Sure enough, the bell stopped suddenly after ringing for eighty-one times!

"Brother Lin, you and I should go and take a look first before we talk!"

Immediately afterwards, two escaping lights flashed through the air side by side, heading into the distance.

The square outside Cangqiong Palace was already crowded with people. There were nearly ten thousand monks in the crowd. Just like this, there were still more people gathering from all directions.

There were noisy sounds and voices coming and going, making it seem chaotic.

There were expressions of surprise and hesitation on every face.

Of course, these people are basically low-level Qi refining disciples.

Occasionally, escaping light falls from the sky, but it falls on the side near the palace. There are hundreds of foundation-building monks there, divided into four groups in an extremely orderly manner, and they are also talking to each other.

Yue Wusi led the way, leading Mo Xun to a tree that was five to six feet high and could only be surrounded by four or five people.

"Brother Xian, you are here too!"

After a moment, the man smiled and said, "It's Junior Sister Yue. I'm still wondering, when did Xian get to know such a beautiful fairy!"

"Senior Brother Xian made fun of my little sister again!"

Yue Wusi covered his mouth and smiled, then pointed at Mo Xun beside him and introduced to the two of them: "This is the newly promoted elder Lin in the sect. This is senior brother Xian, who is now on duty at Gongtian Palace!"

This person's name is Xian Zhao. He is in the late stage of foundation building. He looks about forty years old. He is dressed in white and looks quite impressive!

Mo Xun smiled and cupped his hands: "I've met Taoist friend Xian!"

The other person also returned the gift, but he seemed to be a kind and polite person.

While the three of them were greeting each other, a dull lion's roar suddenly came from the air. Mo Xun quickly raised his head and saw a golden lion slowly falling from above the Cang Qiong Palace, with its feet on white clouds, looking extremely fierce.

Sitting on the lion was an old man with half-white hair.

As soon as this person appeared, an invisible wave of air seemed to descend instantly around the entire square, causing the low-level monks who were close to him to take several steps back.

"It's Elder Nan!"

The crowd suddenly became quiet, and everyone's eyes were focused on this imposing old man.

Mo Xunzi also immediately used the Qi Observation Technique to try to detect this person's cultivation level, but what he saw was chaos!

"Don't look any further. This is the peak of the late stage of pill formation. We are only one step away from having a baby!"

Upon hearing this reminder, Mo Xun quickly said nervously: "Gongyang, you are crazy, you dare to show up in front of such a person!"

"Hehe, don't forget, my cultivation back then may not be inferior to him. Besides, I am neither a human nor a ghost now. Even if a Nascent Soul cultivator comes, he may not be able to discover it!"

Despite this, Mo Xun was still worried and ignored Gong Yang.

After the elder Nan fell, the golden lion under his seat immediately turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

This person ignored the admiring looks of everyone below and walked straight into the hall.

Immediately afterwards, several more pill-forming monks came through the air, or mounted their own spiritual beasts, and they all hurriedly gathered together.

Yue Wusi approached Xian Zhao and asked in a low voice: "Brother Xian, do you know what exactly happened?"

Xian Zhao looked around and replied in a low voice: "I heard that there were demon monks who attacked outside the mountain gate!"


Mo Xun and Yue Wusi shouted at the same time.

Yue Wusi asked in confusion: "Didn't the demon race become extinct tens of thousands of years ago?"

Xianzhao shook his head and said: "Who knows, but I heard that forty years ago, a demon monk appeared at Lingmendu in the Yuehai Palace and killed many people at that time. If it hadn't been for a pill-forming monk who happened to be passing by. , I am afraid that the entire city of Fukou will die in the hands of that demon cultivator."

When he heard the words "Lingmendu", Mo Xun's mind suddenly buzzed.

Forty years ago...Lingmendu!

Didn't he happen to be practicing there at the time?

Is this a coincidence, or is this demon cultivator coming just for him?

In an instant, Mo Xun's face turned pale, and slight beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"Brother Lin, are you okay?"

Not only Yue Wusi, but also Xian Zhao looked over in surprise.

Mo Xunqian laughed twice and said a little unnaturally: "It doesn't matter, something went wrong during the previous practice, and I haven't recovered yet."

Yue Wusi said with concern: "Brother Lin's cultivation level is so high, and he still works so hard, I really admire him."

Xian Zhao also interjected a few words at the right time, and the topic of the three people returned to the demon clan.

But Mo Xun was obviously a little distracted!

When he was in the Cangkuo Dojo, he dealt with the demons, then Lingmendu, and now the Liangyi Sect!

It seemed that wherever he went, demons appeared.

Is there such a coincidence in the world?

"Rongyang, what do you think of this matter?"

After a while, Mo Xun frowned and called twice again.

"Ram... ram?"

"Hmph! Didn't you let me talk?"

Mo Xun was really speechless about this old thing!

"This matter is related to your and my safety, it is not a child's play!"

Just as the two were bickering, Yue Wusi suddenly said: "Brother Xian, according to what you said, the demon clan that appeared back then is probably not the same group as the demon cultivators outside at this time, right?"

"It's probably like this. Even the Lingmen Crossing monk can't fight it, so how can it dare to come to the mountain gate? Look at this time, even Elder Nan's level has been alarmed. Can it be a good thing?"

Yue Wusi nodded thoughtfully and asked, "In that case, what's the use of summoning low-level monks like you and me?"

"Oh! Maybe it's just in case!"

Hearing this, Mo Xun couldn't help but feel something in his heart. He was really obsessed with the authorities!

According to Xianzhao, the demon cultivator who came to Lingmendu back then was obviously not the same one who came this time, which meant that it was probably not coming for him.

However, such thoughts did not last for a moment when the sound of the ram came slowly.

"Boy, don't be too happy. Maybe it was the reinforcements that the demon cultivator invited after its defeat!"

These words were like a basin of cold water in winter, instantly cooling Mo Xun's heart!

But in a second thought, he realized several problems.

First of all, why did these demon cultivators come to our door after so many years?

Another thing is, if it is really coming towards him, how to locate his traces?

He didn't believe that any mark could be retained for decades and still be effective.

I heard Gongyang say again: "From my point of view, although I can't be completely sure that this remnant of the demon clan is coming for you, the probability is very high. You better take precautions early, so as not to implicate me in the future!" "

After doing the exercises for a while, there were still monks coming from all directions. The square in Nuo Da was crowded with people, and the surrounding mountains were full of black heads, at least twenty or thirty thousand.

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