Just as he stood up to leave, he suddenly stopped again.

He felt that he seemed to have overlooked some important details.

But what was it?

He slowly walked to Luo Xi's side and found that after a few days of recuperation, Luo Xi's face was slightly ruddy.

He then squatted down, touched Luo Xi's pulse, and a wisp of spiritual power passed into his body, and simply checked the other party's injuries.

After a while, he took out two more pills and fed them into Luo Xi's mouth.

Then, he also swallowed a healing pill and meditated to refine it.

He knew that the more this time, the more he needed to calm down.

In the gourd space, there is no night or day, just like its appearance, it is always the same green!

Mo Xun's figure wandered in the green world again.

From a distance, it was like a deep and lonely thinker bathing in the green sunset.

After a long time, he suddenly raised his head, and then his robe sleeves brushed across his waist. In front of him, a flash of light appeared, and a black monster with three necks appeared. Next to it, three bloody heads rolled around. It was one of the red-eyed Shangfu that Luo Xi had killed before.

Because this thing had been stored in a storage bag, it still maintained its appearance when it just died.

Mo Xun hugged his arms and stared at his feet.

Since there was no storage bag in this soul-stealing formation, it meant that someone must be responsible for collecting it later.

Put yourself in his shoes. If he was the one who arranged this formation, who would be the most suitable person to collect it?

Obviously, aren't these flat-haired beasts the best laborers?

If you think along this line of thought, these Shangfu birds can probably enter and exit this place freely without being affected.

Of course, this is just his superficial conjecture. As for what it is, we have to test it to know.

Then, he took out a dagger and quickly pulled out all the internal organs of the creature, leaving only an empty body.

Then, he cast a spell to graft the three heads back, and then the whole person, not caring about the dirt and stench, got into it.

Fortunately, the Shangfu bird was big enough, otherwise, he would have to use the art of transformation.

When he came out of the green gourd again, he had disguised himself as an ugly black bird.

He did not move for the time being, just standing there quietly. After a full incense stick of time, he couldn't help but smile under the black disguise.

This method really worked.

Although he could still feel the restlessness in his body, it was weaker than before and could be almost ignored.

Presumably, this Shangfu bird had some special immunity in the formation.

As for whether this immunity came from the wings or the flesh, it was hard to say.

He then soared into the air and flew towards the formation barrier, but after a moment, he was blocked and fell back to the original place.

He couldn't help but frowned, thinking secretly, although this Shangfu bird is immune to the formation, I'm afraid not all of them can enter this place.

He had expected this in advance. After all, if it were him, he would not allow those beasts with little intelligence to enter and exit at will if he set up such a powerful formation!

Or, there is another possibility.

That is, there is an independent Shangfu in the formation, which is responsible for collecting the storage bags of dead monks.

Mo Xun nodded secretly, it seems that this probability is even higher!

But now that he can stay outside for a longer time, he can do more experiments.

He saw that he placed more than 30 magic tools near the barrier, both low-level and medium-level.

In his opinion, the power of these things exploding at the same time, even if it is not as good as the attack of a Jindan monk, must be not far behind.

If even this method cannot shake the barrier here, no matter how many magic weapons there are, it is useless.

After all, the more magic weapons there are, the larger the area they occupy. Once the impact is dispersed, there will be no effect.

Thirty pieces, this is the number he feels is more appropriate after weighing it.

But just when he was about to cast the spell, he suddenly stopped.

If it is true as he guessed, there is a Shangfu who specializes in collecting storage bags here, will it alarm this thing?

But in a moment of thought, he cursed stupidity inwardly.

Finding this Shangfu, doesn't it mean finding a way to survive?

It seems that after being surrounded and suppressed by those beasts several times, he has really become a bit of a bird with a wounded bow.

A moment later, there was a loud "boom" sound, and smoke and dust suddenly rose in a radius of several feet. The ground under his feet seemed to be cracked, and even Mo Xun in the distance was a little unstable.

The fragments produced by the explosion were shot in all directions. Some were thrown high up, while others penetrated several feet into the ground. The remaining power was still undiminished. The flames rose one or two feet high in the dust.

The huge impact compressed the air and passed around Mo Xun.

Fortunately, he used the exquisite ring to build a layer of defense at the first time.

To be honest, this level of power was the first time Mo Xun had seen it.

Although he had self-destructed many magic weapons during the previous fight with the golden-faced man, because they had not been sacrificed, they were far from this time in terms of momentum and power.

Although he had never seen a Jindan cultivator take action, he thought it was probably the same.

It should be noted that among them, the mid-level magic weapons alone accounted for more than half.

In order to break this strange formation, he was also desperate!

Soon after the explosion, he hurriedly looked around. If there was really a monk here, it would most likely be alarmed and come.

But after waiting for a whole cup of tea, he didn't even see a ghost.

Mo Xun thought for a while and probably understood the reason.

Perhaps the monk regarded the explosion as a counterattack before the monk died!

When the smoke and dust dissipated, Mo Xun came to the center of the explosion and saw that a deep pit of nearly two meters was blown out here.

Countless white bone fragments were scattered in the flying mud.

But unfortunately, the barrier next to it was still intact and seemed to have not been affected at all.

In fact, this situation is also reasonable. After all, the Jindan monks trapped in this place have never left alive, so how can it be effective?

Of course, there is another situation, that is, this formation barrier has a strong ability to mend, and can repair the damaged places in a very short time.

But even so, what can be done?

An explosion of this power would inevitably affect him even if he was closer. How could he possibly seize that brief moment and get out?


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