The aftermath of the explosion was so powerful that even Mo Xun was like a helpless little boat in the sea, beaten back by the raging waves.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the exquisite ring played a role, surrounding his body and protecting him from the frontal impact.

At the same time, a treasure car full of divine light drove towards him.

When the divine wind car came to the front, it did not stop, but just slowed down a little.

A slender purple figure quickly jumped out of the car and supported Mo Xun from behind when he was about to land.

At this moment, Mo Xun only had a buzzing sound in his ears and his head was even more dizzy, but at the moment Luo Xi appeared, he still vaguely felt a touch of softness on his back.

The divine wind car also passed by the two of them just right, and Luo Xi pushed him onto the car with a light push.

But just as Luo Xi was about to enter the carriage, a violent gust of wind suddenly came from the center of the explosion, where the smoke and dust were filled.

If you look closely, it is actually a translucent and huge giant palm.

The giant palm slapped Luo Xi's body at lightning speed.

Then, there was a sound of bones breaking, accompanied by a scream of pain, and a stream of sticky blood spurted out of Luo Xi's mouth, and then her whole body, like a thrown stone, fell heavily in the carriage.

The whole carriage, like a fallen leaf drifting in a hurricane, swayed a few times and drove away from its original trajectory.

It felt as if the palm force was a little stronger, this treasure car would fall apart.

However, despite this, a series of creaking and twisting sounds were also emitted in the carriage.

Mo Xun saw this scene and suddenly became a little more sober, and immediately went forward to help Luo Xi.

The full-strength attack of a late-stage foundation-building cultivator may seem simple, but the power it contains is truly jaw-dropping.

But Luo Xi struggled to get rid of him, gritting his teeth, as if using up his last bit of strength, crawling to the operating table, and slapping the bulge with his right hand.

Then, after a slight shake, the Divine Wind Car suddenly turned a corner on the spot and rushed away quickly.

Due to the momentary unpreparedness, the huge inertia caused Mo Xun's back to hit the wall of the car behind him heavily.

As the Divine Wind Car accelerated, a faint halo kept flashing around the entire car body, passing by the red "sharp arrows" floating in the air and hitting them without any dodge.

However, the materials of this car seemed to be coated or integrated with some special materials. Although the venom of the flying insects after the explosion was all like pouring blood, attached to the car body, it did not produce any corrosive effect as before.

And because the car was going too fast, it drove up the air flow, almost forming a vacuum zone wherever it passed!

The scene outside the car, due to the delay in vision, seemed to be connected into red and green ribbons.

In just a breath, the divine wind car passed through the blood mist array surrounded by flying insects, and the hysterical roar of the golden-faced man rang in the ears of the two.

However, the roar was getting smaller and smaller.

Mo Xun turned his head and looked at Luo Xi who was lying on the ground. Her face was pale and a little scary. Her forehead was full of fine sweat, and there was a large pool of blood at the corners of her mouth and chest.

Her palm placed in the groove was slender and white, but Mo Xun could clearly feel the slight tremor coming from her body at this moment.

Mo Xun wanted to do something for her, even feed her a healing pill, but because he didn't know her injury, the medicine was not suitable for her, and it was more of a hindrance than a help.

At this time, Mo Xun couldn't disturb her. At the critical moment of life and death, there was no time for distraction.

However, Luo Xi's act of saving him just now made him have a different view of this woman.

To be honest, in this world of cultivation where the strong prey on the weak and intrigues are everywhere, he rarely felt a different kind of warmth.

Perhaps not everyone is a person who forgets his principles when he sees profit.

The two of them just stared at each other, and the consciousness of the other gradually blurred. They looked at each other in silence for an unknown period of time.

Until there was only a long tail left behind the divine windmill, and there was a vast grassland that could not be seen at a glance, Mo Xun thought in his heart that he should have escaped!

When the heart that had been hanging for a long time finally let go, he realized that he was also injured in the explosion.

Pain and fatigue attacked all parts of his body at the same time, and even the pierced chest was torn in the previous battle.

But he knew that it was not time to rest yet.

Maybe they have the mark left by the late master on their bodies.

And this possibility is very high!

"Fairy Luo, how are you?"

Mo Xun shouted several times, but did not get a reply from Luo Xi.

He then noticed that Luo Xi's eyes were closed at this time, and her breathing was extremely weak.

But despite this, the white hand still controlled the magic wind car, wandering aimlessly and quickly.

Mo Xun did not dare to touch it for a while, because he was really not sure whether he could control this treasure car without Luo Xi's control.

He glanced at the groove next to it, and most of the spirit stones in it had been consumed.

After another half an hour, until all the spirit stones were used up, the speed of the magic wind car slowly decreased.

However, during this process, Luo Xi was still unconscious.

After the treasure car stopped, Mo Xun immediately went to help Luo Xi.

But no matter how he called, Luo Xi never woke up.

In desperation, he tried to use a bit of spiritual power to enter the other party's body. However, he was shocked after this exploration.

At this time, Luo Xi not only had more than a dozen bones broken, but even his meridians were severely damaged. Spiritual energy was flowing freely in his body, as if he was in danger of death at any moment.

He immediately took out two pills and delivered them to the other party's mouth.

As for the rest, there was nothing he could do and he could only rely on Luo Xi himself.

But then, it becomes a bit difficult. How to walk with a woman in this deserted place?

Thinking of this, he had no choice but to take out another pill.

However, this pill is not for healing, but for making people sleepy.

After feeding Luo Xi, he took out the green gourd. After a burst of green light, he put the entire treasure cart into the gourd.

Mo Xun didn't dare to stay here for long.

He quickly changed his clothes, then carefully checked from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. After making sure there was nothing special, he burned all the clothes with a fire, changed direction, and left quickly.

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