Time flies, summer goes and winter comes. Although the fog on the nameless mountain is still pervasive, the grass and trees in the forest below are sprouting and drying up, from fresh green to withered yellow; the snow on the top of the mountain is also falling and melting. In this endless cycle of heaven, it has gone through thirty rounds.

Until this day, a series of noisy sounds suddenly came from a distance.

These sounds were as violent as thousands of troops charging, and the whole earth trembled.

A moment later, the stone door opened with a bang, and then a young man walked out from it. It was Mo Xun who had been in seclusion for thirty years.

At this moment, his cultivation has reached the peak of the late stage of foundation building. It seems that he is only one step away from forming a pill.

Perhaps it is the growth of his realm that has made him change significantly compared to the past.

This change is not only reflected in the outside.

The pair of eyes that were originally calm and had a bit of unfathomable depth appeared even deeper.

Spending years in the dark made his complexion fairer, but his body seemed thinner.

The rumbling sound in his ears was getting closer and closer. A breeze blew past, and he was already flying into the air.

In the sky, over the clouds on the top of the mountain, when he saw the movement in the distance, his face changed and he blurted out.

"Beast tide!"

At the end of the sky, smoke and dust covered the sky and the sun. Thousands of monsters of all shapes and sizes surged ashore from the sea. Some flew in the sky, and some crawled on the ground. They were all like wild horses running away, and they came quickly to where he was.

The houses in the villages and towns along the way were razed to the ground in an instant by this group of crazy beasts.

Some high-level monks, because they were too busy to take care of themselves, fled to the distance while fighting and retreating. However, mortals with lower cultivation or even no cultivation at all had nowhere to escape, and could only be trampled by monsters one by one, or thrown directly into their mouths.

Seeing this scene, Mo Xun didn't even think about it, and hurried back to the cave, and collected everything as quickly as possible.

Then he came to the secret room and pulled down the portrait on the wall.

But at this moment, a stream of light in the portrait sank into Mo Xun's body.

"Boy, what happened?"

Mo Xun threw the excited Bai Ze into the spirit beast bag, and said, "A beast tide broke out, we have to leave here immediately."

"Beast tide..." Gong Yang murmured twice, but he was not as nervous as Mo Xun.

After leaving the cave, Mo Xun spent another cup of tea to put away the formations around the cave, and then waved his robe sleeves, and a sword energy condensed by spiritual power hit the hillside.

With a "boom", the entire cave was buried.

At the same time, the majestic army of monsters had swarmed to the foot of the mountain where he was.

Just as he took off into the air and prepared to fly away, Gong Yang's voice came again in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Don't worry, kid. Behind you on the left, there is a snow-white creature that looks like a fish but has wings."

Mo Xun subconsciously looked back and found what Gong Yang pointed to after a while.

Although this creature looks special, it is not very conspicuous among a large group of strange-looking monsters.

Without waiting for Mo Xun to ask, Gong Yang continued: "This thing is called Silver Loach. Go and lead it to a place with few people."

Mo Xun asked in confusion: "What do you want to do?"

Gong Yang smiled: "Wait until you kill this beast, and then I will tell you in detail."

Mo Xun's brows immediately frowned, and he asked several more questions in succession, but Gong Yang remained silent.

He cursed in his heart, this old guy really doesn't treat himself as an outsider anymore!

Seeing that the beast tide was about to rush over, Mo Xun suddenly became ruthless and flew towards the beasts from the side.

Looking at the huge army of monsters in front of him, he heard the earth-shaking roars in his ears, and he felt that his heart was about to jump out.

When he was about a hundred feet away, he suddenly stopped, and then put his hands in front of his chest, quickly formed a seal, and drew a strange character in the void.


The character slowly grew larger in the air, and when it flew over the head of the silver fish, it seemed like a rapidly falling weight, hitting its head hard, and immediately knocked the strange flying fish down several feet.

This move was a new spell he learned from Taihao True Fire Art after he had just cultivated to the late stage of foundation building, called "Red Fire Seal"!

Speaking of the thirty years of cultivation, it seemed to have passed in a flash, but only he knew the hardships in it.

This was also the longest retreat he had since he started practicing Taoism.

It took him five years to refine the elixir, and countless spiritual medicines were wasted during this period.

However, it was precisely these years of continuous elixir refining that allowed him to reach a higher level in his attainments in the art of elixir.

If classified by grade, he has now at least reached the level of Earth Grade 6.

In other words, he can basically refine elixirs below the foundation-building stage.

Of course, there were several crises during the practice, but fortunately Gong Yang gave him timely guidance, so he did not go astray.

Over the years, he hardly rested for a day. Apart from boring practice every day, he never even stepped out of the cave gate.

As for the elixir he swallowed, it was an unknown number!

Fortunately, hard work pays off. Ten years ago, he finally broke through to the late stage of foundation building with the help of Kui'e Pill. Later, his cultivation gradually became smoother.

Sometimes, even Gongyang couldn't help but sigh at his perseverance and was even more shocked by his cultivation speed.

You know, for someone like him with four-attribute mixed spiritual roots, it is considered a great luck to be able to successfully build a foundation, not to mention that he would cross three realms in thirty years.

Yinlu noticed the hateful human race attacking it at the first time, and then roared, making a piercing cry like a baby, which made Mo Xun, who was about to flee, suddenly blank in his mind.

Fortunately, Gongyang shouted at this time.

"This is a sonic attack. With your current realm, you just need to keep your mind!"

Just in this moment of distraction, Yinlu has caught up, and the distance between him and Mo Xun is less than thirty feet away.

This thing didn't seem that big when it was seen from a distance among a group of monsters, but when it got closer, it was surprising to find that when it spread its wings, it was two or three feet wide.

Mo Xun was shocked, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead in an instant.

He hurriedly used his spiritual power to stabilize his body, and then turned into a long rainbow and flew away.

Of course, in order not to lose that guy, he had to control his speed at all times.

In this way, two rays of light, one red and one white, gradually moved away from the center of the beast tide as they chased each other.

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