Mo Xun fell back to the ground. Since the other party wouldn't let him go, he wouldn't leave either!

I saw him put away the exquisite ring. This thing consumes too much and cannot be used for a long time. It cannot find the opponent's position. It is simply a waste of mana!

Then, he flipped his palm, and the Qingluan Firebird between his arms made a crisp cry and spurted out from his body.

In an instant, a few feet around him were enveloped in a sea of ​​fire, and even the soil, sand and gravel in the air seemed to be ignited.

The raging fire is overwhelming!

In the raging fire, there was also a flicker of electric light, which was the mutation after absorbing the essence of the Thunder Beast!

Since the opponent can use dust and sand as eyes, why can't he use flames as ears?

But having said that, using the Xuanthen Fire that burns all things to trace shadows is really overkill!

"Haha, Brother Su, you really excite me. Han also accepted this ball of flame!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mo Xun's pupils suddenly dilated, and then he quickly dodged sideways like a conditioned reflex.

At the same time, a golden spear flew past his scalp.

Mo Xun snorted coldly and pinched the secret in his hand. The spiritual power in his body poured into the flames crazily, and then the burning range of the fire expanded again.

He didn't believe it, it was like this, and he couldn't catch the other party's shadow.

But things seemed to backfire like this!

Obviously, the smoke and dust mastered by Han Qiu are easier to use than his fierce fire, and the range is wider!

This is like in the dark night, the opponent can see ten feet, but he can only perceive five feet. Although he no longer needs to be so passive in defense, he still cannot lock his position.

Suddenly, another golden spear came, and Mo Xun immediately directed the Xuantian Fire to collide head-on, binding it in the flames.

But that thing immediately dissipated the moment it touched the flames!

It seems that this golden spear weapon has the effect of condensing clones.

The two of them fought for dozens of rounds between attacking and defending. For a while, they seemed to be in a stalemate.

Han Qiu's intention was too obvious, which was to use the geographical advantage to exhaust Mo Xun's mana in this dusty sky.

But Mo Xun would naturally not follow this person's wishes.

I saw him suddenly take out a wooden lock, which was the soul-nurturing lock!

"Fellow Daoist Hongying, come out and see me quickly!"

On top of the lock, a vague virtual figure gradually appeared.

"Fellow Daoist Mo, you are here to be summoned..."

Just halfway through saying this, he hurriedly got into the soul-nurturing lock and asked tremblingly: "Fellow Daoist Mo, are you going to be burned to death?"

Mo Xun shook his head, feeling dumbfounded for a moment.

"Don't worry, this is your chance, fellow Taoist!"

Hongying said with obvious disbelief: "Fellow Taoist, don't try to deceive me. There are fires of the Sun everywhere outside. Where is the opportunity?"

Mo Xun didn't talk nonsense with him, and immediately explained his situation briefly...

Then, he threw it away casually and threw the soul-nurturing lock into the distance.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the ram's voice suddenly sounded.

"Boy, you are so scheming. I'm afraid this little friend has been sold by you, and he still counts the money for you, right?"

Mo Xun sneered: "He and I are enemies to begin with, and he has plotted against me again and again. If it weren't for the oath he made at the beginning, I would have refined him into a fire!"

While the two were talking, another golden gun shot out.

But this time, Mo Xun made no effort to intercept.

Immediately, he began to slowly shrink the Xuantian Fire nearby. He wanted to give Han Qiu the illusion that his magic power would not last.

"Boy, it's time to answer me about the deal I told you earlier, right?"

At this time, Mo Xun had no intention of negotiating a deal with him, so he casually said: "I don't like any magic weapon. If you want to do something with me, just give me the magic weapon in exchange!"

Gongyang asked doubtfully: "Didn't I give you an article called "Tai Xuan Dao Fa"?"

While Mo Xun was shrinking his defense, he was moving slowly, occasionally avoiding the incoming spears.

As for the earth attack, under the burning of Xuantian Fire, it was extremely difficult to get close to him.

"Don't you know that what I practice is the fire attribute, so what's the use of the wood attribute?"

Gongyang said disdainfully: "What's so difficult about this? You can just modify it. This "Tai Xuan Tao Method" is Cang Kuo's main training method. I don't know how much better it is than the fire method you practice. Times!”

Mo Xun sneered secretly, saying this quite easily.

Although it is much easier for him to practice low-level skills now than before with his foundation-building cultivation, it will still take several years of hard work.

Furthermore, since he obtained the "Five-turn Hunyuan Gong", he has new concerns in his mind.

Therefore, he is determined to obtain this fire-based technique!

Seeing that Mo Xun was no longer talking, Gongyang said seductively: "It's easy to talk about martial arts. Now that you have Tongtian Jianmu, if you can get the refining method of the Black Heron Nebula Disk, you can definitely say that you will be even more powerful! "

Mo Xun couldn't help but asked curiously: "You are trying so hard to persuade me, what do you want me to do for you?"

Gongyang laughed dryly: "Isn't this... I haven't thought about it yet. It won't be too late to talk about it after I think about it. But I can guarantee that it will definitely be within your ability."

Mo Xun was still waiting to ask again, but at this moment, a scream suddenly came from a place not far away.

"Who is it? Come out quickly!"

Mo Xun was delighted, it seemed that Hongying had succeeded!

He immediately stopped hesitating and went towards the voice like a ghost.

But this time, he did not use the Xuantian True Fire directly, for fear that he would burn Hongying's soul to ashes if he was not careful, which would violate the oath of the heart demon.

The moment he saw the hazy figure, he had already slapped out a palm and hit the opponent's chest directly.

Then, Han Qiu, who was already holding his head and screaming, spit out a mouthful of blood, and flew backwards like a kite with a broken string.

Han Qiu, who fell to the ground, had no time to pay attention to the injuries on his body. He rolled on the ground like a madman, looking in great pain!

Mo Xun was too clear about the feeling of the soul being torn apart when taking over the body!

He rushed forward and restrained Han Qiu, and at the same time stretched out his left hand and placed it on the top of his head.

After half a cup of tea, Han Qiu's voice became smaller and smaller, and the spirit in his eyes became more and more empty, until finally, the painful cry finally disappeared, replaced by extremely weak but strong gasps.

Mo Xun slowly loosened his palm, and the other party collapsed to the ground. After a long time, he said weakly: "Thank you for the grace of rebirth, Mo Daoyou!"

Hearing this familiar tone, Mo Xun's mouth suddenly raised a strange arc.

"It seems that Daoyou succeeded!"

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