At this moment, a muffled "bang" sound came from behind, and then a ball of fire gushed out at the end of the passage.

Mo Xun was shocked, knowing that the talisman and formation he had laid down had worked at the same time, which meant that the shadow had returned from the outside world.

Perhaps because of his fear of the monster, the first thing he thought of was not to fight the enemy, but to rush to the hall.

But as soon as he stepped down the stairs, everything in front of him suddenly changed.

The blue beam of light, the runes on the ground, and the hideous face on the wall all disappeared, replaced by endless darkness.

This kind of darkness is different from the night, but it is pitch black without a trace of light. His eyes seemed to be blind in an instant.

This is... an illusion array!

He thought of his current situation at the first moment!

He hurriedly took out the lighting magic weapon, but before he cast a spell to light it up, a dazzling blue light spot flew towards him like lightning.

In the darkness, it was like a ball of ghostly fire flashing with brilliant light, eerie and terrifying!

Mo Xun didn't have time to think about it, and he used the wind control technique under his feet to dodge sideways.

But strangely, at this moment, his body seemed to be suppressed by some mysterious force, as if it was filled with lead water, clumsy like an elephant, not to mention taking a step, even raising an arm was extremely difficult!

At this moment, the blue light "whooshed" and pierced his left shoulder like a sharp arrow.

The pain made him groan, and a layer of fine sweat stains immediately appeared on his forehead.

At the moment the light disappeared, he clearly saw a stream of blood splashing out of his body.

No wonder this place is so important, but there is no protection at all. It turns out that there is such a killing situation hidden in it!

Before he could react, another blue light flew quickly, but this time, it went towards his forehead.

While Mo Xun was shocked, his spiritual power was running wildly, trying to resist the mysterious power. If he was hit by this blue light, even the Golden Immortal could not save him.

He suddenly shouted, and because he was too strong, his face was almost deformed, and the blue veins on his neck were bulging, as if he was about to burst.

Perhaps it was the potential burst before death that made him finally turn his upper body slightly to the side when the blue light approached.

At the same time, the light spot flew past his scalp, and a strand of long hair at his temples fell with the wind!

With lingering fear, he panted heavily, and just moving his body a little made him almost exhausted.

But before he could catch his breath, another blue light shot from behind.

Then, Mo Xun let out another low cry of pain.

He knew without looking that his calf was almost pierced by the blue light.

Fortunately, the light spot that attacked from behind did not hit his vital points.

However, after this incident, he found something different.

It seemed that the blue light attack was not very accurate, and it could only sense his general position.

While thinking, he silently recited a spell, and then the exquisite ring flew out of his hand. At the same time as the blue light spot arrived, a circle of protective light shield lingered around his body.

Then, like the sound of charcoal fire falling into the water, it came into his ears.

When the blue light spot was about to break through the light shield, it was finally intercepted and extinguished.

Mo Xun hurriedly used his spiritual power to repair the body defense that was almost broken.

But at this moment, another light spot broke through the light shield and almost rushed in.

In this way, between the attack and the defense, it seemed to form a short-term balance, and the spiritual power in Mo Xun's body was also rapidly consumed.

Since his body was not easy to move, he could only use some simple spiritual power to take out a few pills from the storage bag, to heal his wounds and replenish his mana.

In this case, once his mana is insufficient, it means that he is not far from death!

Of course, he was also thinking about countermeasures in his mind.

According to his previous thoughts, he had fallen into some kind of illusion array.

However, after being attacked by the blue light, he denied this speculation.

Although he had not studied the illusion array, he was not unfamiliar with it at all.

He almost fell into the trap of this array from the first day he started practicing.

In his opinion, the so-called illusion array is to achieve the purpose of hallucination by interfering with the six senses of the human body, that is, eye consciousness, ear consciousness, nose consciousness, tongue consciousness, body consciousness and consciousness in some way.

For example, the strange white flower he had encountered before was spread by smell, entered the body through the nose consciousness, and caused a false illusion in the brain.

But these illusions cannot be attacked directly after all.

Just like that time under the ancient tomb, in the end, it was just to lure him to end his life!

In other words, the greatest function of the illusion array is nothing more than interference, but it cannot directly cause harm.

The blue light in front of him is completely different.

Of course, it is also possible that other attack arrays are integrated into the illusion array.

Compared with the blue light attack, the darkness in front of him, except for a bit of fear and oppression, is not a big threat.

But how to resolve these attacks, how to break the array?

As the pills were taken, the bleeding of several external injuries on his body finally stopped.

Fortunately, he was well prepared before coming. If no other changes occur, the mana recovery pills on his body can be maintained for a while.

It is obviously not a solution to continue to waste time like this.

Thinking of this, he immediately used his spiritual power to control and took out the scroll from the storage bag.

After unfolding it, he hurriedly said: "Gong Yang, do you recognize the formation in front of you?"

The figure in the scroll yawned lazily, looking quite funny.

"Boy, how many times have I told you to call me senior!"

Mo Xun had no choice but to shout reluctantly in his anxiety.

This is really a case of people under the eaves, you have to bow your head!

Hearing this "senior", Gong Yang looked around like a naughty boy.

Every one or two breaths, a blue light would pass through the air, like a meteor, sinking into Mo Xun's protective light shield.

"Your magic weapon is really good, but no matter how I look at it, I think this thing should belong to a woman, could it be..."

At this time, Mo Xun had no time to discuss any magic weapon with him, and he was about to interrupt immediately.

But Gong Yang continued, "Could it be that your Taoist partner is a Jindan cultivator?"

Mo Xun stared with a frown on his face. Sometimes he even wondered what kind of person Cang Kuo Zhenren was back then to be able to give birth to such a consciousness.


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