Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 323: The Sky-reaching Jianmu

Mo Xun turned his head and saw that the place where the ram pointed was covered with earthy yellow hair.

In an instant, he understood what the ram meant.

In this cave, the place where the beast often lies is most likely the place where the treasure is buried.

He spread his palm flat, and a small hoe appeared in his hand in a flash of red light.

"Be gentle, if I guess correctly, your luck this time will be against the sky!"

Just as the voice fell, a heart-wrenching roar came to his ears, and then the earth shook violently.

Although Mo Xun didn't see anything, he could guess that it must be the beast that broke free from the ice crystal and fought with Luo Xi.

Sure enough, countless mud and gravel suddenly splashed above the cave, like raindrops, falling on his head!

But at this time, Mo Xun could only pray for Fairy Luo, hoping that this woman could help him delay for a while.

He casually cast a spiritual shield above his head, temporarily covering the entire cave.

Then, he squatted down, holding a hoe in his hand, and carefully dug up the soil under his feet bit by bit.

Not long after digging, a section of plant roots with a faint fluorescent glow really appeared from inside.

Before Mo Xun said anything, Gong Yang was so excited that he almost bit his tongue.

"It's really Tongtian Jianmu! Haha, your luck is really extraordinary!"

Hearing these four words, Mo Xun's eyes almost popped out of his eye sockets!

In other aspects, he may not know much, but this thing is definitely a well-known existence in his mind!

When he was studying the soul-raising tree, he knew about the nine sacred trees, and this "Tongtian Jianmu" was the fourth sacred tree of heaven and earth.

According to legend, this tree is the treasure of the ancient heaven, connecting heaven and earth, and has the power to communicate with gods.

"This... is the Tongtian Jianmu?"

"There is no doubt about it. Cang Kuo accidentally got a piece of Tongtian wood back then. He tried his best to consult countless books and wanted to cultivate it, but he failed in the end. Unexpectedly, this thing came back to life today, tens of thousands of years later! Hehe, I just don't know what the old man Cang Kuo would think when he knew it?"

Mo Xun didn't want to listen to this person teasing his former master now. Since he saw this sacred tree, how could he let it go?

He saw him waving the hoe quickly, digging up the soil next to it piece by piece, and he didn't even have time to pay attention to Luo Xi's calls in succession.

"Boy, how about we make a deal?"

At this time, Mo Xun didn't have the time to talk about any deal with him?

However, Gong Yang did not wait for his answer, and said: "I will teach you a method of refining a magic weapon, which is Cang Kuo's unique skill, and the best material for refining this magic weapon is this Tongtian wood! Of course, in exchange, you must promise to do something for me in the future, how about it?"

At this time, Mo Xun's excavation work was basically coming to an end, so he asked casually: "What magic weapon?"

Gong Yang said word by word, with a little pride: "Black Heron Nebula Disk!"

Hearing these five words, Mo Xun's hoe tilted and almost cut off the roots of the sacred tree!

"Are you sure it's the Black Heron Nebula Disk?"

Gong Yang suddenly raised his voice and said solemnly: "Of course, how could I lie to you, a junior?"

Mo Xun sneered in his heart. He wanted to say with a rich and powerful voice: "You should keep that thing yourself. I don't want it!"

But at this moment, he was quite excited. He didn't expect that this trip would yield such a big harvest!

It was really a lucky day. You could pick up gold even if you fell down!

"Boy, are you interested?"

Just at this moment, the whole root of the tangled root was completely exposed in front of Mo Xun.

For a moment, he felt his heart almost jumped out of his throat!

He patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a jade box, tiptoed to put it in, and then put it away with a wave of his sleeves.

"Boy, I'm asking you a question?"

Facing Gong Yang's angry look, Mo Xun just said lightly: "Let's talk about it after we get out!"

He bent his fingers and flicked, and the light shield above his head disappeared, and the roars and explosions from the outside world were clearly heard again.

But what he didn't know was that at the moment when Tongtian Jianmu disappeared, the earth armor beast rushed towards him like crazy.

By the time he found out, a huge and sharp long-haired claw, with a strong pressure, had already fallen from the sky!

Mo Xun secretly said in his heart, "Oh no!", and instinctively stimulated a layer of spiritual power on the surface of his body to protect his body. At the same time, a huge silver ring covered his head.

With a loud "boom", the small cave collapsed instantly, and the surrounding area within a few feet was immediately shrouded in smoke and dust.

At this moment, the earth armor beast has become a manic dragon, roaring furiously in the dust, and its originally dark eyes have faintly emerged a little red.

Its whole body is like a giant out of control.

Its head and limbs are slapping and biting without any rules, trying to smash the thief who stole its treasure into meat paste!

Luo Xi in the distance didn't know what happened, but she didn't even need to guess, she knew that it must be Mo Xun who made the noise in the monster's cave.

Of course, Luo Xi would not miss this good opportunity.

She flashed behind the earth-armored beast, and then swung the whip with force.

Perhaps because she was careless, she thought that even if the whip could not break the beast's defense, it could still relieve some of Mo Xun's burden.

But at this moment, the earth-armored beast suddenly turned around, and its blood-red eyes, which were bigger than lanterns, met Luo Xi's gaze.

Then, Luo Xi stood there in a daze, as if he was under a spell, unable to move at all!

At the same time, the long whip was about to fall.

The long tail of the earth-armored beast suddenly swept away thousands of troops.

The powerful force made a crisp sound when it collided with the whip.

However, the tail, entangled by the long whip, did not lose its momentum, and swept towards Luo Xi's body with a fierce gust of wind.

Luo Xi's eyes suddenly revealed a trace of shock, and her entire face suddenly turned pale.

But her body was still as if filled with lead, and she couldn't even move a finger!

She had almost anticipated how her internal organs, meridians and dantian would be severely damaged after being hit by the tail!

At this critical moment, a figure suddenly jumped out of the smoke and dust, and flew past Luo Xi like lightning, and then the two of them left a residual shadow in the air. When the tail swept past, they were already more than ten feet away!

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