"Master Zhuo, this is fellow Taoist Lin Yi who just started today..."

When Sun Dian said this, he suddenly turned to look at Mo Xun and asked, "By the way, I don't know what fellow Taoist is good at?"

Mo Xun thought for a while and asked with some uncertainty: "Does refining alchemy count?"

Sun Dian's eyes lit up and he smiled and said: "Of course it counts. Although our sect is famous for its formation method, many disciples are involved in weapon refining or alchemy!"

"Senior Nephew Zhuo, Senior Brother Gao has entrusted you with all the matters to be temporarily taken care of before going into seclusion. Therefore, you will take care of the entry-level matters for Junior Nephew Lin!"

The old man surnamed Zhuo hurriedly bowed and said: "Yes, I will obey the master's decree!"

When Mo Xun heard this, he shouted "Uncle Master" in a very polite way!

After following the old man surnamed Zhuo to leave, the two of them arrived at an antique hall, one after the other.

This person's name is Zhuo Chong. Along the way, Mo Xun probably also learned that this dear friend's master is the elder Jie Dan who is in charge of the internal affairs of the sect, that is, the general manager of logistics.

In terms of power, it may not be that big, but it is quite rich in oil and water!

Some time ago, the Elder Jiedan suddenly gained something unexpectedly, so he went into seclusion. Now, this fat job has temporarily fallen on this person.

"Senior Brother Lin, please come inside!"

Mo Xun looked around. This was a place halfway up the mountain. Behind him was a wide bluestone square, surrounded by fences with carved beams and painted buildings. In the middle, there was a towering ancient tree that had gone through many years. Surrounded by similarly large trees, it looks lush and green, and the whole environment gives people a simple and solemn feeling.

It is the summer heat, and all kinds of insects and birds can be heard in my ears.

The aura of this place is also quite rich, and the two ritual palaces occupy a treasured place.

Mo Xun followed him into the main hall. It was not big but empty. Opposite the main entrance, there was a portrait about three feet tall. There was a tea table in front of it and some tribute bowls and dishes.

In the portrait, there is a man with fluttering clothes, and his arrogant demeanor, which is somewhat similar to the real person Cang Kuo.

"This is the founder of our sect. Senior Brother Lin, please come and offer incense first!"

As Zhuo Chong was talking, a boy came forward to help light the tea and handed it to Mo Xun with a wink.

Mo Xun took Miao Xiang and saw clearly that the signature of the portrait had the four small characters "Ancestor Qingsong" written on it.

He secretly speculated that this portrait might have been added by future generations. After all, no one in this world would call themselves an ancestor.

After offering incense, Zhuo Chong led Mo Xun to the side hall.

After the two sat down, Zhuo Chong first ordered someone to serve a cup of tea, and then got down to the topic.

"According to the wishes of the master uncle, if senior brother is good at alchemy, he has three choices."

As Zhuo Chong spoke, he took out a very thick book from his storage bag, something similar to an account book.

"One is to enter Uncle Guan's Danyang Palace, or Uncle Xu's Danqing Palace. The main responsibility is to be responsible for refining elixirs. Of course, the advantage of this is that you can get higher points and spiritual stones every month. But relatively speaking, it may be a bit harder..."

Before the other party finished speaking, Mo Xun asked in confusion: "Junior Brother Zhuo, what are these points?"

Zhuo Chong smiled slightly and explained patiently: "The so-called points are a way for the sect to measure the contribution of disciples. These points can be used to exchange for various cultivation resources, such as elixirs, magic weapons, exercises, secret techniques, etc. !”

Mo Xun suddenly realized that he seemed to have simplified many things before.

He originally thought that as long as he joined the sect, he could read the secret techniques and techniques at will, but who knew that there were such rules.

But it’s easy to understand. After all, any sect has only a few core things. If a random disciple could learn other people’s secret techniques, I’m afraid it would have gone bankrupt long ago.

The "Danyang Palace" and "Danqing Palace" mentioned by the other party are easier to understand. They should be the places responsible for alchemy.

Seeing Mo Xun's understanding, Zhuo Chong continued: "The second option is to enter the elixir garden. There are three herb gardens in our sect, and each has its own alchemy master. Brother Lin is good at alchemy, so he must be very good at cultivating it." You should have a lot of experience with the elixir, so you might want to consider going to these places.”

When it came to the medicine garden, Mo Xun was obviously interested.

But before he could speak, Zhuo Chong continued: "The advantage of this kind of place is that it can be more relaxed, but the reward is naturally not comparable to the first one."

Mo Xun was silent for a moment. In fact, it was obviously a great thing for him to have access to such a large sect's medicine garden.

With the ripening effect of the black soil, he believed that as long as he was given enough time, he would be able to replicate the exact same medicine garden in the cyan space.

However, he did not rush to make a choice, but asked: "What about the third option?

After Zhuo Chong invited tea, he said calmly: "As for the third type, it is much simpler. Senior brother does not need to accept the jurisdiction of any uncle. He only needs to complete the tasks assigned by the sect every month. Alchemy tasks are enough, and the rewards obtained in this way are also the lowest, but the benefits are obvious, that is, you have more freedom and have enough time to practice. "

Hearing this, Mo Xun couldn't help but frown and asked, "I wonder if I need points to study the Menzhong Formation Book?"

"Of course, although our sect is famous for its formations, those things are the hard work of the ancestors over the years. Naturally, they need to make certain contributions to the sect before they can be allowed to check them. Even the elders of Danjie cannot follow this rule. broken!"

Mo Xun suddenly stood up and took two steps slowly.

Obviously, this is a bit difficult to handle!

Each of the three options has pros and cons. He doesn't want to be controlled by others, but he also wants to get enough points.

After a moment, he asked again: "In the third method, if I complete the task on time, can I get more points by refining more pills?"

"This...it's okay of course!"

Hearing this answer, Mo Xun felt relieved and immediately said without hesitation: "In that case, I will choose the third option!"

Zhuo Chong stroked his beard and said with a smile: "I guess senior brother will choose this third option!"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows and asked doubtfully, "Why?"

"Haha... This is not surprising. Many elders who join the sect midway will mostly make the same choice as my senior brother. After all, you are used to being idle, so naturally you don't want to be restricted by others..."

At this point, Zhuo Chong suddenly changed his tone and said confidently: "But it won't be long before many people find it difficult to obtain points and will come back here to make a new choice!"


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