Dong Qianxue covered her mouth and smiled softly.

"It seems that Senior Brother is really a hard-working person!"

Mo Xun thought, with his talent, how can he not practice hard?

"But there is one thing, Senior Brother is right, these three halls and one association are several forces spontaneously organized by disciples, but this tradition has lasted for thousands of years, not just recently."

Mo Xun listened attentively, but thought in his heart that these immortal cultivators are really idle enough, with so much energy, they might as well practice well!

"I guess Sect Master Sun and the fairy should belong to this Yuding Hall?"

"Yes, I am naturally with Master."

Mo Xun asked again: "I heard that most of the Jindan elders of our sect also belong to these four forces?"

Dong Qianxue may have been sitting for a long time, so she slowly stood up and walked a few steps slightly.

When she was sitting, she couldn't see anything because of the skirt, but when she stood up, her waist was like a willow, her figure was graceful, and every move gave people a very pleasing feeling.

"That's right. Counting those in retreat, there are 53 Jindan elders left in the sect now, 46 of whom belong to these four forces. If we talk about strength, although my Yuding Hall is not the strongest, there are 14 Jindan cultivators, and there are more than 150 foundation-building fellows. And most importantly, my Yuding Hall is still the head of the sect!"

Looking at the look in Dong Qianxue's eyes, Mo Xun didn't feel much, because he didn't want to participate in this kind of fight at all.

He was just curious, why would a good sect be divided into so many forces?

Everyone came here to practice, and it's not like the countries in the mortal world, where they still need to fight for power.

Mo Xun touched his chin and pondered for a while, then asked: "Is the Nascent Soul cultivator also..."

"Brother, you are overthinking about this. The Nascent Soul ancestors have been in seclusion for many years and have not asked about the affairs of the sect for a long time. Naturally, they will not interfere."

Mo Xun thought, this is true. If the three Nascent Souls intervened, I am afraid that there would not be four forces.

"What is the purpose of the fairy's visit today?"

Dong Qianxue smiled sweetly, and her pair of smart eyes, as if they could speak, stared at Mo Xun straightly.

"Brother, you are so smart, can't you guess the purpose of my sister's coming here?"

This question was asked in return, and Mo Xun was a little bit at a loss for answer.

He had to sigh that the woman in front of him was another difficult character to deal with.

Mo Xun smiled awkwardly and suddenly changed the topic.

"I still have some doubts, I wonder if the fairy can give me some advice?"

"Brother, just speak up. Although I am far inferior to you in cultivation, I still have some say in the affairs of the sect."

After Mo Xun pondered for a while, he said: "Why are there so many forces in the sect? And what are the differences between these forces?"

"The answer to the first question is actually very simple, it's nothing more than cultivation resources!"

Mo Xun's face showed some doubts.

"What do you mean?"

"A thousand years ago, due to the unfair distribution of cultivation resources, our sect had several internal conflicts. Later, some cultivators spontaneously formed small groups, which were the predecessors of the three halls and one meeting. Now, it has become the current situation."

Hearing this explanation, Mo Xun was not only not relieved, but even more confused. He couldn't help asking: "Hasn't the sect always exchanged points for district resources? How could there be a distribution problem?"

"It seems that Senior Brother doesn't really care about other things except cultivation."

Mo Xun could naturally hear that this seemed to be said in a plain way, but secretly, it was mocking him for not knowing how to deal with people.

But it's no wonder. He has lived for seventy or eighty years, and more than half of his time has been spent in seclusion. How could he have come into contact with these twists and turns.

Gong Yang mentioned to him more than once that practicing blindly is not a good thing.

Before each breakthrough in a great realm, if you can enter the world for a period of time, it will be of great benefit to hone your mind.

Cultivating immortals, to a large extent, depends on cultivating the mind!

Failure to break through is often caused by a lack of inner strength!

In layman's terms, it is the lack of experience in dealing with things, and the shaping of the inner self has not caught up with the realm of the Dharma body.

It's a bit like a nouveau riche. It seems that wealth is piled up like a mountain, but the inner cultivation has not kept up with the precipitation, which leads to only being rich for a while, but not a lifetime of glory!

Of course, with Mo Xun's current realm, he has not yet deeply understood this step, and he has mediocre qualifications, so how can he be willing to waste time to cultivate his body and mind?

"It seems fair to exchange rewards with points, but how to get points is up for discussion."

At this point, Dong Qianxue stroked her hair by her ears, and her daughter's figure was full of charm!

"Just like when senior brother is refining pills, can he give a specific success rate? Or how many pills will be made in each furnace of pills?"

Mo Xun shook his head. Although he believed that the success rate of refining some pills was higher than that of others, he could not give a specific number.

As for how many pills are in one furnace, it is even more difficult to control!

"If this is the case, then there is obviously room for manipulation. Imagine that when refining pills, the cultivators have the spiritual herbs provided by the sect, but the specific consumption and the number of pills are completely decided by the cultivators. Is this fair to others?"

Mo Xun's mouth moved, and he was speechless for a moment.

He had never refined pills for others, so he had never thought about this problem.

But then again, there is probably no solution to this kind of thing, right?

Dong Qianxue continued, "For example, if the person responsible for mining the spiritual stones and precious materials of the sect lies or embezzles, how should we solve it?"

Hearing this, Mo Xun seemed to understand what the other party meant.

"So, due to different divisions of labor, there will be uneven distribution. At this time, some groups will naturally form. On the one hand, they supervise each other, and on the other hand, they also need to strive for corresponding interests."

Mo Xun nodded thoughtfully. It seems that he thought the problem was simple.

Managing a sect is no less than governing a country!

In fact, all the roots are in the distribution of interests.

"According to what the fairy said, how do these forces balance these problems?"

"In fact, this is also the second problem mentioned by Senior Brother."

Dong Qianxue stretched out two slender fingers like green onions and shook them in front of Mo Xun.

"There is actually no specific difference between the three halls and one meeting. Every thirty years, the sect will hold a big competition to redefine the jurisdiction for the next thirty years..."

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