After giving some instructions, Mo Xun came to another stone chamber and closed the door.

He first took out a bunch of magic tools, most of which were already damaged beyond recognition. I'm afraid that in the end, they could only be sold for the materials.

Of course, with Mo Xun's current wealth, he no longer cares about these.

But what surprised him was that there was actually a magic weapon and two intact high-level magic tools.

For the cultivators entering the Taoist temple, high-level magic tools are not rare, but magic tools are a bit intriguing.

Could it be that among their group of people, there are already Jindan cultivators who died in the soul-stealing formation?

Who could it be?

He remembered that there were only three or four Jindan cultivators in the "island in the middle of the lake".

Of course, maybe someone, like him, had a magic weapon when he was in the foundation-building stage.

For example, Luo Xi, isn't that the case?

Speaking of Luoxi, he suddenly thought that this woman had both magic weapons and artifacts such as the Divine Windmill, so her background must be extraordinary, but why would she go to such a dangerous place?

Mo Xun suddenly touched his chin and smiled. There was obviously only one answer. There was probably a reason why she had to go to the ancient ruins, and this reason might be a shocking opportunity.

I just don’t know if this woman succeeded in the end?

However, this curiosity only flashed through his mind. After all, although the two of them didn’t meet much, they had experienced life after this experience, so he naturally wouldn’t pry into other people’s secrets.

I saw his palm gently brushing over the pile of magic weapons, and one of the longbows shook slightly, and then there was no movement.

Seeing this scene, Mo Xun’s face immediately showed some doubts.

This is the first time that his control of objects has failed since he has practiced it successfully.

I saw him stretch out his palm again, and with the gathering of spiritual power, he grabbed the longbow through the air.

The longbow suddenly shook, but that was all.

Could it be that there was something unusual about this magic weapon?

With this thought in mind, he could only squat down, grasp the bow, and try to pick it up.

As soon as he touched it, he felt a strong sense of rejection. The whole bow trembled violently, as if it had come alive and was trying to break free from his hand.

In fact, this phenomenon is normal, after all, magic weapons are different from magic tools.

Because the former is nurtured in the body of a Jindan cultivator, it will be contaminated with the breath of the master. Over the years, it will naturally have a little more spirituality.

This is why he has already established his foundation and cannot completely master the Linglong Ring.

Only after the Jindan, through the slow nurturing in the body, can this breath be assimilated.

But even so, because of the change of owner, it is difficult to restore the power of this magic weapon to its previous power when used.

So once a cultivator has a Jindan, he will basically refine a magic weapon again.

Mo Xun suddenly became ruthless and clenched his hand hard.

It was just a breath of the dead. If he couldn't tame it, his cultivation would be in vain!

As the strength in his hands grew stronger, the vibration of the bow gradually weakened, until it finally quieted down after a whine.

The corner of his mouth curled up and he lifted it suddenly.

But surprisingly, he couldn't lift it.

This... turned out to be a heavy bow!

Instead of being frustrated, his face was a little excited.

Most of the time, the heavier the magic weapon, the stronger the lethality!

With this in mind, he activated the Fiery Fire Art in his body and added several times the strength, and then he trembled and lifted the longbow with great effort.

This thing, roughly estimated, must be more than a thousand pounds!

Of course, because it was not integrated with the divine consciousness, he could only use the strength of his physical body to lift it by force, which seemed a bit strenuous.

This bow was silver all over, and in the dim light, it looked sacred and mighty, and extremely lethal!

In addition, there is a line of small characters engraved on the side of the bow.

"One arrow decides the outcome!"

Although Mo Xun looked exhausted, he was very excited in his heart.

"From now on, I will call you Qiankun Bow!"

He looked at the bow with appreciation, as if he was appreciating a peerless beauty, and his expression was full of love.

Unfortunately, this thing has a bow but no arrow, and he doesn't know how to use it.

He suddenly had an idea and forced a trace of consciousness into the Qiankun Bow. This heavy bow suddenly became lighter by half. Then he held the bow with his left hand and made an arrow-hanging action with his right hand. He suddenly pulled the bowstring and aimed forward.

To be honest, although he had come into contact with many magic tools, he had never used a bow and arrow.

This was originally a kind of play under joy, but who knew that when the bowstring was pulled, the magic power in his body, like a flood that broke through the dam, surged into the bow and arrow.

Mo Xun was startled and was about to cut off his magic power, but in an instant, he noticed that the entire bow suddenly glowed with silver light, and where his right hand was on the bow, countless light spots slowly condensed into a red, flaming arrow.

Because of the activation of this thing, Mo Xun could clearly feel a strong pressure permeating the secret room.

Although he couldn't test the power now, he could foresee that even those in the late stage of foundation building would not dare to take it head-on.

This bow... turned out to be a magic weapon without attributes!

At this moment, Mo Xun felt that his heart was about to jump out.

The so-called attributeless means that it can launch attacks of different attributes according to the spiritual power characteristics of the caster.

Thinking of this, the gloomy feeling that he had accumulated in the dojo because of the loss of those magic tools disappeared immediately.

This kind of artifact cannot be exchanged for many magic tools.

After a moment, Mo Xun slowly withdrew his magic power, and the sharp arrow condensed by the flame also disappeared.

He smiled bitterly and shook his head. Just to condense an arrow, he had lost one-third of his magic power!

The treasure is good, but his cultivation has become the biggest obstacle to limiting the use of this thing.

It's like a child who has a pillar of support but is unable to swing it!

This feeling makes him eager to improve his cultivation immediately.

He was seen cherishing this thing, and after stroking it for a long time, he was satisfied to put it away.

With this thing, he has one more way to save his life.

Then he picked up a strangely shaped scimitar and a pagoda-shaped magic weapon, played with them for a long time, until he roughly understood their functions, and then put them into the storage bag with a smile.

As for the remaining pile of things, he almost didn't even want to check them. Even if some of them could be repaired, he obviously didn't have much interest.

After counting these things, he took out the dozens of storage bags.

If you want to talk about it, although this trip to the ruins was a bit dangerous, it was indeed fruitful.

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