Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 320 Earth Armor Beast

Mo Xun took out a transparent little bug in front of the two.

Han Qiu and Luo Xi blurted out: "Break the bug!"

The reactions of the two were within Mo Xun's expectations.

The spiritual bugs in the world are divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower. The first level has twelve species, the second level has thirty-six species, and the third level has seventy-two species.

Although his cracking bug is not of high grade, there are only about twenty of them in the lower level, but it is extremely rare and has special effects.

If we talk about value, it is no less than a magic weapon for those who need it.

Of course, the disadvantage of this thing is also very obvious, that is, it has no defensive ability.

It seems to be extremely sharp to deal with this kind of ancient restriction that no one is in charge of, but it can't withstand any external attack.

"It seems that Brother Mo also used this thing when he entered Yuexing Palace last time?"

Hearing Luo Xi's voice transmission, Mo Xun just nodded lightly.

Speaking of which, his chance was not small. In the ambush, he thought he had lost a set of level 4 formations, but who knew that he would get such a treasure in exchange!

Han Qiu smiled and said, "If I had known that Brother Su had this spiritual insect, why would Fairy Luo and I have to spend so much effort."

"We have to try it to know whether it is useful or not, but I admire your knowledge!"

As Mo Xun spoke, he had already come to the barrier. With a flick of his hand, the small insect like a silkworm pupa attached to the barrier.

He had fed the cracking insect with his blood essence, so he knew what to do with his mind involved.

Luo Xi and Han Qiu gathered curiously, staring at the transparent insect intently. In a few breaths, they gnawed a hole in the place where it was attached.

Mo Xun had studied it specially. When this creature gnaws the formation, it will secrete a kind of body fluid, which can delay the healing of the restriction. However, this delay depends on the grade of the boundary-breaking insect on the one hand, and on the speed of the formation's recovery on the other hand.

Fortunately, this barrier has lasted for tens of thousands of years. In the absence of maintenance, the power it exerts now is probably less than half of the original.

Seeing the boundary-breaking insect go deep into it and leave a tiny hole in the place where it gnawed, the three people were naturally very happy.

The voice of the ram suddenly sounded again in his mind.

"Hehe, your little thing is not bad. If there are tens of thousands of them, I'm afraid there is no place in the world that you can't go."

Mo Xun smiled bitterly in his heart. He wanted to do this, but since he read the spiritual insect book, he knew the difficulty of raising this thing.

Not to mention tens of thousands, even breeding a second one is not so easy.

However, these two experiences reminded him that once he got out, he would have to take time to study the insect technique.

At this moment, the boundary-breaking insect finally penetrated the barrier.

Mo Xun nodded to the two of them, then pinched a Taoist formula, and the whole person turned into a ray of light and sank into the barrier.

As he disappeared, Luo Xi and Han Qiu naturally followed in.

The barrier was colorful, and three rays of light of different colors circled in the air and turned into three young figures.

As soon as the three landed, they couldn't help but be stunned, especially Mo Xun. This was not a medicine garden at all, but a wasteland.

At a glance, let alone spiritual herbs, there was not even a single weed.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, Mo Xun asked gloomily, "Gong Yang, what's going on?"

"How do I know? No one has taken care of it for so many years, even the best spiritual fields will be abandoned."

Mo Xun didn't believe this reason at all. Spiritual objects can be produced in the barren mountains, let alone a dedicated medicine garden?

Gong Yang's tone was already a bit unhappy.

"Maybe it was the old man Cang Kuo who destroyed it when he left!"

Mo Xun didn't believe this even more. Since the medicine garden was destroyed, what's the point of keeping the barrier?

"Boy, don't be disrespectful. Although I am temporarily living in your body, I will not be ordered by you!"

Mo Xun snorted in his heart, but he didn't agree at all. Since he lived in his body, he naturally had to work for him.

Han Qiu said with doubt: "What kind of treasures can there be in such a place?"

Luo Xi squatted down, grabbed a handful of soil, sniffed it, and said uncertainly: "It looks like a medicinal field!"

"Medicine field?" Han Qiu's eyes suddenly flashed with two brilliant lights.

"Yes, there seems to be traces of blending in this soil."

Mo Xun secretly glanced at Luo Xi, and became more and more curious about this woman.

Just by the smell of a little soil, it can be determined that this place is used. It seems that this person has a lot of experience in cultivating spiritual herbs.

"According to the fairy, this place is very likely to be the medicinal garden of Cang Kuo Zhenren?"

Luo Xi nodded, with a bit of regret on his face.

"But it must have been abandoned for a long time and has no value."

At this time, the three of them were all a little helpless. They finally passed through the barrier, but who knew that it looked like this inside.

Mo Xun turned around unwillingly. Han Qiu and Luo Xi also separated, trying to find something similar to the underground secret room before, but there was nothing on the ground. How could there be any clues?

Just when they were all a little discouraged, something strange happened.

A loud "boom" sound came from Han Qiu's direction. Mo Xun looked back and saw that the ground not far away was splashing with mud, as if there was an explosion. In an instant, the area within three or four feet was covered in sand and dust.

Under the loess in the sky, there was a thundering roar, and then, a huge monster was faintly seen crawling out from the ground.

This monster is earth-colored and has the height of an adult. Counting its tail, it is more than two feet long.

From the appearance point of view, this thing looks like a lizard, but its body surface is covered with long hairs. Perhaps because it stays underground all year round, its eyes are as big as copper bells. Under the stimulation of the sun, it can shoot for half a day. Not open.

"Hey...this thing is actually alive!"

As soon as Gongyang finished speaking, Luo Xi on the other side blurted out in surprise: "Level five earth-armored beast!"

Then, Han Qiu's figure flew out of the flying soil like lightning, and the three of them had a tacit understanding and got together immediately.

"Gongyang, do you recognize this earth-armored beast?"

Mo Xun's heart was full of fear. He still knew the concept of a fifth-level monster, which was equivalent to the strength in the late stage of foundation building.

Gongyang didn't seem to hear Mo Xun's inquiry. Instead, he said to himself: "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no matter how bad this little guy is, after tens of thousands of years, he won't still be in this state..."

After a pause, he suddenly said with enlightenment: "I know, this must be the waste egg left here by that little guy, and it was hatched by some chance!"

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