Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 345 Teleportation Array

The air seemed to be frozen, and in the dark blue space, the silence was a little creepy.

At this moment, the black shadow suddenly moved, but he was not heading towards Mo Xun, but towards a ghost head protruding from the wall next to him.

"Stop it!"

When the ram's voice came, Mo Xun had already moved, and with all his strength, his speed was three times faster than the black shadow.

Although he didn't know what this thing was going to do, even a fool could guess that it would definitely not be a good thing!

At the moment when the black shadow was about to touch the ghost head, the talisman in Mo Xun's hand was already sacrificed.

The talisman suddenly turned into a fireball in mid-air, and then exploded. The splashing firelight illuminated the hall in a small range, and in an instant, it swallowed the black shadow.

However, in the firelight, a black palm suddenly stretched out and pressed against the protruding stone head.

Instinctively, Mo Xun raised his hand to block, and then he felt a hard object collide with his fist.

His brows immediately wrinkled.

Originally thought that the black shadow was like mist, invisible and intangible, who knew that there was something solid inside.

It seems that this black mist is just a disguise under its appearance!

However, the opponent's strength was obviously much smaller than Mo Xun's. After being repelled, he immediately broke away from the flames and wandered to the side.

After such a fight, Mo Xun also roughly understood the opponent's strength. He immediately turned his palm over, and Xuantian True Fire surged out. The blazing firebird flapped its fiery red wings, and at the same time flashed with lightning, and once again engulfed the fleeing black shadow.

In the firelight, there was a miserable and piercing scream.

At this time, Mo Xun had probably made up his mind. Sure enough, he was not wrong. This demon black shadow was indeed afraid of fire attack.

But obviously, only Xuantian True Fire can actually kill it.

Just when he was a little relaxed, through the mental connection with Huo Luan, he could clearly feel that a black thing the size of a baby's fist suddenly separated from the black shadow and flew into the hideous head on the wall like lightning.

Because the speed was too fast and unexpected, Mo Xun had no time to react.

Of course, if the monster just ran away, it would be fine. Who knew what happened next, but Mo Xun's heart was raised to his throat again at the first time.

I saw that the devil heads on the wall all seemed to come alive.

First, those black eyeballs began to emit a faint blue light, like a pair of wild wolves patrolling for prey under the night sky of the grassland.

Then, those heads began to tremble slightly, just like they originally gave people the feeling that they were about to break through the wall.

At this moment, Gong Yang's urgent voice sounded in Mo Xun's ears again: "Quick, destroy the blue pillar and the copper pot inside!"

Mo Xun just reacted, and then waved his robe sleeves, and several sword qi transformed from spiritual power cut through the air and hit the blue light column in unison.

Just after a series of "bangs", the blue transparent pillar was still intact except for a few sparks.

After a short hesitation, Mo Xun slapped the storage bag again, and the light column circled, and dozens of low- and medium-level magic tools were placed.

After the continuous consumption in the past few days, the windfall obtained from the Moon Star Palace last time was almost exhausted.

But now is not the time to feel distressed.

He didn't want to repeat the experience in the copper pot before.

He saw him wave his hand, and the Xuantian True Fire returned to his body, and the remains of the black shadow had been annihilated in the fire.

Then he pinched several Dao formulas in succession, and dozens of rays of light flew out of his hands and fell into those magic weapons.

At this moment, he didn't care to look at it carefully, so he stuffed the magic seal into the storage bag at random, holding the scroll in one hand, and turned to run out.

Returning to the passage, he went directly into the secret room with the teleportation array.

At the same time, there were earth-shattering explosions behind him, and the dim passage was instantly drowned in fire and smoke.

The earth also trembled, and the broken stones above fell down, and the whole space shook violently.

In the explosion sound that was enough to shatter the eardrums, it seemed that some heart-pounding roars and roars could be heard faintly, as if they were soul-locking ghosts from hell, making people's scalps numb.

Mo Xun staggered to the teleportation array. He felt that he was now racing against the god of death.

Although he still didn't know how terrifying the monsters that came alive from the wall were, his intuition told him that he was no match for an ant in front of such a level.

As for whether destroying the blue light column would be useful or how much time it could buy him, he could only leave it to fate!

In a panic, he hurriedly put a few spiritual stones into the grooves of the magic circle.

The only thing he was worried about now was whether this teleportation array could be started smoothly.

As he waited anxiously, the shaking of the entire space became more and more violent.

He hurriedly pinched a Taoist formula, and then a burst of light suddenly shone from the four corners, forming an invisible light shield in the secret room, wrapping him and the teleportation array, and temporarily blocking the falling debris.

However, the monster-like roar in his ears became clearer and clearer.

"Keep calm, kid. If you destroy the copper pot, you will indirectly cut off the foundation of this formation. Even if you can't stop those monsters from coming, I think it will be possible to delay them for a while."

Mo Xun sighed bitterly, and looked back at the dark passage that had long been covered by smoke and dust. He could only hope that things would be as Gong Yang said.

He really didn't have much confidence in his luck.

Since he set foot on this ancient ruins, although he had gained a lot of opportunities, at the same time, he didn't know how many life and death he had experienced.

If you count them carefully, his cultivation path is simply a bloody and tearful history that makes people shudder!

It seems that he has never been relaxed!

Now, he can only bet once that this teleportation formation will not put him in danger again.

Otherwise, it would be God's will to destroy him!

Suddenly, the "boom" sound intensified in the whole space, and it trembled more violently, and even Mo Xun was a little unstable.

He could clearly feel that more and more rubble was falling from above his head, as if the entire dome would collapse in the next moment.

But at this moment, the teleportation array suddenly shone brightly, and a white light gate appeared.

Mo Xun was delighted and wanted to walk in without thinking.

But as soon as he took a step, a skinny, scary claw like dry wood suddenly appeared behind him without any warning, and grabbed his back with a powerful force.

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