Mo Xun suddenly realized that the original magic of this earth armor beast was to imprison the opponent from a distance.

But if that was the case, how could he fight?

Mo Xun had to temporarily put aside his dissatisfaction with Gong Yang and asked for advice: "Is there any way to deal with it?"

Gong Yang smiled: "Of course there is, as long as you are better than him!"

Mo Xun almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

What kind of method is this?

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. This is just a pupil technique. Just try to avoid looking at it!"

Mo Xun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He didn't expect the explosion just now to be so powerful.

He felt that the power of that talisman would definitely not be lower than the power of a late foundation building cultivator.

"Brother Mo, if you still have any means, use them as soon as possible, don't wait for this beast to recover!"

Luo Xi's voice transmission instantly pulled Mo Xun back to the battlefield.

He put away the Fire Palace Lantern and replaced it with the Xuantian Gourd. With a single hand, the gourd floated in the air.

Then, the temperature around him dropped, and countless cold ice crystals were ejected from the mouth of the gourd, all hitting the limbs and head of the Earth Armor Beast.

"You are really strange, you are practicing fire-related skills, but you use ice-related magic tools!"

Mo Xun ignored Gong Yang's ridicule and continued to inject spiritual power into the gourd.

Since this beast is not afraid of fire, he can only think of a way to restrict its movements first.

However, this method may be useful for dealing with ordinary cultivators, but it is a bit powerless when facing a spiritual beast comparable to the late stage of foundation building.

The Earth Armor Beast was constantly covered by ice, which quickly broke and melted. The two offset each other, forming a strange balance.

At this moment, Luo Xi finally exerted her strength, and her hands quickly changed the Dao formula. Her body began to condense colorful colors, accompanied by a strong wind.

The strong wind was like a solid entity, reflecting a colorful halo in the sun.

In just two or three breaths, sharp flying swords composed entirely of strong winds condensed in front of her, neatly arranged.


With a delicate shout, all the flying swords, with the power to tear the world apart, fiercely stabbed at the temporarily immobile earth armor beast!

The piercing sound of breaking through the air, and the explosion like a heavy hammer hitting steel, rang in the ears of the two people, as dense as firecrackers in the first month of the year.

Under this wave of attacks, the earth armor beast's body protection divine light kept flashing, like the stars in the sky at night.

Mo Xun naturally did not relax, and tried to control the black ice gourd to tightly bind the beast in the ice.

From the beginning of the two people's fight to the current stalemate, the seemingly long process is actually only 20 to 30 breaths.

Now, they can only wait for Han Qiu to complete the arrangement of the magic circle as soon as possible, so as to delay the boundary-breaking insect and open a passage for them.

But then again, even Mo Xun didn't have much confidence that the boundary-breaking insect could recover in such a short time!

"Boy, you actually have something that may be able to temporarily suppress this thing, but why don't you use it?"

Mo Xun knew what Gong Yang meant, but he would not easily use Xuantian True Fire in front of outsiders unless it was absolutely necessary.

"What did you mean by calling me stupid just now?"

"This is the first time I have met someone as stupid as you!"

Gong Yang continued sarcastically: "If this thing was originally a useless egg, and now it has hatched, it means that this little guy has encountered a great fortune, and this fortune is likely to be in the medicine garden!"

When Mo Xun heard this, his eyes lit up.

Yes! This earth-armored beast, after tens of thousands of years of confinement, is only at level five now, which means that this beast was most likely hatched and born in the last few hundred years!

The reason why the useless eggs can hatch is probably because they have been nourished by some treasure for a long time.

Perhaps not long ago, there were countless spiritual herbs planted here, but they were all eaten by this beast.

The more Mo Xun thought about it, the greater this possibility seemed.

But then again, where is the treasure?

Also, could the treasure have been swallowed by this beast a long time ago?

Mo Xun's eyes fell on the earth-armored beast again, but this time he deliberately avoided its eyes.

"Where do you think that good fortune will be?"

Gong Yang blurted out without thinking: "Go and take a look at the hole it crawled out of!"

Mo Xun then noticed that not far behind the earth-armored beast, there was a big hole in the ground, and the mud outside the hole was scattered, looking messy.

He looked up at the Xuanbing Gourd in the air, pinched a few Taoist formulas on his hands, and then his figure flashed and appeared at the entrance of the cave.

Luo Xi, who was far away, naturally noticed Mo Xun's abnormality, but she was at the critical moment of casting a spell, so she had no time to ask.

While the monster was bound, Mo Xun jumped and jumped into the cave.

As soon as he entered here, he really felt a little different.

The outside was in chaos, with bursts of explosions coming one after another, and the smoke and dust filled the mouth and nose, but this place seemed to be filled with a very strange spiritual energy, and even... with a faint fragrance!

That's right, it was a faint fragrance!

And I don't know if it was because of an illusion, in addition to this faint fragrance, there seemed to be a few extremely dim light spots flashing in the turbid air!

If you don't observe carefully, it's really hard to find, and it's even easy to regard it as the residual power of the fluctuation of mana.

But then again, how could there be a delicate fragrance in the lair of such an ugly thing?

The hole was large, but not deep. From Mo Xun's perspective, the earth-armored beast was buried almost close to the surface.

It's also their fault for being careless. They thought this place had been sealed by a barrier for tens of thousands of years, but who knew there were still living things inside!

Just as Mo Xun was looking around, Gongyang suddenly said with some surprise: "Could it be that thing?"


Gongyang didn't seem to hear Mo Xun's inquiry, and muttered to himself: "It's impossible, not even Cang Kuo was able to save it back then!"

Mo Xun didn't have the patience to ask any more questions. He immediately brushed his robe sleeves, and several flying blades transformed by spiritual power came out of his body and hit the cave wall, carving out a large hole and stirring up a cloud of dirt and dust.

Gongyang said with a bit of contempt: "Boy, don't blame me for not reminding you. If you are as careless as you, no matter how good the treasure is, you will beat it to pieces!"

Mo Xun snorted, he was really fed up with this person's temper.

"What do you think we should do?"

This time, Gongyang didn't hide his clumsiness and said with a smile: "Did you notice anything on that place in front of you on the left?"

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