu's smile froze on his face for a moment, then spread out and handed the scroll back.

"This painting has vigorous brushwork and profound artistic conception. It is indeed a rare and high-quality painting. Fellow Taoist, please keep it."

Mo Xun nodded and put the scroll into his storage bag.

Luo Xi on the side watched the whole process coldly without saying a word!

The three of them came to the side hall on the right. After entering, they first walked through a corridor. They didn't go far before they were blocked by a barrier.

After the barrier, there was chaos, hazy, as if shrouded in mist.

They walked around and found that this place was covered by restrictions, and they didn't know what was inside.

But what is certain is that there is definitely a treasure hidden there, otherwise, it would not have put so much effort into setting up such a barrier.

At this moment, the ram's somewhat high-pitched voice sounded in Mo Xun's mind again.

"Don't waste your efforts. If you don't have a mid-stage pill-forming cultivation, it's just wishful thinking to get in!"

Mo Xun's eyes immediately lit up and he asked hurriedly: "Do you know what's inside?"

Gong Yang laughed loudly: "The restrictions here were placed by Cang Kuo himself when he was in the late stage of pill formation. Naturally, I know everything about it."

This was the first time that Mo Xun felt the value of this person.

"Do you know how to crack it?"

Just when he felt a little more excited, Gongyang replied leisurely: "I don't know!"

Mo Xun's face immediately darkened.

"Don't you know everything?"

Gong Yang smiled coquettishly: "I know what's inside. As for the memory of breaking the barrier, Cang Kuo didn't leave it to me."

This sentence was like an oasis in the desert that suddenly turned into a mirage.

Mo Xun slowly exhaled a breath: "Then tell me, what's in it?"

"It's nothing, just a medicine garden!"

Hearing this, Mo Xun felt his heart beat a little faster. What kind of medicine garden was there for a late Nascent Soul monk?

In addition, no one has visited this place for tens of thousands of years, and the number of spiritual herbs and elixirs in it is probably astronomical!

If the magic weapon jade slips obtained earlier are appetizers, then this medicine garden can really be called the finale!

But how to get in?

According to Gongyang, this restriction requires at least a level of cultivation in the Dan Formation stage to be able to forcefully break it, which means that reckless actions will definitely not work.

As for the liberation formation, there is no need to think about it. Among the three, no one is proficient in this!

Soon, he thought of something!

It seems that I can only try this little thing.

While Mo Xun was thinking about it, Han Qiu had already taken out his spear and started to attack somewhere tentatively.

There were bursts of roaring sounds in my ears, and countless sand and gravel dust were splashed on the ground.

Mo Xun consciously took two steps back and did not express his thoughts in a hurry.

Later, Luo Xi also joined in, and the two of them joined forces to become even more powerful.

After a long tea time, when the smoke and dust dissipated, the two figures were revealed, but the barrier in front of them was still intact.

"Hmph! You are not overestimating your own abilities!"

Mo Xun was obviously already familiar with Gongyang's sinister tone.

"Are you sure that this is really a medicinal garden?"

Gong Yang replied lazily: "If that old guy Cang Kuo didn't make any changes after sealing me, there is no doubt about it!"

Mo Xun nodded secretly. It stands to reason that once a medicinal garden is chosen, it will not be changed easily.

But there are always exceptions to everything. When the ram was sealed, Master Cang Kuo was just preparing to give birth to a baby. From then on until he ascended, at least six to seven hundred years had passed. What would happen during this period is hard to say.

But then again, no matter what is inside, will he give up easily?

Seeing that they wanted to attack in another place, Mo Xun said: "You two, I have a way, maybe you can give it a try!"

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