Mo Xun saw that the sharp weapon that pierced through his chest, flashing with cold light and with a few traces of blood, turned out to be a gun head!

Then, a laugh that was very familiar to him came from behind him.

"Hehe, Brother Su, Han has to thank you for your reminder!"

Mo Xun's astonishment at this moment can be imagined!

He really dug a hole and buried himself!

But fortunately, Gong Yang's reminder made him instinctively tilt his body a little when he was in danger, otherwise this cold gun head would not have pierced through the right chest, but the heart!

He should have been wary of this person earlier, he was still too young!

At this moment, he did not dare to hesitate at all. He was ruthless in his heart, clenched his teeth, and his body rushed out like a cannonball.

Then, the bright red blood pulled out a long silk thread, overlapping with the afterimage left in the air, just like a blood-red ribbon passing through a transparent body.

The pain made him lose consciousness on half of his body in an instant, and he didn't even notice when blood spurted out of the corner of his mouth.

But he didn't dare to stop, and he couldn't stop. He knew that he had to rush out of the smoke and fog in the shortest time.

But this short time seemed to expand, and it became extremely long for him at this moment.

He felt as if he had spent several hours, or even days!

Finally, he saw the clear grass, the clear sky, and the stream in the distance that stretched for an unknown length.

But in his sight, the stream seemed to be wider and gradually turned into a stream.

But before he had time to rejoice all this, another strong wind came from behind.

But this time, without Gong Yang's reminder, he had already summoned the exquisite ring and surrounded his body.

At present, although he could not control this thing from a distance through his spiritual sense, this thing had obviously become his best defense now.

At this moment, he didn't care about hiding any strength anymore. Even his life was in danger, what else could he not show?

A loud "bang" exploded in his ears, and his body, as if thrown out by a giant, drew a curved arc in the air, and then fell heavily on the grass.

Blood had dyed half of his chest red, and his face turned pale.

In a panic, he stuffed a few healing pills into his mouth, grabbed a handful of white powder, smeared it on the wound, and then stood up and turned around.

When he saw the figure several feet away, his bloodshot eyes flashed with anger, and replaced by a kind of indifferent calm.

That familiar smile, now, is full of strange cunning.

In this world of intrigue and deception, where the supreme avenue is the highest pursuit, this kind of betrayal is actually too common!

At this moment, he was too lazy to even ask "why", and it was meaningless.

He swallowed hard, hunched over slightly, covered the wound with one hand, and the other hand drooped weakly.

It should be the lungs that were injured. He felt a little pain in breathing.

Soon, the bleeding stopped. Under the invisible collar, the bloody hole of skin and flesh was healing the wound bit by bit.

"I didn't expect Brother Su to have such a treasure. I was wrong!"

Han Qiu raised an arc at the corner of his mouth, and his greedy eyes swept across the ring on Mo Xun's head.

Then, he put away the spear in his hand, and in a flash of rosy light, he changed it again with a golden spear that was shining with golden light.

At first glance, Mo Xun recognized that this was a high-level magic weapon, even a top-level one!

After taking a breath, he cast a spell without saying a word.

The exquisite ring on his head suddenly grew larger after emitting a burst of white light, and then spun rapidly. However, due to his spiritual consciousness, this object could only hover around him, which greatly reduced its lethality!

The silver halo emitted waves of dense light needles.

Those omnipotent light needles covered the area within a few feet.

"Boy, I am short-sighted. I didn't realize you have such a powerful magic weapon!"

At this time, Mo Xun didn't care about Gong Yang's ridicule!

Han Qiu's face changed and he retreated as soon as he cast the spell. At the same time, the spear in his hand spun rapidly in front of him, forming a golden shield like a wind and fire wheel.

Intensive crackling sounds rang in the ears of the two people, and the golden shield seemed to be ignited, with gold and silver flames constantly appearing.

Taking advantage of this brief time, Mo Xun hurriedly sat down cross-legged to refine the medicinal power in his body.

But Han Qiu didn't seem to want to give him extra time.

After a loud "boom", the grass on the ground cracked, and soil kept flying into the sky, forming large and small dust, covering the area where the two were.

The whole space was filled with endless smoke and dust again, and in the hazy vision, it seemed to be a little thicker than before.

Mo Xun smiled bitterly in his heart. He really gave the other party a good idea!

The exquisite ring on the top of his head was still emitting visible light needles around, but Han Qiu's figure had disappeared.

Mo Xun knew that in this dusty sky, he was equivalent to a blind man, but the other party could accurately lock his position.

Now he has the Linglong Ring to protect him temporarily, but it is not a long-term solution.

Thinking of this, he no longer wanted to continue healing, and immediately stood up and was about to fly into the air.

At this time, he hoped that a few Shangfu birds would come to break the superiority and inferiority between the two.

But when he was less than ten feet away from the ground, a huge palm made of mud suddenly appeared above his head, like a small mountain, and slapped him on the head.

Mo Xun hurriedly turned the attack direction of the Linglong Ring, and countless light needles hit the mud palm, and it was completely shattered in a breath.

But before he could relax for a moment, two huge mud fists gathered again in front and behind him.

He quickly dodged to the side, and the two mud fists met in the air, collided with a bang, and shattered into countless dirt.

Mo Xun was about to fly up again, and several mud fists attacked from all directions, and he had to dodge left and right.

"Brother Su, as long as you tell me the secret in the secret room and hand over this magic weapon, I can let you go, how about it?"

Mo Xun sneered. What he hated most in his life was being betrayed!

Regardless of whether the other party's words were true or false, since they had turned against each other, he had no intention of letting this person go!


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