Facing those shining treasures, Mo Xun's thoughts still stayed on the "Taihao True Fire Art" just now.

He suddenly touched his chin and smiled. According to what was mentioned above, it is best if you are a virgin when practicing this technique.

And isn't he just an old boy?

It seems that there is indeed destiny somewhere in the world!

He also thought that this technique and the Qiankun Bow just now could not be made by the same person, right?

After all, according to his speculation, it seems that a pill-forming monk died in the soul-catching formation!

Of course, he would not get too entangled in such a meaningless issue. Soon, his attention was focused on his feet again.

The first thing that caught his attention was not the spiritual stone or spiritual grass, but a small wooden box.

With a casual move, he caught the wooden box in his hand.

After opening it, two things were placed inside. One was a white jade plaque with the word "Liang Yi" engraved on it.

The other is a green jade slip.

After a while, Mo Xun slowly took the jade slip off his forehead and roughly understood what was going on.

The jade slip is a letter of recommendation written by an elder named Xu Qianfan of the Liangyi Sect to the head of the Liangyi Sect, recommending a middle-stage foundation-building monk named Lin Yi to be the deacon elder.

Mo Xun picked up the token and looked around. This thing was probably Xu Qianfan's token in Liangyi Sect!

But it is a pity that this unlucky fellow Daoist Lin was killed by the demons before he took up his post.

Speaking of the Liang Yi Palace, he felt like he had heard it somewhere before, but his messy memory made him unable to recall it for a while.

Seven days later, in the secret room.

Mo Xun sat cross-legged on Nuanyang Blood Jade, with a scroll suspended in front of him.

In the painting, there is a man with ethereal clothes and a somewhat fairy spirit. However, at this moment, he has a look of surprise on his face, which is completely inconsistent with the artistic conception of the painting!

It is Mr. Gongyang who is possessing this place!

"Boy, do you really mean what you say?"

Mo Xun smiled and nodded. This person had rescued him several times, so it was time to return the favor.

"If that's the case, I won't be polite!"

Mo Xun had already thought about this matter before. As long as the other party's demands were not excessive, he wouldn't mind helping with a few things.

However, when he saw the male sheep in the portrait succeeding with some treacherous tricks, Mo Xun suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, before he could react, the ram spoke.

"Help me gather three things..."

Mo Xun raised his head and stared at the painting.

"The first is the body without an owner, the second is the soul without an owner, and the third is the art of burying the soul!"

Mo Xun's face immediately showed some doubts, especially these three names, which sounded very evil upon hearing them.

"The soul-killing technique is easy to understand. It must be a kind of magic, right? But what are this ownerless body and ownerless soul?"

Gongyang smiled mysteriously: "Of these three things, the first two are easy for me, but this soul-killing technique is extremely difficult to find."

Mo Xun was obviously even more puzzled, but Gongyang had no intention of showing off at this time, and immediately said: "The so-called body without an owner means a body that has just died and cannot hold a stick of incense, and the soul without an owner..."

Having said this, Gongyang's face became a little more solemn, and his tone also became lower.

"It is the soul of the baby that is about to be born!"

Upon hearing this, Mo Xun's face immediately darkened.

To say that he had no owner, he could find any evil person and kill him on the spot.

But how could he do anything to this unborn baby soul?

I saw two sharp rays of light suddenly shooting out of his eyes, and he asked in a deep voice: "Do you want me to abandon the abdomen and retrieve the fetus?"

The ram's eyes dodge for a moment, and then he smiles.

"You can't say that. I'm just letting you take the soul, and it won't hurt innocent people... If it doesn't work, even if the baby is born in a stick of incense and died in infancy!"

Mo Xun stood up suddenly and snorted coldly.

"What does it mean not to harm the innocent? How can a baby still survive without his spirit?"

Seeing Mo Xun's face full of anger, Gongyang wanted to continue explaining, but Mo Xun didn't give him a chance to refute.

"As for taking away the soul of a born baby, that is even more unreasonable. It is unfortunate for a person to be reincarnated after a long time, and then die in infancy. You want me to take away the soul. This is completely ruining the reincarnation of others. ?"

In Mo Xun's heart, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Even if he broke his promise, he would definitely not be able to do such a thing.

The male sheep also seemed a little embarrassed and didn't speak again for a long time.

After a long time, Mo Xun slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

"Please change your request!"

"In that case, ordinary souls will also work, but in this case, one more thing will be needed."

Mo Xun's expression had just calmed down a bit, but his next words made him curse silently again.

"That is the Five Elements Spirit Sect's most precious treasure, the Soul-Cleaning Umbrella!"

To be honest, Mo Xun really wanted to set fire to this old thing!

How many Five Elements Spirit Sects can there be in Xihe Prefecture?

No matter how ignorant Mo Xun was, he still knew that it was the Eight Star Sect in the Central Region.

The strongest sect he had seen in Southern Xinjiang was probably only at the seven-star level.

Is this asking him to die?

Seeing Mo Xun's increasingly livid face, Gongyang hurriedly said: "Maybe it's Green Ming Grass!"

"Green Underworld Grass?"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows: "What is this thing?"

"It's just a kind of spiritual herb, but the requirement for the age of the herb is relatively high, at least more than a thousand years!"

Mo Xun nodded secretly. This requirement was acceptable. Perhaps in the eyes of others, a thousand-year-old herb might not be easy to find, but for him, it was not that difficult.

Not to mention a thousand years, as long as he was given enough time, it was not impossible to find ten thousand years.

But soon, he realized a problem.

The value of these two things can be easily distinguished by a discerning person, but why did this old guy talk about the soul-washing umbrella first?

Could it be that there was something else strange?

Mo Xun pondered for a while, and suddenly asked: "I'm afraid this Qingming grass is not easy to find?"


Gong Yang hesitated and continued: "It's indeed a bit difficult!"

"What difficulty?"

Gong Yang laughed dryly: "This kind of spiritual herb can only be born in the place where the demon race is!"

At this moment, Mo Xun finally understood why the old guy said to think about it first when he asked in the Cangkuo Dojo.

It turned out that he was waiting for him here!

Although he didn't know how strong the demon race was, when the two races joined forces, they were able to eliminate the demon race. How could their strength be so different?

After a long time, Mo Xun sighed and asked, "Why do you have to find these things?"

Gong Yang also sighed lightly, with a little more regret in his tone.

"I want to be a human!"

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