Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 358 Lotus Incarnation

Mo Xun sighed softly in his heart and reluctantly returned to his residence.

In the past few years, he has tried to form pills at least seven or eight times, but he has never even touched the ceiling of breakthrough.

It wasn't until more than a month ago that he finally gave up on continuing to practice.

And the lucky monk just now was the first person he met who successfully formed the elixir since he moved in here.

In fact, it was also his first time to watch the Thunder Tribulation of the Core Formation.

"Boy, why are you so discouraged? Sooner or later, you will end up on this road. I am optimistic about you!"

Mo Xun smiled bitterly, but he didn't expect that the first comfort came from a portrait.

Perhaps his avenue is really like the scene in this painting, which seems real but is extremely illusory!

"Gongyang, do you know how to refine the incarnation?"

"Incarnation? Why are you asking about this suddenly?"

I saw a flash of rays of light in Mo Xun's hand, and an extra jade box appeared. Then with a "bang", the box opened, and a lotus root as thick as an arm lay quietly inside.

There was no need for Mo Xun to explain, Gongyang had already blurted out: "Lan Xinlian!"

"Boy, you actually have Lan Xinlian, and..."

As he spoke, the male sheep's voice seemed to be a little more trembling.

"And judging by its appearance, this thing is at least three thousand years old!"

Mo Xun touched his chin and smiled softly. He admired this old guy's eyesight very much!

"You want to refine the lotus incarnation?"

It seemed that the name of this thing was quite real, and Gongyang guessed what he was thinking right away.

"Do you think it is okay?"

Gongyang obviously hadn't recovered from the shock. After a long time, he sighed leisurely and said: "If such a lotus root has six or seven sections, maybe it can still be tried. It's just that this short section has some... Pity!"

Mo Xun sneered, with a rare hint of disdain.

"If I said, I have thirty knots in this thing, would you believe it?"


Upon hearing this, the portrait on the wall suddenly opened its dark eyes and took a deep breath.

"Thirty? Which seven-star... or even eight-star sect did your boy rob?"

"Don't worry about it. Just tell me whether you know how to refine the incarnation technique?"

Gongyang pondered for a moment, and said with some doubts: "This is simple, but I am very curious. You are only in the late stage of foundation building. What are you doing to refine the incarnation? Don't tell me, with your little strength, you want to control high-level Not to mention whether you can control the incarnation, you haven't advanced yet, so you don't want to waste all your energy on cultivating the incarnation, right?"

Without waiting for Mo Xun to explain, Gongyang continued to say earnestly: "Don't blame me for not reminding you. No matter how powerful the incarnation is, it is only an external object after all. The road, after all, you still have to rely on yourself. Don't put the cart before the horse!"

Seeing that the other party stopped talking, Mo Xun spoke calmly.

"Don't worry, I know my own rules, you just need to tell me the refining method."

Gongyang thought for a while and then said: "Okay, but you still have to tell me first what is the purpose of refining the incarnation?"

Mo Xun was silent for a short time. In fact, in his opinion, this was nothing. Even if he didn't say it now, the other party would know it sooner or later.

He suddenly closed his eyes, and then countless black spots like tadpoles gradually appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness.

These black dots slowly gathered together to form simple and carved characters.

At the top, there are five big characters written... "Five Turns of Hunyuan Gong"!

"This is..." Gongyang muttered to himself twice and then began to study it carefully.

This technique may be worthless in the eyes of others, but for Mo Xun today, it may become the most valuable thing he gained during his journey to the ancient wilderness.

Whether it can form a pill or not probably depends on this thing!

After a long time, Gongyang seemed to understand Mo Xun's thoughts!

"Do you want to use your incarnation body to practice cultivation, and finally use this fifth-turn Hunyuan to transfer all the mana in your avatar body to you, so as to help you form elixirs?"

Mo Xun nodded slightly. This old guy was indeed transformed into the consciousness of Master Cang Kuo, and he immediately saw his plan.

Some things seem to have their own destiny!

At the same time he obtained Lan Xinlian, he also obtained this technique. Wasn't it God who condensed the golden elixir and paved a path for him?

Gongyang said with emotion: "Even I am ashamed of the person who can create such a skill. But if I remember correctly, you should have a mixed spiritual root of four attributes, and you still lack a water spiritual root. How to solve it?"

This matter is also what Mo Xun has been thinking about the most recently.

In the Sun, Moon and Star Palace that day, although the original intention of the old monster was to deceive him, he finally did a good deed and solved this problem for him.

"This is simple, just change the five-turn into a four-turn!"

The ram nodded first, then shook his head.

"This method is possible, but it may not be that easy to implement."

Mo Xun sighed softly in his heart. He naturally knew it was not easy, but now, is there a better way for him?

If he uses four times the original mana to attack the bottleneck and still cannot condense the golden elixir, he will really have no chance of the great road in this life!

After a moment, the ram's face suddenly showed a hint of flattery.

"Well... I can help you refine the incarnation, but in the end, can you give me one as well?"

Mo Xun asked doubtfully: "What do you want this thing for?"

Gong Yang smiled: "Didn't you promise to help me find an ownerless body? This lotus body is just right!"

Mo Xun's eyes lit up immediately. He didn't think of this.

"Are you sure it's feasible?"

"Of course, how can I joke about my own life?"

Mo Xun nodded in understanding. If so, it would save him a lot of trouble.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, this 3,000-year-old Lan Xin Lotus is a rare treasure, but for him, it is the cheapest.

Mo Xun secretly estimated and said: "Okay, according to what you just said, the number of lotus roots in my hand can barely refine four incarnations. I need three, leaving one for you, and..."

Speaking of this, Mo Xun suddenly smiled meaningfully: "And I can also give you the only lotus seed!"

Hearing this, Gong Yang almost jumped out of the portrait.

Ordinary lotus incarnations can cultivate, but the highest is only the late stage of foundation building.

But once you have lotus seeds, it is like embedding a golden elixir in your incarnation body, and the effect achieved is incomparable!

In the next few months, Mo Xun discussed incarnation refining with Gong Yang while frequently going in and out of the city market and various auction places. Until two years later, this cave residence, which had not yet expired, was deserted again.

Thank you all for your support(^~^)

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