Mo Xun coughed twice and looked around.

"By the way, Junior Brother Tang, I want to borrow a book about formations. I don't know how to get there?"

Tang Xu smiled and pointed in the direction of the back hall: "Here, I have nothing to do right now, so please accompany Senior Brother Lin for a walk!"

Mo Xun thought for a while, and that was good. After all, he was blind when it came to formations. If someone could give him guidance, he would be able to save a lot of detours.

"Thank you so much, Junior Brother Tang!"

The two of them walked around the jade carvings in the hall and passed through a corridor. There was a layer of defense formation in the middle.

"To be honest, Junior Brother Tang, although I have been exposed to many magical formations before, I have never dabbled in this method. If I want to learn it from scratch, do you have any recommendations?"

As the two of them strolled around the courtyard, Mo Xun's posture was quite low.

"It depends on whether senior brother wants to become a master of formations, or if he just wants to study a certain aspect of formations!"

Mo Xun asked doubtfully: "Is there any difference?"

"This is definitely very different..."

Tang Xu thought about it for a while and gave an easy-to-understand example.

"This is like a chef in the secular world. If you aspire to become a chef, you must first learn to grow vegetables and master the habits and tastes of vegetables in different periods, so that you can make delicious dishes."

Mo Xun nodded thoughtfully. Although his words were a bit crude, they were quite reasonable.

"But if you just want to master how to make a certain dish, it's much easier. You only need to remember the recipe. The next step is to practice knife skills, control the heat, and study the ingredients... In fact, in terms of formation, they are mostly the same!"

"According to what my junior brother said, doesn't the second option require you to be familiar with the growth habits of vegetables?"

Tang Xu chuckled: "Of course we need this, but it doesn't have to be so troublesome. After all, the formation has been handed down for countless thousands of years. It has too many branches, is ever-changing, and is all-encompassing. If you want to learn it all, you have to start with Yin and Yang. The Five Elements, the Eight Diagrams of the Book of Changes, the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, etc. have begun to be studied, and at the same time, they have to continue to deduce. I am afraid that I will not be able to get started in less than a hundred years. "

Mo Xun asked curiously: "I wonder how the disciples in the sect are usually chosen?"

"When most disciples are starting out, the elders will warn them not to aim too high, but to choose a certain aspect first, and then slowly expand after they have gained some attainments."

Having said this, Tang Xu suddenly sighed.

"The formation path has always been recognized as difficult to learn. Many disciples are full of ambition when they first enter the sect. However, after studying for a few years, most of them will change their studies because they can't stand the loneliness and have no achievements. In addition to other things, after all, there are too few people who have entered the Tao through formation since ancient times. "

This truth is actually easy to understand. After all, formations are only auxiliary in terms of cultivation. They are often time-consuming and do not help much in improving cultivation.

But thinking about it on the other hand, if you can become an array mage, you will have the capital to kill people beyond the level when facing the enemy. Moreover, whether it is treasure hunting in secret realms or falling into ancient ruins, it is equivalent to having an extra layer of life-saving means.

The other is the formation mage, but it has always been a profitable industry. Once you succeed in learning, you will be no less than an alchemist.

The two of them were talking and came to an empty hall, which was five or six feet wide.

In a circle around it, there are eight light doors, named Qian, Kun, Gao, Kan, Zhen, Xun, Dui, and Gen respectively.

"Senior Brother, this is the Eight Gates of the Formation. There are different kinds of classics stored in it. From the time when the sect was founded to as recent as the past hundred years or so, all the hard work of our Liangyi Sect is contained in it."

Mo Xun nodded secretly and looked around.

I saw that the entire hall showed regular eight corners and eight sides, which seemed to coincide with the trend of Bagua.

There are also some strange runes carved on the dome. When you are here, you can faintly feel an inexplicable pressure, as if you can be killed if you make even the slightest rash move.

And when he was outside, he discovered that this place was restricted by spiritual consciousness, so he could not perceive what was going on inside the light gate.

"Junior Brother Tang, if I want to learn the Five Elements formations, where should I start?"

Tang Xu smiled slightly, maybe it was Dong Qianxue's favor, but he didn't show any impatience during the explanation.

"Five Elements Formation? This range is a bit wide. Which aspect of the Five Elements is it...such as trapping formation, defense, or strangulation?"

To be honest, Mo Xun is like a layman in this regard. At this moment, he doesn't even know how to ask, and he seems to have no idea what to do.

After a while, Tang Xu continued: "Well, senior brother, you might as well tell me what are the specific requirements for the function of the magic circle?"

Mo Xun thought for a while and then hesitantly said, "Is there anything about the fusion of the five elements' power?"

"Five elements fusion?"

Tang Xu glanced at Mo Xun strangely, but he didn't ask too much, and then he looked thoughtful.

"If it is the fusion of the five elements... I would like to suggest that you start with the "Five Elements Sumeru Basic Practice Record", "The Interpretation of the Four Seasons and Five Directions", and "Five Days and One Yuan Cave to Break the Game". In addition, you can refer to more As an auxiliary deduction for some mature formations on the Five Elements Hunyuan, I will make a list for you later, senior brother, just borrow it slowly."

Mo Xun quickly handed over his hand and thanked him sincerely.

If it weren't for this dear friend in front of him, he would really be blind.

After that, Tang Xu took Mo Xun and walked into one of the light gates.

Once inside, the layout was basically the same as that of the Gongfa Hall, with several floors of attics. At the bottom, there was a guard who was in the middle stage of foundation building.

"Junior Brother Tang, how come you have time to come here today?"

Tang Xu introduced with a smile: "This is Senior Brother Lin, who has just joined the sect. I am here to accompany Senior Brother Lin."

The man naturally noticed Mo Xun a long time ago and bowed his hands.

"Senior Brother Lin, I am Zhou Yuze, please take care of me in the future!"

Mo Xun finally realized what it meant to get things done with acquaintances.

Since he joined the sect, he has been to the Gongfa Hall and the Mission Hall. Has he ever received such courtesy?

Of course, this may also be due to his higher cultivation level, but if he met someone in the same late stage of foundation building, he would probably not have such a good face.

"Brother Zhou, you are too polite. You two are both masters of formations. If I have any doubts in the future, I will have to rely on you two."

As the saying goes, a sedan chair is carried by a rich family. Although Mo Xun is a loner, he is never rigid. If he can make more friends with disciples of the Formation Pavilion, it will pave the way for him to exchange classics or ask for advice from others in the future.

"Brother Zhou may not know that Brother Lin is the great alchemist who has been rumored in the sect recently!"

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