Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 353 Purple Snake Green Lotus

So, another half a month passed.

On this day, Mo Xun stood in front of a square container, which contained a jar of dark red, viscous, turbid, and somewhat pungent liquid.

Both the appearance and the taste were extremely disgusting.

However, above the liquid, there was a lingering aura of spiritual energy, and it was also accompanied by mottled demonic energy.

Such a disgusting thing has a very poetic name, called "Red Phoenix Danxia Soup"!

This is a kind of soup medicine made under the guidance of Gong Yang, using several level 5 demon beast inner pills as a guide and a variety of precious materials as supplements.

Of course, this thing is not for people to drink.

When Mo Xun, Han Qiu and Luo Xi entered the mysterious cave at the Cangkuo Dojo, they once obtained a gray stone ball the size of a fingernail. As Luo Xi said that day, it was an insect egg.

However, for this almost fossilized thing, the three of them thought it had no value, and it finally fell into Mo Xun's hands.

Of course, Mo Xun initially thought that this was a dead egg, but he was just curious and prepared to study it later.

Who knew that Gong Yang was shocked when he saw this thing, and recognized it at a glance. It was the famous "Purple Snake Green Lotus"!

According to the "Spirit Insect Classics", this thing ranks sixth among the twelve top-grade spirit insects. It has six claws and wings, a head like a real dragon, a purple upper body, a green tail, and a belly with heaven and earth, and can eat everything.

Moreover, this thing has a great magical power, that is, the cubs it produces can respond to each other even if they are thousands of miles apart.

This is much more useful than the sound transmission talisman!

However, Mo Xun was a little unconvinced, and even if this thing was the legendary Purple Snake Green Lotus, it was just a useless stone now.

But according to Gong Yang, this thing is very likely to be in a dormant state, and it can only be hatched and awakened through special methods.

Next, there is this "Red Phoenix Danxia Soup"!

A jar of disgusting soup cost Mo Xun tens of thousands of spirit stones. Thinking of this, he felt a pain in his heart.

At this moment, he could only hope that Gong Yang's method would work!

But when Mo Xun asked about the origin of the purple water lily, Gong Yang was also confused.

Finally, the two analyzed two possibilities.

Either this thing was obtained by Cang Kuo Zhenren after forming a baby, so Gong Yang knew nothing about it, or after Cang Kuo Zhenren ascended, a purple water lily sneaked in and laid eggs here, but for some reason, it did not take the insect egg away.

However, in Mo Xun's opinion, the latter possibility is obviously greater.

After all, such a precious thing, even a Yuanying cultivator would not easily abandon it.

Of course, there is also a great possibility that Cang Kuo Zhenren tried the same awakening method but failed, so he abandoned it.

If so, the spirit stones this time will be wasted.

But as Gong Yang said, if it really succeeds, then what he gets will be more than ten times what he paid!

Mo Xun's hand flashed with a glow, and a small gray ball appeared between his two fingers.

After looking around for a while, he threw it into the sticky soup, then covered the lid, and cast a spell with his hand. The whole container was shrouded by a layer of light spiritual power, and the unpleasant smell and the diffused evil spirit were also bound in it.

"Hehe, kid, when this little guy hatches, you will be happy!"

Mo Xun smiled faintly: "I hope so!"

"You may not know that more than half of the top twelve spiritual insects are almost gone, and this purple water lily is likely to be the only one in this world."


An hour later, Mo Xun came to a secret room, took out the scroll, and hung it on the wall.

"Senior Gongyang, I will concentrate on practicing for the next period of time, you can rest here!"

The portrait in the scroll suddenly curled his lips.

"This place is so deserted, what should I do if I feel lonely?"

Mo Xun was slightly stunned, secretly complaining in his heart, you have been in that underground secret room for tens of thousands of years, and you have never been lonely, but now you are lonely as hell!

"How about... I draw another fairy next to you to accompany you?"

Fortunately, the ram is not a physical body, otherwise, a mouthful of blood must be sprayed out!

"You kid really crosses the river and destroys the bridge, I have worked hard for you, and you treat me like this?"

Mo Xun shook his head and smiled bitterly. He really doubted whether the real person Cang Kuo in the past was as rogue as this person?

He saw him pat his waist, and a white light flashed in the dim secret room, and Bai Ze appeared in front of him immediately.

During this period, the little guy was really suffocated in the spirit beast bag.

As soon as he came out, he jumped up and down excitedly on Mo Xun.

Every time he saw this little thing, Mo Xun unconsciously thought of Li Qingying, and didn't know whether the little girl received his sound transmission note in the end.

"Huh? This is... Bai Ze?"

Mo Xun ignored Gong Yang's stunned look, hugged Bai Ze in his arms, stopped the little guy from making trouble, and nodded and smiled: "Yes, let this little guy accompany you for a while!"

The two eyes drawn by black ink dots on the portrait were almost widened to an incredible degree.

It gave people the feeling that it was a disproportionate failure made by a child who had just learned to paint.

"What is your origin, how could you have such a magical object?"

Gong Yang's heart was in turmoil at this moment.

This thing in front of him is a genuine divine beast. Even if it is only ranked lower among the divine beasts, it is still incomparable to many level nine and ten spiritual beasts.

Thinking back to the past, how great was Cang Kuo Zhenren, but he only raised a Tujia beast that only guarded the door.

And as far as he knew, there were probably not many sects in the entire Xihezhou that had divine beasts, but the young man in front of him, who was only in the early stage of foundation building, actually raised a divine beast.

And looking at the way this man and the beast get along, it is obvious that they are very familiar with each other, which means that this person may have used Bai Ze as a spiritual pet when he was refining qi.

Mo Xun gently stroked the hair on the back of the little guy a few times, and then threw it at his feet. At the same time, he took out a few bottles of elixirs and placed them on the stone table beside him, and said to Bai Ze: "Go and practice by yourself next. If you have nothing to do, don't disturb me!"

Then he looked at the ram again.

"Let it accompany you for the time being!"

After that, Mo Xun left the stone room without looking back, leaving only a portrait that was still in shock.

But not long after, a terrified scream came from the secret room.

"Boy, take your dog away quickly, this beast is going to lick me to death!"


At this moment, Mo Xun was already sitting cross-legged in another secret room with the door closed.

In front of him, there were several porcelain bottles!

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