At this point, Gong Yang seemed to be afraid that Mo Xun didn't understand, so he paused for a moment.

"In layman's terms, the stronger you are when you are strong, the more fiercely you resist, the more severe the confinement will be!"

Mo Xun nodded in understanding. Although he couldn't figure out why there was such a strange restriction, he still understood the general meaning.

A moment later, he just dodged a blue light and asked hurriedly: "But if you don't use magic power, doesn't it mean that you can never get out?"

He didn't believe that he could climb out of the strange copper pot with just physical strength.

According to Gong Yang, this is obviously a dead end.

Once you cast a spell, you will be confined by the mysterious power, but if you don't use magic power, you can only deal with those light spots. In the end, even if you are lucky enough to escape this endless shooting, you will probably be exhausted to death.

Could it be that this is the fatal point of this formation?

"You are right. The person who made this copper pot is probably a sinister guy."

Mo Xun's heart sank immediately. He didn't care whether the other party was sinister or not. He only cared about how to get out now.

Fortunately, Gong Yang suddenly changed the subject and continued: "If the big formation outside is still intact, you kid, no matter how capable you are, I'm afraid you can't escape, but now..."

Hearing this, Mo Xun's eyes lit up immediately.

"But what?"

"Hehe, didn't you say that you destroyed a formation eye before?"

Seeing that Gong Yang was still keeping it a secret at this time, Mo Xun really had the urge to burn him with fire at this moment.

"Yes, but didn't you say that I am now in the copper pot, and what does it have to do with the formation outside?"

Gong Yang curled his lips.

"That's just your shallow knowledge. This big formation is all in conjunction with this copper pot. How can there be no connection?"

Although he was obviously despised, Mo Xun had to admit that what the other party said was not without reason.

"What the senior meant was that because the center of the formation was destroyed, there must be a weak spot in this copper pot, and this is the way out!"

"That's about what it means!"

As the two talked, Gong Yang was relaxed, but Mo Xun had a hard time.

In just a short while, although he was not hit directly by the light spot, he suffered some skin injuries to a certain extent, and his clothes were cut a lot, looking a little embarrassed.

But these were nothing compared to his constantly tense nerves.

He felt as if he was fighting with the same tireless opponent, and the opponent was always hiding in the dark. He had no power to fight back except for endless dodging.

I'm afraid it won't be long before the nerves that are always on guard will fall before the body!

Gong Yang's words may seem simple, but it is not easy to dodge and find a way out in the dark!

Mo Xun had no choice but to walk aimlessly, holding some medicine powder in his hand and applying it to the wound.

Fortunately, with his martial arts skills from his youth, he was not completely helpless in this situation!

However, this black space seemed to have no boundaries, and it seemed that no matter how he walked, he could not feel any difference.

And the ubiquitous blue light followed his figure step by step!

"Boy, don't go, you may be trapped in a maze!"

In fact, Mo Xun also realized this problem at this time.

Due to visual limitations, he seemed to be circling in the same place.

The two fell silent at the same time, but Mo Xun was not unwilling to speak, but he really had no energy to speak.

After such a long time, due to the high mental tension, he felt that he was almost on the verge of collapse.

"Boy, did you get any treasure from the center of the formation?"

Mo Xun was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly remembered the magic seal.

But why did Gong Yang suddenly ask this?

"Yes, there is..."

Seeing Mo Xun hesitating, Gong Yang urged impatiently: "Then take it out quickly. Whether you can get out or not, it may fall on this thing.

At this juncture, Mo Xun naturally didn't want to hide his incompetence. He immediately slapped the storage bag, and the blue magic seal fell into his hands.

But even with this short spell, his body and limbs became stiff again.

It felt like being tightly held by a powerful monster.

Mo Xun quickly dispersed his magic power, and his muscles were As soon as he relaxed, the force disappeared again.

Speaking of which, when he first met Gong Yang, he thought that a disaster was imminent, but he never thought that this person would become his helper who saved him several times.

He secretly decided in his heart that if he could escape this time, as long as it was within his ability, he could meet the deal that the other party had been asking for.

As soon as the magic seal appeared, the Gong Yang in the portrait had his eyes straightened.

But before Gong Yang could speak, the magic seal, as if pulled by some force, suddenly broke away from Mo Xun's hand and flew into the distance.

"Quick, follow it!"

At this time, without Gong Yang's reminder, Mo Xun immediately ran towards the place where the magic seal went.

Fortunately, the flying speed of this thing was not fast, otherwise it would be difficult for him to catch up while avoiding the light spot.

Despite this, he was caught off guard and a blue light still pierced his left arm.

Mo Xun endured the pain and didn't care about stopping the bleeding. His footsteps moved faster.

Perhaps, as Gong Yang said, the hope of getting out depends on this magic seal.

Sure enough, not long after, he felt a faint white light not far away.

The white light was getting closer and closer, until he found that it was a wall as bright as moonlight.

At this time, Gong Yang shouted again.

"Get out!"

At this time, Mo Xun naturally didn't care whether there would be any other dangers inside. With one step, he jumped into the white wall.

Perhaps it was greed that made him reach out and grab the magic seal in the air at the moment he jumped in.

Then, the dazzling light suddenly made his eyes blind for a short time, and his body seemed to float up.

Fortunately, this feeling did not last long, and he felt his feet solid and stepped on solid ground again.

When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the copper pot quietly floating in the blue beam of light in the dim space.

"Boy, don't be too happy too soon, someone is waiting for you!"

As Gong Yang finished speaking, Mo Xun immediately felt a strange breath coming from behind him.

At the entrance of the hall, a group of human-shaped black fog was floating, and in the dimness, it looked more and more like a ghost.

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