Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 372 Formation Pavilion

"I was surprised at first by who my fellow Taoist is, who could actually produce so many elixirs at once. It wasn't until I checked the token that I realized that you are actually the mysterious alchemist Elder Lin."

Looking at this girl who looked a bit delicate from time to time, Mo Xun always unconsciously wondered how old the woman in front of him was?

"The fairy is joking!"

Mo Xun had long known that in this kind of transaction, his identity could not be concealed.

The only worry is that after being found out by Sanqingtang, even this road will be blocked by him!

"May I ask, Taoist friend is not willing to exchange a thousand-year elixir for points, but what is the purpose?"

Perhaps it was an instinctive reaction, but Mo Xundang became alert and looked at the other party with sharp eyes through his bamboo hat.

Yue Wusi seemed to have sensed the sudden change in the atmosphere at that moment, and hurriedly added: "Fellow Taoist, there is no need to be so nervous. What I mean is that if you have any needs, you may not necessarily need to exchange points. You can completely get them from me." Get it directly from the pavilion, that way you can save 20% of the price.”

After a long time, Mo Xuncai said slowly: "No need, your pavilion cannot provide what I need."

Hearing this answer, Yue Wusi's face was obviously a little more disappointed, but he still said with a smile: "In that case, I won't force myself. If fellow Taoist still has this kind of elixir in the future, I hope I can give it priority." This pavilion, I will definitely not let you down!"

Mo Xun had no objection to this point. In fact, this was his plan.

He had previously considered whether he should contact a few more underground sellers like this in order to exchange points faster and sell the elixirs he had in his possession.

But looking back, I finally gave up on such an idea.

After all, the more people involved, the easier it is to be known.

"I have this intention. I'm afraid I will have to rely more on Pavilion Master Yue in the future!"

"Elder Lin is so polite, the little girl wants nothing more than what she wants!"

After leaving Fangshi, Mo Xun did not rush back to the cave, but went directly to the Formation Pavilion.

On the steep mountainside, a magnificent pavilion sits here!

Compared with the previous Mission Hall and Kung Fu Hall, the specifications here are obviously higher in terms of area and momentum.

After all, Liangyi Sect started with formations, so it is reasonable to pay more attention to formations.

And according to tradition, at every Fengyi meeting, whoever wins the formation pavilion can be automatically elected as the leader, which is enough to show the status of this pavilion in the sect.

After the guards checked, he stepped into the formation.

But before I had time to look around, I bumped into an acquaintance.

"Senior Brother Lin, what a coincidence!"

This person is Dong Qianxue!

Mo Xun was stunned for a moment, then quickly smiled and cupped his hands: "So the fairy is on duty here!"

"Senior brother Lin, there is no need to be so outspoken. You and I are now fellow sects and members of my Jade Cauldron Hall. Just call me junior sister!"

Mo Xunqian laughed twice and did not answer the question.

Inadvertently, he also noticed that this was a wide hall. In the middle, there stood a white jade statue as tall as a person, with incense and candle tributes placed underneath. There were several Qi Refining boys cleaning it.

No need to guess too much, this must be the founder of the sect!

"Senior brother, are you here to check the formation books?"

Mo Xun looked around and said casually: "That's not true. I'm just in the cave and I'm a little bored. Besides, I've never been here before after being here for so long, so I came here to take a look."

Dong Qianxue suddenly half-covered her lips and lowered her voice and said: "Actually, it doesn't have to be like this. As a superb alchemy master, senior brother can condescend to join the Liangyi Sect. If not for the formation here, what else is it?"

Mo Xun trembled, and the expression on his face immediately changed.

But at this moment, Dong Qianxue returned to her usual elegance, and at the same time, there was a faint smile on her lips.

This woman gives the impression that she always maintains excellent self-cultivation no matter what.

But that smile made Mo Xun feel shuddering.

Did she make a blind guess, or was she blowing him up?

Just when Mo Xun was about to open his mouth to explain, Dong Qianxue continued: "By the way, I heard that senior brother has recently been made difficult by the people from the mission hall. Do you need help?"

Mo Xun was not surprised at all as to why the other party knew about this matter. He probably didn't need to investigate specifically. The two people outside his cave were the best eyes.

Seeing that the topic had changed, Mo Xun regained some of his calmness, and said with a faint smile: "Thank you for your kindness, junior sister, I can still handle it!"

"In that case, I won't ask any more questions, but senior brother, if you have any difficulties, you can always come to me."

The two chatted for a few words again, and Dong Qianxue then sent out a transmission note. Not long after, a middle-aged man in his forties who was in the early stages of foundation building walked in outside the hall.

"Senior Sister Dong, do you have any orders?"

Dong Qianxue introduced: "This is the newly promoted Elder Lin in our sect!"

Then, she pointed at the middle-aged man on the side and said to Mo Xun: "This is Junior Brother Tang, who is also considered an extremely powerful formation master in the sect. If you need anything in the formation path in the future, senior brother, you can go to Tang directly." Junior brother, help."

After the two had a brief greeting, Tang Xu said with a smile: "Senior brother Lin dare not listen to senior sister's nonsense. With my little attainments, how can I be qualified as a formation master?"

After introducing the two to each other, Dong Qianxue said she had something to do and left first.

Mo Xun looked at the slender figure and fell into deep thought for a while!

To be honest, this was the smartest woman he had ever seen, except for Luo Xi.

But sometimes, women who are too smart may not be liked by others.

"Brother Lin... Brother Lin!"

Tang Xu called several times before Mo Xun came back to his senses, but he happened to see that there seemed to be a bit more strangeness in this person's eyes.

Tang Xu pondered, and then said with some earnestness: "Brother, you have just entered the door not long ago, and some things may not be clear. I have a few words to say, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

Mo Xun saw that this person's face became serious, and he hurriedly gathered his mind.

"Brother, please say it!"

"If there is anything wrong, please forgive me!"

Mo Xun nodded and motioned the other party to continue.

Tang Xu first looked around, then moved closer and whispered: "Actually, Senior Sister Dong doesn't like men, so I have to persuade you not to waste your time on her!"

Hearing this nonsense, Mo Xun's face darkened immediately!

What's the connection?

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