Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 365: Secret Art of Forming the Pill

"Brother Hu, you mean that Qianji Old Demon has the secret technique of condensing pills?"

"Yes, this matter is actually not a secret. Anyone who has heard it will guess this!"

Mo Xun murmured to himself: "Thousands of years ago, if you put it this way, this senior would have passed away long ago!"

"Exactly, the old demon Qianji disappeared for no reason at that time. Some people said that he was chased by his enemies, while others said that he died from his inner demon when he was going through the Nascent Soul Tribulation."

At this moment, Mo Xun already understood the other party's intention of coming here, but he was still a little confused and couldn't figure it out for a while.

"Brother Hu must have found out about this person's whereabouts, right?"

"Brother Lin is really smart. It seems that I have found the right person this time. After decades of tracing, Hu finally got clues to the place where the old demon Qianji rested."

Mo Xun did not ask specifically about the details. Instead, he asked doubtfully: "I have something that I don't understand. Please explain it to Brother Hu!"

Hu Weizhou touched the stubble of his beard and nodded lightly.

Mo Xun thought about his words and then said slowly: "Brother Hu, since he has been here for a long time, he must have made many friends, so why would he come to see this newcomer who just started his career?"

"Brother Lin, even if you don't ask, I will explain it myself..."

At this point, Hu Weizhou suddenly changed the subject and asked, "I wonder, Brother Lin, have you ever heard of our sect's three halls and one meeting?"

Three sessions and one session?

Mo Xun frowned and shook his head.

"I have just arrived here not long ago. Apart from visiting a few must-visit places, I have no idea what is going on in the door."

"The so-called three halls and one association are some of the intricate forces in our sect, including Sanqingtang, Yudingtang, Ziguangtang, and Taiyihui. Most of the disciples in the sect are attached to them, and behind these four forces, there are There are different Dan-forming elders standing on each side.”

Mo Xun touched his chin and nodded thoughtfully.

Just listen to Hu Weizhou continue to say: "Although Hu has made some friends in the sect, most of them are local monks of the Liangyi Sect, and naturally they belong to the three halls... I wonder, Brother Lin, if you understand what I am saying mean?"

Mo Xun sneered. The seemingly rough man in front of him had a very delicate mind!

But having said that, if a person who lives for one or two hundred years is not careful, he may have died in some barren mountain long ago!

The so-called local monks didn't need to be explained. Mo Xun probably guessed what they meant.

They are nothing more than monks trained by the sect since the Qi training period.

This kind of monks have a sense of belonging to the sect that is far from comparable to those who became monks halfway.

Of course, the sect will also be tilted in terms of cultivation resources and power.

What Hu Weizhou actually meant was that if he found someone else to join his gang, it would inevitably be known to the high-ranking monks in the Three Halls and One Hall.

But from Mo Xun's point of view, this didn't seem to be a big deal.

"Brother Hu, I guess those pill-forming elders don't have much interest in the so-called secret method of pill-forming, right?"

Hu Weizhou said with a solemn expression: "Brother Lin only knows one thing, but not the other. Back then, there were an unknown number of pill-forming monks who died at the hands of the old demon Qianji. It is said that this person's net worth is probably that of the Yuanying monk. It may not be possible. Although you and I only seek the secret method, there is no guarantee that someone will covet the treasure!"

Mo Xun suddenly realized that he had ignored this incident.

But according to what Hu Weizhou said, it seems that the Thousand-Ji Old Demon is still a fat sheep!

"What does Brother Hu mean?"

"When Hu comes here, he naturally hopes to cooperate with Brother Lin to find this secret method. I wonder what Brother Lin wants?"

Mo Xun slowly stood up from the stone bench and took a few steps.

This matter really made him a little embarrassed.

To be honest, since he decided to join the Liangyi Sect, he had actually made up his mind to calm down, study the formations here, and concentrate on preparing for the "Five Turns of Hunyuan Gong".

But then again, what if this method doesn’t work?

What should we do if we spend decades in vain and still fail to form the elixir?

After a while, Mo Xun suddenly asked: "Brother Hu, how many comrades have you invited in total?"

After Hu Weizhou hesitated for a moment, he said: "Because the place of discovery is guarded by a Five Dou Qianyuan Formation, so including you and me, it will take at least five late-stage peak cultivators to break through."

Mo Xun finally understood why this person kept such a secret but wanted to share it with others. The crux must be that formation!

After a long silence, Mo Xuncai said: "Brother Hu, can you give me a few days to think about it?"

"Of course it should be, and even if I go, I'm afraid it will be a year or two later. After all, everyone who works here needs to settle down the things at hand..."

Having said this, Hu Weizhou's face suddenly became a little more serious.

"But, Hu has an unkind request. I hope Brother Lin can agree!"

"But it doesn't matter!"

"That means no matter whether Brother Lin goes or not, he must swear to his inner demon that he will not tell any third person about this matter!"

Hearing the threat in this tone, Mo Xun suddenly laughed.

"Okay, Lin agrees!"

After seeing Hu Weizhou off, Mo Xun's expression immediately became solemn.

"Gongyang, do you think this is reliable?"

"Cang Kuo had never encountered such a situation back then. How could I know? Logically speaking, it is not easy to survive after breaking the pill. There are only two possibilities for this person to be able to condense pills one after another."

Mo Xun hurriedly asked: "Which two?"

"The first is, of course, hearsay, not credible! The second is that this Qianji may really have some unique secret technique!"

In fact, Mo Xun hesitated here.

But then again, if it is hearsay, it will only delay some time, but if it is true, then he will miss the chance to learn the secret technique of forming a pill?

Thinking of this, he seemed to have made up his mind.

Then, he hurried out of the house again, disguised himself, and went down the mountain directly.

After a sound transmission note was sent, it was still the teahouse before.

"Brother Su, I don't know what's urgent that you are urging me to come here so anxiously?"

The person who spoke was still the fat Jiang Huan.

"Brother Jiang, this time I'm going to ask about someone again, but I have to be quick. I hope to get all the information about this person within half a day." Mo Xun didn't say hello and went straight to the point.

At the same time, he took out a storage bag and pushed it in front of the other party.

Jiang Huan was a little surprised at first, but after checking the contents, he immediately showed joy and patted his chest.

"Brother Su, don't worry. As long as it's within the scope of Liangyi Sect, I will do my best!"

As he spoke, Jiang Huan had already put away the storage bag without a word. It seemed that in his opinion, there was no reason why this deal would not be successful.

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