"Be careful!"

Mo Xun's heart tightened, and he subconsciously sped up his movements. Almost at the same time he entered the teleportation array, the sharp claws arrived as promised. The three sharp nails, like a dagger, cut the flesh on his back.

The gushing blood fell half outside the array and half into the white light.

The severe pain made him faint at the first moment.

And at the same time when the white light disappeared, a palace lantern burning with a blue flame suddenly went out in the distance. At the same time, a small flag whose color could not be seen clearly also burned, and in a moment, it turned into ashes.

In the darkness, the blood-red eyes opened again, and the entire enclosed space suddenly seemed to fall into an ice cellar, suffocatingly cold.

A moment later, a solemn voice came out in the open.

"Brahma, there is a change in the Xihezhou formation. Xizhao is dead. You must leave now and make sure to bring back the Heavenly Demon Pot and the magic weapons that suppress the formation. You must also take this Demon Suppression Order. If the demon child comes to the world, temporarily suppress them!"


After an unknown amount of time, Mo Xun slowly opened his eyes, and the vision in front of him gradually became clear from blurry.

It seemed that he was still in that dim environment, and everything he could see was hazy.

But in his ears, it was surprisingly quiet!

But this tranquility did not last long before it was broken by someone.

"Hehe, kid, you finally woke up!"

Mo Xun then noticed that he was still holding a scroll tightly in his hand, and his whole body was lying on the ground at this time, half of his body was outside the teleportation formation, and the other half was in the dark teleportation formation.

"I... escaped?"

Listening to Mo Xun's mumbling, Gong Yang smiled again: "Of course, but then again, you owe me another life!"

Mo Xun smiled bitterly, this is true.

But just as he was about to get up, he grimaced in pain.

He then remembered that he was attacked by something the moment he stepped into the teleportation array.

He took out a few healing pills with difficulty and swallowed them whole. Just as he was about to touch the wound on his back, he was surprised to find that this place could actually use his spiritual sense.

When he felt the three deep wounds and the torn back, he immediately took a breath of cold air.

I'm afraid he was almost ripped open from behind!

But soon, he realized a problem.

There is no restriction on spiritual sense here, so where is this?

The demon clan's lair?

It doesn't seem to be very likely. It's quiet all around, and there is no sign of demonic energy.

He quickly released his spiritual sense and found that the area within a few feet was empty, but there were some scattered gravel. Above his head, there was a stalactite structure, as if it was in the belly of a mountain.

After the drug power dissolved in his body, he slowly climbed out of the teleportation array and sat up while enduring the remaining pain.

"Senior, do you know where this place is?"

Mo Xun slowly unfolded the scroll and lit up a lighting magic weapon, and the surroundings suddenly became bright.

All he could see was the lonely teleportation array, which looked old and mottled, and looked a bit old.

"I don't know, but in my opinion, this place is probably out of the scope of Cang Kuo's Taoist temple in the past."

Mo Xun nodded in agreement. He even had some doubts that this place was no longer within the ancient ruins.

After all, he couldn't feel any spiritual suppression now.

However, these obviously could only be carefully explored after he recovered.

Suddenly, he flicked his sleeves, and several sharp sword auras hit the teleportation array, directly destroying all the grooves where the spirit stones were placed.

"Boy, aren't you afraid that this place is dangerous and you can never go back?"

Mo Xun sneered.

"No matter how dangerous it is, can it be more powerful than those monsters?"

"...That's true!"

Half a day later, when Mo Xun saw the sun again, he was so excited that he felt like he was reborn.

The undulating sea of ​​clouds in front of him, shrouded in smoke, weren't they the mountains outside the ancient ruins?

Unexpectedly, there was such a secret teleportation array outside the ruins, and no one had discovered it for tens of thousands of years!

At the moment, he really didn't know whether to hate the demons or thank them.

He roughly estimated that it would not take long before the ruins were closed.

He just chose a direction at random, and then flew into the air. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the sky.

Qiu Mingcheng, he didn't plan to go back. Although there were some unfinished deals between him and Huo Qian'er, as long as the late-stage master of Wuchang Tower was not dead, he would always be at risk of being exposed.


Three days later, in an unknown valley, Mo Xun dug out a simple cave in just a meal.

After setting up a set of concealment arrays outside the cave, he closed the stone door and entered the gourd space.

He first took out Luo Xi and the magic wind car.

After feeding Luo Xi a pill, he found that her breath, although still weak, had recovered a little compared to when she was just injured.

Not long after, a whimper came from the secret room, and Mo Xun hurriedly helped her sit up.

Luo Xi looked around in confusion until she saw Mo Xun's face clearly, and then her guard relaxed a little.

"Mo... Brother Mo, where are we?"

"There's no rush. The fairy was injured before, but my ability is limited, so I dare not act rashly. Now that you are awake, let's take a look at your injuries first!"

Mo Xun was telling the truth. He had checked before. If the other party was only injured in the flesh, it would be fine. The key is the meridians. If you treat it carelessly, you might destroy the other person's foundation.

Hearing this, Luo Xi hurriedly looked inward.

During this period, Mo Xun had been standing by her side. Seeing her face, she was nervous, then pale, and finally relieved.

"How is it?"

Luo Xi wiped the sweat on her forehead, slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, and said weakly: "Thank you for your concern, Brother Mo. Although it will take some time to recover, it's not a big deal after all!"

Luo Xi then took out a few porcelain bottles and ate several pills in a row.

Hearing this, Mo Xun finally felt relieved.

After all, the other party was injured so badly in order to save him. If he really got sick, he would feel bad.

The most difficult thing to repay in this world is probably a favor!

"In that case, Fairy, please take a rest first. I will talk to you in detail after you recover a little."

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