Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh deeply again.

In the past few days, he has tried almost all the methods he could think of, but this formation is like a cage made of cast iron, and there is no gap.

He touched the exquisite ring in his hand and fell into deep thought again.

But just when he was disappointed and was about to return to the green gourd, a black dot suddenly appeared in the sky not far away.

Then, the black dot fell rapidly.

Mo Xun was shocked and wanted to hide quickly, but where could he hide in this empty place?

After a while, he finally saw clearly that the thing was actually a person, but to be precise, it could only be called a corpse.

After a "bang", there was another cloud of dust at the place where it landed, and some scattered bones were also shaken away.

When he came to the corpse, he recognized it at first glance as a rare late foundation building cultivator in the "island in the center of the lake".

Due to the force of falling, the whole body was deeply embedded in the soil, smashing a strange pit on the ground.

Even more strange was the head, the whole head was twisted 180 degrees, a pair of eyes that still refused to close their eyes, just staring at the sky, the pupils were full of red bloodshot.

However, this person's body was very strong, and it didn't fall apart after falling from such a high place.

However, it can be seen that this person's limbs were broken.

Soon, Mo Xun saw a jade pendant with some spirituality and a storage bag on his waist.

He wanted to pick it up and check it, but he stopped immediately.

He suddenly thought, isn't this the best bait?

With this thought, he hurriedly retreated, jumped into the big pit caused by the explosion just now, and piled up a bunker with mud and got in.

Now, except for this method of waiting for the rabbit, he can't think of a better way for the time being.

At the same time, he was thinking in his heart, how did this corpse get thrown in?

From all the signs, this formation should allow entry but not exit.

There was no obstruction when entering, and even on the periphery, there was no sign of it.

Or, is there something like a mechanism in this place, and when those Shangfu want to throw in the corpse, the formation will be temporarily closed?

Mo Xun shook his head secretly, this possibility seems unlikely.

He waited for half a day.

Just as the sunset fell in the sky, there was finally movement in the distance!

Mo Xun's hawk-like eyes immediately noticed a gradually approaching black shadow at the end of the grass.

But the strange thing is that the black shadow was not flying in the air, but walking close to the ground.

Although Shangfu also has legs, he has never seen such a beast walk!

As the black shadow got closer and closer, Mo Xun's eyes suddenly widened.

It was because the thing that was walking was neither a human nor a monster, but a blurry black fog.

It didn't seem quite appropriate to describe it as walking. To be precise, it should be floating along the ground!

In other words, the surface of the thing was completely covered by black fog, like a moving black cloud.

Mo Xun felt his breath freeze in an instant!

It was the first time he encountered such a ghost thing.

The black shadow came to the dead monk, and his body suddenly swept over the corpse like a gust of wind. Whether it was the jade pendant or the storage bag, they were all swept into the black fog.

The whole process looked extremely strange.

Watching the black shadow gradually go away, Mo Xun put on the invisible cloak, immediately blending into the surrounding environment, and then followed it.

He didn't know whether this piece of clothing could hide his whereabouts in front of such a ghost, so he could only try to restrain his breath.

When it reached the center of the formation, the shadow suddenly stopped and uttered a very gloomy and hoarse sound that did not seem to come from the vocal cords, like a spell.

Then, a magical thing happened. A dark door suddenly rose from the ground.

While Mo Xun was surprised, the shadow disappeared into the door, and the black door gradually disappeared.

After a while, Mo Xun came to the place where the black door was and stamped his feet on the grass.

There was only green grass on the ground, without any signs of damage, as if the black door appeared out of thin air.

However, judging from the scene just now, his previous analysis was more than half right.

Even if the shadow was not the one who set up the formation, it was sent to guard the formation.

Could it be that it was the demon clan?

At this moment, Mo Xun really wanted to wake up Luo Xi and ask about the demon clan in detail.

He had a vague intuition that the place where this door led to was probably the way out of this place.

But thinking of that strange monster made him feel a little uneasy.

People are always full of fear of unknown things, and he is no exception!

He slowly stood to the place where the shadow was just now, and then recalled it, imitating the strange tone, and chanting the awkward and difficult spell.

After a long time, nothing happened.

Could it be that he chanted it wrong?

Or this spell is only effective for the demons?

Mo Xun thought about it and was afraid that it was the second possibility. After all, the spells he usually used also had to be combined with the spiritual power of the skills.

He slowly retreated to a distance and hid again. This clue was the most likely way out that he could get access to at present.

A few more hours passed quickly, until the second half of the night, when a slight noise came from the distance again.

Mo Xun held his breath, and his nerves immediately tensed up.

In the night, he slowly walked towards the rising black door.

I don’t know whether this invisible cloak is indeed extraordinary, or the spiritual awareness restriction here also has an effect on the black shadow.

At least so far, he has not found any signs of being noticed by the other party.

Of course, at this moment, he held the exquisite ring in one hand and the golden bowl in the other hand, ready to launch an attack if the situation is not good.

I just don’t know whether the monster condensed by the mist has a physical body, and whether it can be effective against the magic weapon attack?

He vaguely felt that the thing should be afraid of fire, but here, he dared not use the Xuantian True Fire rashly, and felt a little restrained.

But then again, if he could avoid this fight, he would naturally avoid it. Without knowing the other party’s details, he was unwilling to take risks.

Sure enough, not long after, the black shadow floated out from inside.

The black door behind it was also shaking slightly, and it seemed to disappear again.

At this moment, Mo Xun suddenly exerted force on his feet, and under the use of the Wind Control Technique, he disappeared into the black door like a gust of wind.

But what he didn't know was that the moment he entered the black door, the black shadow, which had not yet walked far, suddenly paused.

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