"Of course, not to mention my younger brother, even the master has to abide by this rule!"

Mo Xun sighed in his heart, it seems that this road is blocked!

He secretly thought in his heart that it would be great if he also had such a master who had reached the Jindan stage.

Although Gong Yang had some knowledge of the formation, he was not good at it after all. It might be okay to ask for advice occasionally, but it would be a bit difficult for the old man to give systematic guidance.

The Jindan elders of our sect have practiced for hundreds of years, and naturally have a lot of ready-made five-element formations in their hands. In addition, they are all experts. If he can make friends with one or two, it must be of great help to him.

But then again, what identity does he have to make friends?

And with his personality, even if someone is willing to make friends, would he dare to curry favor with him?

The two chatted for a while, left notes to each other, and Tang Xu said goodbye and left.

Mo Xun closed the door, and couldn't wait to enter the secret room and began to study the formation carefully.

Although more than 10,000 points were exchanged for less than ten jade slips, the content inside was a full million words.

He could only start from the most basic five elements, Tai Chi Yin and Yang, and the 4,320 games of Qimen. When he encountered something he didn't understand, he would ask Gongyang for advice. If he still couldn't solve it, he would write it down and think of a solution later.

In this way, the door of the cave was closed for more than three months.

At this time, Mo Xun looked thinner than before, but his spirit was still full.

During this period, he defeated Liu Jing twice and went to the mission hall to ask if he could continue to do the mission, but he got the same answer.

"Gong Yang, according to your statement, the five elements are mutually generated and restrained, and there should be no order. But the six palaces of Gan are of the five elements of gold, but they are the head of the eight trigrams. How can this be explained?"

Gong Yang was really annoyed by Mo Xun during this period, and had to say unhappily: "What do you know? Gan is heaven, and gold is precious. From the perspective of the birth of all things, even if there is no order, there is a saying of the beginning and the end in the eight gates!"

Mo Xun nodded thoughtfully. If he were to think about these things alone, it would be almost like making a car behind closed doors.

Because if he didn't understand it thoroughly, he would find that many of the contents were actually contradictory.

"With your qualifications, you still want to get involved in the art of formation. I am embarrassed for you!"

For this kind of ridicule, after a few months, Mo Xun was obviously immune.

This formation and the way of alchemy are two completely different things. If he can't make an elixir with one furnace, he can try ten or a hundred furnaces with sufficient spiritual herbs, but the formation is different. There are many deductions that he can't do. No matter how he scratches his head, he is at a loss.

This thing really requires some talent!

However, he never gives up easily as long as it is related to cultivation. He can stay up all night for several months. If he is tired, he will just meditate for a while and continue to immerse himself in it.

"Boy, it's not that I look down on you. Cang Kuo's qualifications back then were so amazing. But he has practiced for hundreds of years and didn't dare to waste too much energy on this formation."

Mo Xun smiled bitterly. To be honest, how could he not know his own weight?

If there were other better ways to make an elixir, he wouldn't have to indulge in it!

At this moment, a deafening bell suddenly rang outside!


Very rhythmic!

Mo Xun suddenly jumped up and quickly put away all his things. The ram seemed to be interested as well, and immediately turned into a stream of light and sank into his body.

When he came out of the cave, Liu Jing and Qu Ming also rushed over with panicked faces.

"Elder Lin!"

Mo Xun waved his hand and looked at the source of the bell sound. He saw black spots constantly passing by in the sky and heading towards the direction of the Cangqiong Palace.

"Do you two know what this bell sound means?"

Liu Jing and Qu Ming shook their heads. In fact, they entered the sect not much earlier than Mo Xun, and as low-level disciples, they had never encountered such an emergency.

The bell sound continued. Not long after, not only did high-level cultivators fly over their heads, but also many Qi-refining disciples flew away intermittently.

"You stay here to guard the cave, I'll go see what happened!"

Mo Xun left this sentence and turned into a ray of light, disappearing on the spot.

The two of them looked at each other, and Qu Ming asked in a panic: "Brother Liu, what should we do?"

Liu Jing looked around and said with gritted teeth: "Since Elder Lin asked us to stay, let's wait a while!"

Mo Xun flew more than ten miles away in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly, countless spots of light flashed in the sky, and then a layer of faint array light shield formed above his head, covering the range to the sky.

Mo Xun couldn't help but mutter to himself: "Even the mountain protection array is activated!"

Could it be that this is an invasion by foreign enemies!

Such a thought flashed through his mind, and the closer he got to the Cangqiong Palace, the more monks there were nearby, and everyone's face was almost filled with the same uneasiness and doubts as him.

"Is it Elder Lin?"

Hearing the call from behind, Mo Xun immediately slowed down, and then a slender and beautiful young female cultivator appeared beside him.

Mo Xun looked at the other person in surprise, and felt that he looked familiar, but for a moment, he couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

"Hehe, Brother Lin forgot about me so quickly!"

The female cultivator smiled brightly, showing off the shy attitude of a daughter.

Mo Xun was stunned for a moment, then blurted out in surprise: "Are you...Fairy Yue?"

"Exactly, it's only been a few months, Brother Lin is really a noble man who forgets things!"

This person is none other than the master of Yingxiao Pavilion that day, Yue Wusi!

However, Mo Xun was actually a little surprised at this moment, because the person in front of him had obviously grown a lot taller than a few months ago. He looked to be eighteen or nineteen years old, and his cultivation level had reached the level of foundation building. In the early days, where was the petite and exquisite appearance from before?

He then remembered what the other party said about rejuvenating one's youth, and was a little stunned for a moment. Could it be that there really is such a weird technique in the world?

"...I'm sorry for my stupidity!"

Mo Xun glanced at the woman's face again with some uncertainty.

Yue Wusi had no intention of joking with him, and then asked: "Brother Lin, does he know what happened? The sect summoned us in such a hurry?"

Mo Xun was naturally confused.

"The fairy doesn't know yet, how can I know? If the fairy doesn't tell me, Lin doesn't know what the sound of the bell means."

Yue Wusi pondered and said: "I see... This is the Nine-Nine Heavenly Bell in the door. Once it rings, it indicates that something big will happen. But this is the first time in more than a hundred years that I have heard this bell." Voice."

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