Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 324: Escape by Luck

Mo Xun put away the exquisite ring, and the whole person was like he had just emerged from the earth, covered with dust and sand.

After Luo Xi resumed his movements, before he could say thank you, Han Qiu's voice came to their ears.

"Two Taoist friends, please step back. It's up to me to do what's next!"

The two immediately understood, and there was no time to be pretentious. They immediately turned into two rays of light and flew away.

At the same time, a circle of invisible gray light rose up around them, covering half of the sky.

Within a dozen feet around the earth armor beast, from the ground, there emerged a pile of wood piles condensed from the soil, like sharpened wood piles.

At Han Qiu's command, those "wood piles" soared into the sky and all flew towards the earth armor beast.

They were so dense that it was like thousands of sharp arrows, shooting down from the air.

Those "sharp arrows" carried the power to destroy everything that blocked their way. They made a series of air-breaking sounds and pierced the protective divine light of the earth armor beast, almost tearing the nearby space into pieces.

There was no inch of the beast's hair that was not exploding, and the smoke and dust that rose up were like shells made of mud, exploding at the same time.

Mo Xun, who was on the periphery, was also quite shocked by the powerful attack. He secretly estimated that Han Qiu's formation was at least level four!

But at this time, he didn't have the leisure to appreciate these.

He came to the barrier, and with his mind involved, he quickly found the location of the boundary-breaking worm.

The little thing had already eaten out more than half of the passage, but at this time, it was like a sickly person without any strength.

Mo Xun suddenly bit his tongue and spurted out a mouthful of blood, which flowed along the tiny hole to the boundary-breaking worm.

He really didn't dare to pin all his hopes of escaping on Han Qiu.

After absorbing the essence and blood, the boundary-breaking insect was still weak, but at least it had recovered some of its energy.

Mo Xun knew that this was a way of drinking poison to quench thirst. He was afraid that once this matter was over, this little thing would not be able to help him in the short term.

But at the moment, there was obviously no better way!

After all, the fifth-level monster was equivalent to the strength of the late stage of foundation building. If it was ruthless and fought with them to the death, I am afraid that in the end, even if it won by luck, it would only be a miserable victory!

After the foundation building, one level of realm is one level of mountain, which is not a joke.

Moreover, among the three people, his realm was the lowest, and he even stole other people's treasures. If they really fought with their lives, he would definitely be the first to bear the brunt.

In the formation, those sharp arrows made of mud were still attacking, but in terms of momentum, they were obviously much weaker than before.

Through the dust and sand, the earth-armored beast inside could only shrink into the pit, as if it was suppressed and unable to move for a while!

Looking back at Han Qiu in the distance, he was holding the formation flag in one hand and pinching the Dao formula in the other. The spiritual power in his body kept pouring into the formation, and he looked a little strenuous.

Presiding over such a large formation is indeed extremely exhausting!

Luo Xi, who was standing by, recovered quickly after the shock just now.

At this moment, she was holding a spiritual talisman in her hand again, which looked the same as the previous one.

Presumably, this thing was her means of saving her life, and she didn't have many of them. Otherwise, if she threw out a dozen of them at the same time, the beast would be seriously injured even if it didn't die.

"Friend Su, have you made any progress? I can't hold on any longer!"

At this time, Han Qiu's forehead was covered with sweat. Although he was not injured, his face looked a little pale due to the consumption of mana.

Mo Xun was anxious and no longer hesitated, and another mouthful of blood was sprayed out.

In an instant, the speed of the boundary-breaking insect increased a bit.

However, at this time, perhaps due to the weakening of the power of the formation, the earth-armored beast inside slowly raised its head, and stared at the three people with a pair of completely blood-red eyes.

"Boy, I will kindly remind you again, the little guy seems to be completely angry this time!"

Mo Xun was too lazy to pay attention to the ram's insignificant reminder.

"Hehe, I'm afraid you don't know yet, in addition to the pupil technique, this beast has another extremely rare skill!"

As soon as the voice fell, the earth-armored beast in the formation suddenly raised its head and roared, and no longer dodged those "sharp arrows", and directly exposed its entire body to the attack.

Then, the protective divine light on its body began to disappear, and instead, its body slowly expanded like an inflated ball.

In just a few breaths, the originally huge body became more than twice as large.

The extremely thick limbs were like large water tanks, and the blood-red eyeballs on the head were like millstones.

Seeing this shocking and astonishing change, the three people showed a bit of panic on their faces.

Mo Xun immediately understood why Gong Yang said that this was a very rare skill.

Obviously, this monster wanted to gain strength by defense!

Of course, the consequence of this approach must be a lose-lose situation!

Without the protective divine light, the mud arrows that fell from the sky directly penetrated into the body of the earth armor beast, and seven or eight places on the yellow fur immediately oozed bright red blood.

However, despite this, the fleshy body surface was still a difficult barrier to break through.

And before the three people could react, the earth armor beast shook its huge body and rushed towards Han Qiu.

Such a big guy, almost every step he took, shook the ground!

In a few steps, it came to the edge of the formation, and then without any fancy moves, it directly used its huge body to crash into the formation.

Just like this, Han Qiu spit out a mouthful of blood, and then he flew backwards.

Seeing this, Luo Xi flew behind Han Qiu with a flash of purple light and dragged him.

The formation collapsed instantly without anyone to preside over it.

But at the same time, the boundary-breaking worm just pierced through the barrier, and Mo Xun finally had a way out.

Facing the earth armor beast without the protective divine light, Mo Xun knew that at this moment, he only needed to wave his arm and release the Xuantian True Fire to seriously injure the beast.

But facing the way out in front of him, how could he take such a risk?

"Both of you, don't fight any more, follow me out!"

After saying that, he turned into a red light and sank into the tiny hole.

At the moment he disappeared, he could still hear the roar of the earth armor beast as it rushed towards him in rage!

When Mo Xun opened his eyes again, he had already come out of the barrier. Then, two rays of light flashed, and Luo Xi appeared in front of him, supporting Han Qiu.

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