Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 348 Taihao True Fire Art

His sleeves flicked past, and all the storage bags floated in the air. Then, after a rustling sound, the originally large secret room was suddenly filled with a pile of messy things.

Even so, he stopped in time and did not pour out any more. Otherwise, how could the whole stone room hold so many things?

Although he had expected that this would be a windfall, he did not expect that after seeing it with his own eyes, he was still quite impressed.

The wealth of a foundation-building cultivator is indeed far beyond that of a Qi-refining cultivator!

Looking at the piles of spiritual stones, although he was immune enough, his heart still skipped a beat.

What he cared about most were the jade boxes containing spiritual herbs and medicines.

It seemed that his medicine garden could be expanded a lot!

However, for him now, many low-level spiritual herbs were no longer acceptable. In the medicine garden, due to the limited black soil, he had cleared a lot of them over the years.

He roughly estimated that there were at least 20,000 or 30,000 shiny spiritual stones in front of him.

Not counting the ones that were not taken out!

Then he put all the spiritual herbs together.

After surviving the disaster, his favorite thing to do was to count the spoils.

As for the gold, silver, jade and stones inside, they seemed much less. In this regard, I am afraid that any Qi Refiner in Southern Xinjiang has a higher net worth than these people.

Seeing these mundane things, Mo Xun unconsciously thought of his parents at home.

Counting them, my father and mother are almost sixty years old this year!

As for my little sister, he didn't see her last time. I wonder how she is doing now?

And that chubby little nephew must be old enough to go to school.

Over the years, whenever he came across gold and silver, he would keep them.

In this life, there is only so much he can do for his family.

But now he was in a foreign land, and he didn't even know if he would have the chance to return to Southern Xinjiang and visit Xiaoling Mountain to see where he used to live.

After a long time, he sighed in his heart, and hurriedly threw away these inappropriate thoughts and continued to look for valuable things.

Like clothes and sundries, he burned them all with a fire.

The rest were some elixir jade slips, various refining materials, and some things that he couldn't even name.

As for the mainstream magic tools, there were very few.

After all, powerful weapons must have been either destroyed or lost before death, so how could they be kept unused?

In addition to spiritual herbs, elixirs were what he cared about most.

But unfortunately, most of these bottles and jars were healing elixirs, and there were also a few that restored mana, but he only found three of the cultivation elixirs he wanted most, and from the appearance point of view, they were not very good.

In fact, this is understandable. If he had this kind of elixir, he would have taken it early to improve his cultivation and would not have kept it until now.

Finally, there were more than a dozen jade slips of ancient books placed in front of him.

He picked up one at random and looked at it, and his face changed again.

It recorded some experiences about alchemy. Although there was no specific recipe, it mentioned many methods that Mo Xun had never come into contact with in the way of alchemy.

Since he entered the Tao, in addition to cultivation, the only thing he spent a lot of energy on was alchemy.

Although he believed that he had no less experience in alchemy than any cultivator of the same level, he had explored many aspects by himself. Not only did he take many detours, but he also had only a half-understanding of many aspects.

Although the way of alchemy emphasizes practice, no matter how others teach, they may not have personally refined a few furnaces of elixir and learned a lot, but it would be best if they could have some experience foundation of their predecessors.

After a full hour, he slowly separated his mind from the jade slip.

The contents inside were tens of thousands of words. He only read one tenth or twelve of them, and he had already answered several doubts that had troubled him for a long time.

It seems that in the future, he needs to collect more information and research in this area.

Although he has the black soil that ripens spiritual medicine, it seems that it doesn't matter if his success rate is lower than others, but which alchemist doesn't want to improve the success rate?

However, these things are not easy to get for casual cultivators like them.

In the southern border, even the recipes of the pills were treasured by the major sects, let alone the experience of the alchemy masters?

I'm afraid that the owner of this thing either has a great opportunity or an extraordinary identity.

He then picked up the second jade slip, but this time, he quickly threw it aside.

It turned out that there were only some basic spells recorded in it.

He checked several more in succession, either some incomplete low-level exercises, or maps, or spiritual herbs.

It seems that the cultivators who can enter the ruins are very cautious. Those important things must not be brought with them, or they are not presented in the form of text.

Until he saw a jade slip with the words "Taihao True Fire Art", Mo Xun's eyes lit up immediately.

Obviously, this is a fire-attributed art.

After a quick glance, his heart started beating wildly again.

This is an extremely complete and high-grade art.

And there is an introduction in it that is enough to make him excited to the point of suffocation.

This thing was created specifically for the "Xuantian True Fire"!

True Fire Art... True Fire Art!

He murmured to himself twice, and suddenly realized in his heart, no wonder it was called this name.

He suddenly remembered that he refined Xuantian True Fire because of that "True Fire Art" back then?

He hurriedly flipped through it, and sure enough, in the middle, he found the method of refining Xuantian True Fire.

Although it is not quite the same as the original one, it seems to have the same effect.

At this moment, he really doesn't know how to describe his mood.

This "Taihao True Fire Art" is almost tailor-made for him!

Before, he was quite regretful because he missed the auction mentioned by Huo Qianer when he entered the ancient wasteland ruins. Now it seems redundant!

Not to mention the other gains this time, this technique alone is worth the trip!

He couldn't help but secretly ponder in his heart that this technique might be what the original owner got in the ancient wasteland ruins.

Of course, there is also a possibility that this item was not taken seriously by him because it was used in conjunction with Xuantian True Fire, and the effect of ordinary cultivators' cultivation was not great, so he brought it into the ruins.

But no matter what the reason was, he would definitely accept this wedding dress without hesitation!

It seems that the previous arrangement for cultivation can be carried out in advance.

After a long time, he put away the skills and continued to count the remaining things.

As soon as he thought about it, all the storage bags flew into the air again, and then a lot of things were poured out at once.

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