Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 359 Liangyi Palace

Half a year later, outside Baisha City!

"Gongyang, this time I have broken my promise to you, but I will still give you the lotus seed!"

Hearty laughter came from the sea of ​​Mo Xunshi.

"What's the point? I've been waiting for tens of thousands of years, why do I care about this little time?"

It turned out that there were just enough materials to refine four incarnations, but one of them was destroyed by Mo Xun. The one who agreed to Gongyang had to be recruited by Mo Xun first to help him practice other attributes.

Fortunately, the finished products that came out this time made Mo Xun quite satisfied, two with double spiritual roots and one with three spiritual roots.

With a sufficient supply of elixirs, he must be able to practice much faster than his own body.

The main reason why he came to the city in front of him this time was because of the Seven-Star Sect, Liangyi Palace, located here!

Standing on the hills outside the city, he was looking at the magnificent city in the distance while playing with a square jade pendant in his hand, which had the word "Liang Yi" engraved on it.

Although this sect is only at the seven-star level, it is well-known for its array formations and is ranked somewhat high in the entire Eastern Region.

As for his "Five-turn Hunyuan Gong", when it finally fuses mana and condenses the golden elixir, it requires corresponding formations.

Half a month later, in a teahouse in the city.

Such a big city for cultivating immortals is no different from other places, except that there are more shops selling formations in the shops along the street.

At this moment, Mo Xun rarely used Qi Condensation Technique, suppressing his cultivation to the point where Qi Refining was perfect.

Opposite him sat a young monk named Jiang Huan who was about the tenth level of Qi Refining.

The two people were surrounded by an invisible layer of restriction.

"Brother Jiang, I wonder if you have any clues about what I'm asking you to do?"

Jiang Huan smiled slightly and tasted the spirit tea that was still steaming in his hand with great pleasure. However, because he was too fat, his face was full of wrinkles, and his short figure looked extremely uncoordinated when he walked. .

It is said that the immortal cultivators eat wind and drink dew, which can help them obtain grains, and their bodies will only look younger and more handsome due to the year-round nourishment of spiritual energy.

But in everything, there are always some exceptions.

Isn’t the person in front of me the best evidence?

"Hehe, how can I not do my best to do what Brother Su told me, but this..."

Seeing the shrewdness in those cunning eyes, Mo Xun immediately understood the meaning of these words.

Then he took out a storage bag from his arms and pushed it in front of Jiang Huan.

However, Jiang Huan was not in a hurry to pick it up, but showed some hesitation.

"Brother Su, can I ask you again, what do you want from this information?"

Mo Xun raised his brows, met the other person's eyes in the air, and unconsciously tapped his fingers on the table a few times.

After a moment, he smiled slowly and said: "Brother Jiang, don't worry, I just want to become a disciple of Liangyi Palace, so I'll do some homework in advance so that I can be prepared when the time comes."

More than ten days ago, Mo Xun got acquainted with this person in the black market, and asked him to inquire about all the elders above the Foundation Establishment stage in Liangyi Palace, which led to today's meeting.

Jiang Huan didn't quite believe Mo Xun's words.

Logically speaking, if you want to become a disciple of a sect, it is understandable to find one or two deacons and elders to connect you, but Mo Xun needs the information of all the elders, which is a bit strange.

If it weren't for the fact that the reward given by Mo Xun was too high, Jiang Huan wouldn't have dared to take on such a hot job.

He was afraid that if Mo Xun got hot and did something evil, the palace would find out and eventually follow the clues and implicate him.

Moreover, there are three Nascent Soul cultivators sitting in the Liangyi Palace, there are as many as thirty or forty people in the Pill Formation Elders, and there are hundreds or even thousands of Deacon Elders in the Foundation Establishment Period.

Such a workload is indeed not small.

But having said that, Jiang Huan is not alone, otherwise, he would not have collected all this information in just half a month.

Moreover, in the black market, any kind of transaction can be done, not to mention inquiring for information. As long as the price is right, even assassinating an elder who forms the core is not negotiable.

Thinking of this, Jiang Huan smiled again and took out a jade slip from his arms.

"In that case, congratulations to Brother Su, you can get what you want!"

After coming out of the teahouse, Mo Xun hurried back to the temporary inn where he was staying.

As soon as he entered the room, he immediately set up an isolation circle around him, then took off his disguise and took out the jade slip.

After a long time, when he separated his mind from the jade slip, his face couldn't help but become a little solemn.

He had previously guessed that Xu Qianfan should be a foundation-building monk, but who knew he was actually the Danjie elder in Liangyi Palace.

What is puzzling is that how can an elder of Dan Jie turn over to the Foundation Establishment casual cultivator at all costs?

And he did not hesitate to use his privileges to recommend him as a deacon in the palace.

But the good news is that Elder Xu has never returned since he left the sect forty years ago, and now he is even more confused about life and death.

It's just that because there is no concrete news, this person's elder position has not been revoked!

Now Mo Xun was a little hesitant. If this person only had foundation-building cultivation and had not returned to the sect for decades, then most likely his body would die and his Tao would disappear.

But the pill-forming monks were different. Perhaps due to some chance, it was not unusual for them to stay in seclusion for dozens or even hundreds of years.

Seeing Mo Xun's frown and not saying anything for a long time, Gongyang suddenly asked: "Boy, what's wrong?"

Mo Xun had no choice but to briefly summarize the contents of the jade slip and combine it with his own analysis.

Unexpectedly, Gong Yang laughed after hearing this.

"You kid, you usually look smart and cunning, but now you are acting stupid!"

"How do you say this?"

Gongyang acted like a worldly expert and pointed: "You just want to sneak into Liangyi Palace and secretly learn other people's formation books to help you form elixirs. You don't want to stay there all your life. Once you find you If you need it, just slap your butt and leave. I estimate that two or three years will be enough!"

After a moment, Mo Xuncai nodded in agreement.

If he were faster, he might not be able to survive even two years.

Come to think of it, Elder Xu has not returned for forty years. It should not be such a coincidence that he just came back in the past two years, right?

As soon as he thought of this, Mo Xun immediately made a decision in his heart.

In the side hall, Mo Xun stood tall, wearing plain gray clothes. He put one hand behind his back and clenched his fist in front of his chest, looking at the majestic palace in the distance with emotion.

"Sky Palace!"

The corner of his mouth curled up into a smile. The name was exactly the same as the main hall of Master Cang Kuo.

If the male sheep were here, I'm afraid he would have to laugh at him with disdain.

Of course, in a place like this where there are many experts, he would not dare to let the old guy out.

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