The moment he saw this person, Mo Xun's heartbeat quickened.

He now had all the skills, and if he still had some tricks up his sleeve, he would probably have only this life left!

The man looked at Mo Xun with interest, his eyes flashing with excitement.

"I didn't expect that a mere foundation-building initial stage person would have so many treasures!"

Mo Xun didn't plan to waste words with him, the gap between their realms was too big, so he was ready to go all out as soon as he made a move!

He suddenly took out a stack of talismans, which looked thick and numbered over a hundred.

He didn't know how long he had accumulated these talismans, and he threw them out without any hesitation.

Those talismans turned into balls of fire and lightning, as well as earth and golden light in the air, with a mighty momentum, like a volcano that suddenly erupted during a thunderstorm.

However, these talismans were of too low a grade after all, and they would probably only serve to confuse opponents of this level.

The fire-winged mosquitoes around the two were blown away.

However, these little things were not afraid of fire. After being burned, they flew up again.

At the same time, he threw out five or six low-level magic weapons in succession. After shouting, they all exploded.

For him now, maybe there are no other things, but the number of magic weapons is a bit too much.

However, these things have not been sacrificed, so he can only immerse a wisp of spiritual power into them, so as to force them to self-destruct, which is a bit wasteful in terms of power.

However, they are in large numbers, and the impact of an explosion cannot be underestimated!

In this world, I am afraid that only he dares to launch such a luxurious attack.

Just this one attack alone costs at least thousands of spirit stones!

If it were placed in the outside world, I don’t know how many people would call him a spendthrift!

The golden-faced man was obviously the first time he encountered such a free fighting method. For a while, he was a little unresponsive.

When the dust in front of him cleared, Mo Xun had already taken out a golden spear in his hand and was attacking the magic circle that trapped Huo Luan.

The golden-faced man snorted angrily, leaped up, and smashed Mo Xun's head with a fist carrying a strong wind and unstoppable force.

But at this moment, a series of dense explosions sounded around him again.

With him as the center, eight directions all exploded at the same time!

The golden-faced man was experienced after all. Although his face changed suddenly, he still activated a layer of spiritual power shield around his body at a very fast speed.

But without any defense, several pieces of debris hit his body one after another.

Within a radius of several feet, smoke and dust suddenly filled the air, mixed with countless blood-colored flying insects, and a thick layer of red mucus fell on the ground.

Compared with his previous calmness, the golden-faced man was now in a very bad state. His clothes were torn, his hair was flying in disorder, and even the golden mask on his face was stained with a layer of burnt black.

Due to this series of explosions, several fires had already started near the two of them. The originally green grass was in a mess with the soil flying around. The shallow stream not far away was cut off in the middle, and the stream was full of red flying insect corpses.

This time, Mo Xun had buried ten magic weapons behind him early.

Even if he couldn't kill this guy, he wouldn't let him have an easy time.

Taking advantage of this brief calm, he kept attacking the magic circle in front of him. The golden spear in his hand, together with the exquisite ring on his head, never stopped.

Fortunately, this formation seemed to be arranged in a hurry, and it was specially designed to encircle the Xuantian True Fire, so it was common in defense!

In just a few breaths, he broke a big hole next to it.

The Fire Luan uttered a clear cry, flapped its wings that were red and had a few flashes of lightning, and flew out of the formation.

Mo Xun was delighted and hurried to take it into his body.

This thing didn't play a big role in the sky full of fire-winged mosquitoes, and because of his momentary negligence, it was almost taken away by someone.

However, after the Fire Luan hovered in front of him, it didn't rush back, but opened its mouth and spit out a white thing from its mouth.

It was his Xuanbing Gourd!

When the gourd was in his hand, Mo Xun was unconsciously moved.

Unexpectedly, the little guy didn't forget his instructions in this situation.

Mo Xun smiled softly, but it pulled the large wound on his face that was corroded by the venom. He then turned his palm out, and the Fire Luan turned into a red light and re-entered his body.

Mo Xun's hanging heart finally settled down.

He hurriedly took out several pills, some for healing and some for detoxification, and stuffed them all into his mouth.

At this moment, a figure with ragged clothes and an extremely gloomy face slowly walked out of the smoke and dust not far away.

"It has been many years since anyone has hurt me! I am very curious, who are you and how can you have so many treasures?"

Hearing this solemn voice, Mo Xun immediately took a few steps back.

"But it's good this way. The richer your wealth, the more valuable my trip is!"

This time, the golden-faced man did not rush to attack. When Mo Xun took a step back, he took a step forward. His two eyes kept checking left and right from time to time. It was obvious that he was quite afraid of the ambush just now!

"I don't believe it. How many magic tools can you still squander?"

After the golden-faced man said this, Luo Xi's voice also sounded in Mo Xun's ears.

"Brother Mo, the magic windmill is ready, come here quickly!"

Mo Xun raised his head calmly, and the corner of his mouth suddenly curled up, and he said with a bit of contempt: "Since you don't believe it, I can only show my ugliness!"

After that, a rosy glow flashed in front of him, and more than 30 different magic weapons of various colors floated out.

There are long swords, silver maces, black tokens, white jade bottles, etc., which can be said to be varied and have all kinds of things.

Among these, half are mid-level magic weapons, and there are two high-level ones!

If you want to talk about the value, it is at least tens of thousands of spirit stones!

Seeing this spectacular scene in front of him, the golden-faced man immediately showed a look of astonishment on his face.

Although he has now reached the late stage of foundation building and has long lost interest in magic weapons below the high level, it does not mean that he has no interest in these things.

If you count them, the number of magic weapons he has owned since he started practicing has never been so many.

Who is the person in front of him?

This was the only thing he wanted to know at the moment!

But Mo Xun didn't give him a chance to ask, and had already urged the magic weapons in the sky to fly towards him at a high speed.

At the same time, a residual image was left at the location where Mo Xun was.

Then, there were dozens of earth-shaking explosions, and the earth began to tremble again.

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