Under the dim light, Mo Xun slowly opened his eyes. He was now in a small stone chamber.

As soon as he entered this place, he felt a strange breath.

This breath was somewhat similar to that of the demon cultivators in the southern border, but not completely connected.

It seemed to be more intense!

This was almost the same as what he had guessed before. The demons and the demons probably had some kind of origin.

If Hongying was still alive, he would inevitably call her out and ask her carefully.

Looking back vigilantly, he found that the place where he came in also had a small black door, as if it was embedded in the wall.

Then, he suddenly felt happy, because in this confined space, the insignificant restlessness in his body could not be felt at all.

It seems that this place should belong to the vacuum zone of the formation.

He hurriedly got out of Shang Fu's body. Because he had been there for too long, his whole body was sticky and had a pungent fishy smell.

To be honest, he could bear it. If he were a person who loved cleanliness, he would have been unable to bear it.

He put away Shang Fu's body and then performed a water spell to clean it.

But after releasing his spiritual consciousness, he was still restricted.

In the stone room, there were stone tables and chairs, as well as a meditation cushion.

This was a bit strange. Could it be that the black shadow was also meditating and practicing like a monk?

Opposite was an open stone door. Mo Xun was about to walk in, but suddenly stopped.

He took out four formation flags, threw them casually, and disappeared in the four corners.

After doing all this, he still seemed a little worried, and posted a few fireball talismans on both sides of the wall, and pointed his finger to integrate a touch of spiritual consciousness into the talisman.

Then, he summoned Huo Luan from the gourd.

This place was not affected by the Soul-stealing Blood Formation. As soon as the little guy came out, he made a low sound and drilled into his body.

After passing through the stone door, there is a short and claustrophobic passage.

The passage is dark and damp, with a musty smell, a bit like a house that has not been lived in for a long time.

After walking a few steps, there is another stone room on the right.

Mo Xun casually casts a lighting magic weapon, and the light in front of his eyes suddenly brightens, and his eyes are immediately attracted.

The small secret room is less than ten feet in size and empty inside, but in the middle, there is a teleportation array.

He hurriedly walked over and looked around. There are some grooves inlaid with spirit stones around the array, which are obviously used for activation.

At this moment, his mood can be said to be extremely happy.

However, in a moment of thought, he suddenly realized a serious problem.

The other end of this teleportation array will not lead to the lair of the monster, right?

The fiery heart just now seemed to be suddenly extinguished by a basin of cold water.

This is difficult!

However, judging from the number of grooves above, not many spirit stones are needed, which means that even if it is teleported, the distance will not be too far.

Nevertheless, he was not willing to take such a risk.

After thinking for a while, he set up a small array in this secret room.

Whether it is useful or not, it is always good to be careful.

Continuing forward along the passage, there is another stone room, but the door is sealed by a ban.

But perhaps this place is too hidden, and the monster has never thought that someone would sneak in secretly, so the ban is also very simple. It didn't take much effort for Mo Xun to force it open.

As soon as he entered, Mo Xun's eyes showed a gleam again.

Because in front of him, in addition to a lot of various magic tools, either intact or damaged, there are also a lot of storage bags.

There are still some blood stains on those magic tools and storage bags.

It seems that all the good things collected by the monster are hidden here.

Judging from the number of storage bags, at least 30% of the hundreds of monks who had entered this place before had died.

Mo Xun touched his chin, and the corner of his mouth suddenly curled up, and then he waved his sleeves, and in a burst of rosy clouds, all the things disappeared.

He would never be soft-hearted with such unexpected wealth!

After leaving the stone chamber, he walked down a staircase, and the end of the staircase suddenly opened up.

In the dim light, it can be vaguely seen that this is a large closed hall.

From a distance, in the center of the hall, there is a transparent pillar with a faint blue light, like a blue light shot down from the dome.

In the blue light, there is an object placed, and from the appearance, it seems to be a copper pot-like container.

If you are more careful, you can also see that there is a faint colorful glow falling from the top of it, and finally drifting into the mouth of the pot, as if collecting something.

With this faint light, one can vaguely see that the ground around the blue light column is full of strange runes, and the ditches are crisscrossed, as if carrying some mysterious power.

Those runes seem to be poured with blood, and under the faint blue light, they present a touch of enchanting red, like bloodworms with life.

The air is filled with a faint smell of blood, mixed with a damp and corrupt smell, which makes people feel a little sick.

Could it be that all this blood comes from the monks who died in the formation?

When Mo Xun thought of how many people had become victims of the formation over the past tens of thousands of years, he felt a layer of cold sweat on his back!

Although he had experienced a lot of bloody storms, to be honest, he had never encountered a massacre of this scale, except for the one at Si Nanshan, so he couldn't help but feel a little bit up and down.

After a long time, he looked up and looked around. He saw that there were a total of eight walls around him, all of which were carved with runes, and on each wall, there was a hideous head protruding, like a demon trying to break through the shackles and crawl out of the earth.

Those heads were of different shapes, but they all had one common feature, which was horror!

The layout of the entire hall looked weird and gloomy in this dim space!

Mo Xun immediately connected it with the previous array eye.

If he guessed correctly, this place should be the center of the entire array!

And that strange-shaped copper pot was obviously not a good thing!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but hesitate a little more.

Should I go in and take a look?

If he had followed his previous personality, he would have turned around and left immediately, but now he was trapped here, and for the time being, he had no good solution. If he left, wouldn't he miss the chance to escape?

But he was a little nervous when he approached the strange blue light without knowing why.


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