Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 366 Three Halls and One Meeting

It wasn't until midnight that Mo Xun returned to the cave.

Along the way, he had read all the introductions about the Thousand Machines Old Demon in the jade slips.

It is roughly the same as what Hu Weizhou said. The former number one person under the Nascent Soul really broke the pill several times, but still swept away the monks of the same level.

Although it didn't mention any secret techniques, it did say that there were at least forty pill-forming monks who died at the hands of this person.

What is this concept?

A Liangyi sect is only a forty or fifty-year-old Danjie elder.

This person is equivalent to using his own power to destroy the middle level of a Seven Star Sect.

Mo Xun shuddered when he thought about it, how bloodthirsty he must be to do such an earth-shattering thing.

After thinking about it for two days, he finally sent a message of agreement to Hu Weizhou.

For the next period of time, he still lived in seclusion. Apart from practicing spells and drawing some talismans every day, he also made alchemy.

With all his heart and soul, and with the assistance of Jin Zhiguo, his rate and speed of forming pills are also steadily improving.

Of course, this improvement was also deliberate on his part.

In fact, at his speed, twelve furnaces of elixirs can be refined in basically three days.

However, when he first came here, he didn't dare to be too public, lest he be noticed by interested people.

Therefore, the situation he is currently facing is really embarrassing.

You want to get points quickly, but you also have to be careful everywhere.

Just like refining alchemy, there was one that was far more difficult to refine than Xue Po Pill and had higher points, but he couldn't change it.

He just wants to give the outside world the illusion that practice makes perfect!

But despite being cautious, within a few months, his name gradually spread within the sect.

Many monks already know that a mysterious elder has been promoted to the sect, and the elixirs produced are not only of excellent quality, but also extremely fast.

In a short period of time, the limelight overshadowed those alchemists in the "Danyang Palace" and "Danqing Palace".

No, as soon as the morning sun shone down, a transmission note flew in.

After hearing this, Mo Xun shook his head helplessly, stood up and opened the cave door.

"You must be Elder Lin Yi!"

Mo Xun hugged the opponent and said with a smile: "You're welcome, fellow Taoist, please come inside!"

This person's surname is Lu Mingwang, and he is a middle-stage foundation-building elder in Gongtian Palace who is responsible for guarding the sect?

After the two of them sat down, Lu Wang couldn't stop complimenting him. One moment, he said that he had profound knowledge in alchemy, which was unparalleled in the sect, and his reputation was far-reaching. The next moment, he expressed admiration for how advanced his cultivation was. He also expressed admiration from time to time. Let me ask you two questions.

Finally, even the decoration of the cave was given the word "elegant"!

Mo Xun really didn't see how his humble room, which was full of rocks and had no sign of comfort, could be called elegant.

After half an hour, the man revealed the purpose of his trip.

Mo Xun's guess was correct, it was alchemy!

As his reputation has grown, this is the fifth person who has come to him for elixirs in the past few days!

He was curious at first, there was an alchemy place in the door, why would he come to him?

Later, when I inquired about it, I found out that to find those alchemists to customize elixirs, you need to make an appointment, and the success rate of elixirs is not necessarily guaranteed.

Just like this dear friend in front of me, holding the prescription in his hand, he has been waiting for two years and his turn has not yet come.

How many low-level monks can afford to wait for two years?

This is the tragedy of having no backstage!

Sometimes, a good talent is not as good as a good background!

But Mo Xun, although he sympathized with him, could not accept this seemingly high reward.

The reason is simple, he has to tell everyone that he can only refine Xue Po Pills!

In fact, to be honest, he wanted to see the other party's elixir recipe. After all, to any alchemist, there was nothing more attractive than the elixir recipe.

After sending Lu Wang away, he was even thinking about whether to hang a sign outside the door, or to instruct Liu Jing and Qu Ming to be responsible for receiving people if they come again!

He shook his head with a wry smile. He thought he could continue to make alchemy, but he received another uninvited guest.

This person is actually a fairy with good looks!

Dong Qianxue sat in Lu Wang's seat just now, and Mo Xun also made her a cup of spiritual tea.

This person is also in the middle stage of foundation building, but his status cannot be underestimated.

Because this person is the direct disciple of the head Sun Dian.

"Elder Lin has been here for so long. I wonder if he is still used to it?"

"Thank you, Fairy, for your concern. The cultivation environment here is very good. In just a few months, I have made acquaintance with many fellow practitioners, and my daily life is extremely fulfilling."

Mo Xun said this from the bottom of his heart. Putting aside everything else, he used to be alone and did everything by himself. At least now he has two servants at his disposal.

"That's good. My master is busy with affairs at home during this period. I wanted to visit Senior Brother Lin in person, but I couldn't get away, so I had to entrust my concubine to come here."

As soon as the woman revealed her identity, Mo Xun knew that the other party's visit was definitely not without purpose.

He was already thinking secretly, if he still came to ask for pills, should he give face to this cheap junior sister?

Logically speaking, as the head disciple, you shouldn't ask for anything on him?

"Uncle, the head master, is busy with everything, but he still remembers Lin. It really scares me!"

Dong Qianxue smiled slightly and behaved elegantly.

"Master asked me to come over and ask, what else does Senior Brother need?"

Mo Xun invited him for tea and said with a smile: "Thank you, Master, for your kindness. The current arrangements are already very good!"

"That's good... By the way, I wonder if senior brother has come into contact with anyone recently?"

Mo Xun was obviously taken aback, not quite understanding what the other party meant.

"On the contrary... I have come into contact with some fellow Taoists. Just now, fellow Taoist Lu Wang came here to stay for a while. The other thing is..."

Just as Mo Xun was preparing to list the people who had visited him in the past few days, Dong Qianxue suddenly interrupted him with a smile.

"Senior brother, I'm afraid you have misunderstood what I mean!"

Mo Xun looked at her with confusion.

"How do you say this?"

Dong Qianxue pondered for a moment, then smiled and said: "I wonder, senior brother, have you ever listened to the three halls of our sect?"

Mo Xun hesitated for a moment, then nodded numbly, and then remembered the previous conversation with Hu Weizhou.

He didn't have much interest in this kind of division of power, so he never specifically inquired about it.

Just listen to Dong Qianxue continue to say: "Since senior brother has heard about it, he must also know about Jade Cauldron Hall?"

For a moment, Mo Xun seemed to understand the purpose of the other party's visit.

"I've heard a few things, but Fairy also knows that I haven't been here long, so I don't know much, and even... I haven't even figured out the differences between these forces yet!"


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