Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 378: Conscripting Young Men

When they returned to the cave, Liu Jing and Qu Ming had never left, waiting anxiously at the door.

"Elder Lin!"

Mo Xun waved his hand and said: "We are currently being attacked by a foreign enemy. I don't know the specific situation. You two must not run around!"

Without further explanation, Mo Xun walked straight in.

He first put the ram into the portrait, and then hurriedly took out the hot magic seal. After briefly sealing it, he threw in the green gourd.

But when he came out of the gourd, there were endless rumbling sounds outside, and these sounds seemed to be coming from all directions.

He quickly ran out of the cave and found Liu Jing and Qu Ming, trembling and slumped on the ground, with no blood on their faces, looking into the distance in horror.

At the end of the horizon as far as the eye can see, there are patches of black clouds and mist, covering the sky and the sun, as if they are about to swallow up the entire sky.

In the clouds and mist, you can still see little bits of fire, countless streams of light, constantly rushing into the black clouds, and constantly falling from the clouds.

Various sounds were faintly heard in the ears, including clashes of weapons, explosions, and wails. The entire sect seemed to have turned into a battlefield filled with smoke in an instant.

Mo Xun hurriedly looked up into the sky, and then he noticed that the mountain guarding formation above his head had become dim and crumbling at some point, like a bubble hanging in the air that might burst at any time.

For a moment, Mo Xun muttered to himself in astonishment: "The dignified Seven Star Sect...could it have been breached like this!"

Fortunately, he had experienced more things after all. In an instant, he reacted, took out a storage bag and threw it in front of Liu Jing.

"The sect is no longer safe, you two must run away for your lives!"

These two people have been following him for so long. Even if they have no success, they have worked hard after all. At this critical moment, he can't protect their names, so sending some Cheng Yi can be regarded as his best effort!

After that, Mo Xun returned to the cave again, collected all the things as quickly as possible, and then turned into a red light, soaring into the sky from the escape tunnel he had dug before, without even turning his head. Going back in the opposite direction.

Who would have thought that a large sect that had stood for thousands of years would collapse like this.

Could it be that demon cultivators are really that powerful?

At this moment, he could only pray that the two Nascent Soul monks in the sect could temporarily block the remnants of the demon clan and win some hope of escape for the lower-level disciples in the sect.

But before they flew very far, they met a group of people.

An elder at the core formation stage, leading a dozen foundation-building monks of different cultivation levels, were rushing towards the Cangqiong Palace. When they saw Mo Xun's escape, they immediately stopped him.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

This man looked to be in his forties or fifties. He was dressed in black and had long sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes. He was extremely imposing.

Mo Xun was stunned for a moment. Before he could think of an answer, a man in the late stage of foundation building introduced from the side: "This is Senior Feng, the law enforcement elder of Tianyi Palace!"

Mo Xun's heart tightened, and he quickly bowed and said: "I have met Senior Feng. This junior is a newly promoted deacon disciple. Due to changes in the sect, he is about to inform his fellow brothers in retreat to come to support!"

Feng Wanchou looked at Mo Xun with a bit of coldness in his eyes.

This person is in the middle stage of pill formation, and he has the power of not being angry and being powerful even if he doesn't say anything!

"I have been assigned by the leader and am about to go to the front for reinforcements. As for the other disciples, someone will notify you. You can go with me. There is another mission assigned to you!"

Upon hearing this, Mo Xun immediately screamed in pain secretly, but he did not dare to show it on his face. He gritted his teeth gently and shouted "Nuo".

This is really a bad time, even if you run away, you will be caught!

Afterwards, he had no choice but to join the team and follow Feng Wanchou as they quickly headed towards the Cang Qiong Palace.

Halfway through, he wanted to sneak away, but he really didn't dare in front of such an old monster!

The flames of war in the distance are getting bigger and bigger.

High in the sky, one can almost clearly see the heads of people all over the mountains and plains, scattered like birds and beasts, fleeing in all directions.

Even the formation protection around the Cang Qiong Palace was attacked at some point and was in danger.

The earth would tremble from time to time, and deafening sounds kept coming from the ears. The mountains, rivers and jungles within a radius of hundreds of miles were filled with ruins of flames and seas. The entire sect was like a mess!

It wasn't until he got closer that Mo Xun noticed that there were hundreds of ghost-like monsters of different shapes hidden in the black clouds covering half of the sky.

Most of those monsters looked like monsters, just like what he had seen in Cangkuo Dojo that day.

At this moment, both the low-level Qi Refiners and the Foundation-Building monks were fighting with all the black shadows in the sky and on the ground.

The sky was filled with dazzling lights and shadows of swords, and all kinds of magic weapons and weapons flew together. From time to time, people fell from the sky, or some black shadows were burned by fire and thunder, and thick black smoke emitted.

The screams are endless!

There are also several pill-forming monks who are holding down several humanoid shadows from a distance, and they are fighting inextricably.

Mo Xun's heart at this moment was extremely shocked.

Although he has seen all kinds of life and death over the years, he has never experienced such a powerful fight?

Feng Wanchou saw this messy scene, his eyes were sharp, and he was about to instruct everyone to join the battle, but at this time, a ray of light suddenly flew in and blocked them in front of them.

"Brother Feng, you came just in time. Uncle Tan is at a critical juncture in his cultivation and cannot come out for the time being. Uncle Zhong and Uncle Duan have ordered us to set up the "Twelve Stars Apocalypse Demon Subduing Array" immediately. There is an array tower and all the equipment for setting up the array. You should take people to the Tianying position to set up the array now. If you meet brothers who are waiting for you, you can help together!"

The person who spoke was also a man in the middle stage of the Jindan.

Feng Wanchou took the storage bag and asked solemnly, "How are the two uncles doing now?"

"Two demon ancestors came this time, and the two uncles are dealing with them. What we have to do is to suppress all these demon cultivators who killed the sect in the Demon Subduing Tower!"

After saying this in a hurry, the man bowed and left, obviously to inform other Jindan cultivators.

Mo Xun, who was standing at the back, frowned and couldn't help but ponder inwardly.

He knew that there were three Nascent Soul cultivators in Liangyi Sect, but what was strange was that in the face of such a life-and-death situation, there was still one person who was busy in seclusion, which was really incredible!

Aren’t they afraid that these disciples and grandchildren would be slaughtered by the demons?

And what level is the demon ancestor mentioned by the other party?

The last day of 2020 is another day of failure, but I still want to wish all Taoist friends a happy New Year!

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