Not long after, a thin man with a three-inch long beard, dressed in white, and looking extremely celestial, descended from a high altitude on the clouds.

This man was about forty years old, and every move he made was extremely steady and decent.

Behind him, followed a young Qi-refining monk, who was the one who had received Mo Xun before and ran to inform him.

Mo Xun's eyes only briefly glanced at the thin man, and his expression immediately changed.

This person is a genuine alchemy monk!

"I've met senior!"

Facing Mo Xun's bow and salute, the man always had a faint smile on his lips. After looking at him for a few times, he nodded lightly.

But just these few glances made Mo Xun feel as if he had been seen through for a moment.

He didn't quite know whether this was due to the difference in realm, or whether the other party had practiced some secret skills that gave him this illusion.

"Are you the Taoist friend Lin Yi that Junior Brother Xu calls you?"

This person was full of energy when he spoke, which was completely opposite to his thin appearance.

"This junior is Lin Yi!"

To be honest, Mo Xun was a little worried. Although there was only a thin line between him and the opponent in terms of cultivation, there was still a huge difference in level. Moreover, this was also his first time to face a person at such a close distance. The alchemy monk.

It is impossible to say that I am not nervous.

"No need to be so polite. My surname is Sun Mingdian. I am temporarily the head of the palace. Let's talk inside!"

Sun Dian glanced at Mo Xun meaningfully again and walked in first.

Mo Xun calmed down and followed him. As for the Qi Refining disciple who informed him, he stayed outside the door in a polite manner.

After the two sat down, Sun Dian took out the jade pendant and jade slip and placed them on the table beside them.

"I wonder how Fellow Daoist Lin and Junior Brother Xu met?"

Mo Xun had naturally drafted this question a long time ago, but he answered without blushing or heartbeat.

It was nothing more than a chance encounter, a trip to ancient ruins together, and many promotions at the same time...

In this regard, Sun Dian did not ask too carefully, but said doubtfully: "Since Junior Brother Xu recommended you to come here thirty-eight years ago, why did Fellow Taoist arrive today?"

Sun Dian's tone was calm and gentle, but in his ears, it sounded like an undoubted majesty.

"Speaking of it, it can be regarded as a little chance. After I came out of the ancient ruins, I suddenly felt that my realm was loosened, so I found a place to retreat and break through. I forgot about the time during this practice, and this is why I have delayed it until now."

Mo Xun's explanation fit perfectly with the right leader, Lin Yi, who was in the middle stage of foundation building at that time.

Hearing this, Sun Dian was obviously a little interested.

"Looking at fellow Taoist's cultivation, it seems that he has reached the realm of fake elixirs. Why not continue to retreat and break through?"

Mo Xun sighed bitterly.

"To be honest, Master Sun, I actually tried forming pills a few years ago!"

Sun Dian immediately understood the meaning of these words, and said consolingly: "Fellow Taoist, there is no need to be so depressed. Since ancient times, there are not many people who can form elixirs at one time. Besides, you have just advanced to a new level. With more experience, you will be better." Not a bad thing."

Seeing that Mo Xun just nodded and seemed unwilling to say more, Sun Dian naturally understood and did not continue the topic.

"By the way, I wonder where Senior Brother Xu is now?"

Mo Xun frowned and said, "I have never seen Senior Xu since the ancient ruins. It was only when I came to Guizong that I learned that Senior has never returned."

Sun Dian sighed softly and stood up slowly. His eyes fell on the open space outside the hall, with a look of worry on his face.

"Junior Brother Xu encountered a bottleneck in his cultivation back then. He only said that he would go on a trip. Who knew that there would be no news after this trip? When Sun saw this jade pendant today, he thought it would bring news about Junior Brother!"

At this time, Mo Xun didn't know how to speak, so he could only nod in agreement.

While the two were talking, there was a rush of footsteps outside the hall.

At the same time, a respectful "Master Xia" came from outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, a strong man wearing purple clothes and a thick beard strode in.

This person is also a monk in the early stage of pill formation.

While Mo Xunzheng was confused, Sun Dian on the side had already stepped forward to greet him.

"Junior Brother Xia, you are here!"

Mo Xun looked at him, stood up hurriedly, and bowed.

The strong man looked at Mo Xun with cold eyes, looked around, and then asked calmly: "Is this the person who brought the news about Senior Brother Xu?"

Sun Dian smiled slightly and handed the jade slip to this person.

"Yes, this fellow Taoist Lin Yi was recommended by Junior Brother Xu."

Then, Sun Dian introduced to Mo Xun: "This is Elder Xia Tonghai of our sect!"

Mo Xun raised his arm again and bent towards him. As soon as the person came in, he noticed a sudden change in the atmosphere in the hall.

Although the head of Sun still had a pleasant smile, he seemed to have a little more smile on his face.

Moreover, the new Xia Tonghai, when faced with Sun Dian's politeness, not only did not respond, but was a little cold and even bossy, as if he was the leader.

However, these only flashed through Mo Xun's mind.

He knew that no matter where he was, there would be factional struggles. Even the small pharmacy where he stayed back then had intrigues and intrigues.

He is here to practice. As long as the matter has nothing to do with him, he will naturally hang up!

After Xia Tonghai looked at the jade slip, his sharp eyes were cast on Mo Xun again.

"How did you and Senior Brother Xu meet?"

As a last resort, Mo Xun could only repeat the lie he had made up from beginning to end.

However, this Elder Xia was obviously more difficult to deal with than Sun Dian, and he raised questions at several key points.

Fortunately, Mo Xun always did things without leaking a drop of water.

Beforehand, he had put in a lot of effort to find out what Xu Qianfan looked like, and to understand some of his famous magical powers and style of doing things. He thought about it dozens of times in his mind before he dared to come to him.

Otherwise, it would be easy to be exposed!

After a round of questioning, Xia Tonghai only said, "If there is any news about Elder Xu, notify him as soon as possible," and then left.

Watching the man's back as he left, Sun Dian smiled awkwardly and said, "Don't worry, fellow Daoist. Junior Brother Xia was very close to Junior Brother Xu back then, so he acted like this."

Mo Xun nodded in understanding, but in his heart, he secretly remembered this Elder Xia.

After Sun Dian sent out a sound transmission talisman, he pulled Mo Xun aside again and started chatting.

But this time, the conversation mainly revolved around Mo Xun's life experience and the trip to the ancient wilderness back then, and Xu Qianfan was not mentioned again.

Not long after, a little old man in the middle stage of foundation building walked in briskly.

"Master, I wonder if you want me to come here? What's your order?"

Although Mo Xun knew that the cultivation world has always determined the hierarchy based on cultivation, he was still shocked to hear this cultivator, who looked like Sun Dian's father, calling out the word "Master".

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