Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 371 Millennium Elixir

Although Mo Xun was still confused, he didn't ask too much about other people's secrets.

"I wonder if Brother Hu will tell Fairy Yue about my request?"

This woman's name is Yue Wusi, dressed in green, with a little baby fat on her pink and white face. If you don't know, who can associate her with a high-level cultivator?

Yue Wusi smiled slightly, straightened her flat chest maturely, made a gesture of invitation, and sat opposite Mo Xun.

"As I said, fellow Taoist, do you want to buy points?"

Mo Xun nodded and suddenly asked: "I have a question, I wonder if the fairy can answer it?"

From the beginning, Mo Xun didn't plan to hide it, and he got straight to the point, which is also his usual style.

"Please speak!"

"What I wonder is why someone would sell points?"

This question seems to have little to do with his purpose.

It's like going to a restaurant to drink and asking the owner why he sells wine?

But after thinking about it carefully, you can find that points are very different from food and wine.

In the sect, points are equivalent to a disguised currency. Since this thing can be exchanged for cultivation resources, why don't those people exchange it directly, but choose to trade?

Yue Wu thought for a while, then smiled and replied: "There is nothing strange about this, and the reason is very simple."

At this point, the little girl stretched out a slender finger, with pink nails, thin and long.

"First, because points can only be used in the sect, if you want to get something that is not available in the sect, someone will take it out and sell it; second, some people want to get a more generous reward!"

Mo Xun nodded in understanding. It's not that he is curious about these things, but when he doesn't understand clearly, he can't help but murmur in his heart.

"So, if you want to buy points, you have to pay a higher price than the sect's reward?"

Yue Wusi laughed: "Of course, you don't think that I have nothing to do and I'm just bored, right?"

Mo Xun didn't respond to such ridicule, and continued to ask: "Then I wonder what the exchange rate is?"

"It depends on what you are going to exchange. If it is spirit stones, the price will be higher. On the basis of the actual price, the seller will add an extra 30%, and this pavilion will also take 15% of the profit."

Hearing this answer, Mo Xun sighed in his heart.

In other words, he paid the same price but only got half.

This price is really outrageous.

But then again, even if he has more spirit stones, can he buy formation books and satisfactory skills outside?

I'm afraid that Yingxiao Pavilion has calculated this point and dared to offer such a price.

Mo Xun couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart. Who knew that he would have to pay such a price for just standing in line casually.

Sometimes, it's not that he didn't work hard, but that his opponent was too shameless!

Seeing that Mo Xun was silent, Yue Wusi said again: "Daoyou should also know that secretly trading points is not allowed by the sect, so whether it is the seller or this pavilion, they actually have to take great risks. Not to mention the punishment of the sect, the anger of the Jindan elder alone is not something that can be easily borne."

Mo Xun then thought that although this market, like the outside world, also listed for business, it is after all within the sect. I'm afraid that the bosses and shopkeepers inside are all disciples of the sect.

However, he was curious about who this Fairy Yue learned from, and she actually had such a big trick that she could even trade points!

As far as he knew, points were directly recorded in the identity token in the mission hall, so how could they be transferred?

Of course, he didn't need to consider these issues.

However, he was careful and naturally caught the key point in Yue Wusi's words just now.

"What if it is exchanged for other things?"

"It depends on what it is. Many people come here because they can't get what they want in the sect. If it is too ordinary, it may not be as convenient as spiritual stones."

Mo Xun blurted out without thinking: "How about spiritual medicine?"

"Of course, this is possible, but it depends on the grade and age of the medicine. If it is less than a hundred years old..."

Before the other party finished speaking, Mo Xun interrupted lightly: "Thousand-year spiritual medicine!"

Hearing these four words, Yue Wusi immediately asked with some emotion: "Do you have a thousand-year spiritual medicine in your hand?"

The little girl's originally smiling face also immediately restrained, and her eyes suddenly widened a little.

"Yes, I wonder how much the Pavilion Master can offer?"

"If you can really take out a thousand-year-old spiritual medicine, I can make the decision. Together with the commission, you only need to pay 20%!"

Mo Xun knew that among all the cultivation resources, spiritual medicine was the most attractive, and it was a thousand-year-old medicine. It was something that even the Linking Pill cultivators would covet.

But this concession made Mo Xun still hesitate.

He even wanted to ask directly whether there would be a greater discount for medicines that were two or three thousand years old.

But in a second, he held back.

In the final analysis, his current strength was too weak.

He even doubted whether he could see the sun tomorrow once he said he had a three-thousand-year-old spiritual herb.

I don't know when he can say goodbye to this timidity!

Forget it, two makes two percent, why should he not bow his head now that he is under someone else's roof?

After agreeing on the price, Mo Xun left several jade boxes and the elder's token before saying goodbye.

Just a few steps out of Yingxiao Pavilion, he heard two low-level Qi practitioners setting up a stall not far away chatting about something.

He has never been very interested in this kind of tongue.

But unintentionally, he heard something related to himself.

"Elder Lin is not only very accomplished in alchemy, he is also very generous to his subordinates. Liu Jing and Qu Ming were not as good as you and me in their previous cultivation. When I saw them a few days ago, they seemed to be on the verge of a breakthrough. And now there is one light-chasing beast, not to mention how majestic it is!”

"Really? I wonder if Elder Lin still needs disciples to serve him?"

"Don't even think about it. How can you and I easily grasp the existence of that level?"

"Alas! That's true. I don't know what luck those two had, and they were sent to Elder Lin's side."

Hearing this, Mo Xun stroked his chin and smiled, but he didn't expect that he could also become a topic of conversation for others.

Two days later, Mo Xun received a transmission note.

Then, he hurried to Yingxiao Pavilion and got back the token, which already contained more than 10,000 points.

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