Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 379 Demon Suppression Tower

A dozen people went in another direction under the leadership of Feng Wanchou.

After listening to the narration of the Jindan cultivator just now, everyone's faces were more or less solemn.

Mo Xun was naturally worried. Although he didn't know what the Demon Ancestor was, could he be dealing with a Yuanying cultivator?

In addition to the demon cultivators who were everywhere in the mountains and made the entire mountain gate full of demonic energy, he felt that the Liangyi Sect was almost on the verge of extinction.

If he had a choice, he really didn't want to get involved in this muddy water!

Feng Wanchou flew to a towering mountain peak, looked down through the thick clouds, and then waved his hand, signaling everyone to follow.

The surroundings of the mountain peak were undulating, and there was an open area of ​​more than ten feet square where he landed.

Suddenly, a sound transmission note flew over, and Feng Wanchou quickly caught it. After closing his eyes and listening, he quickly took out a pagoda-shaped treasure from his storage bag.

Then he divided more than a dozen people into eight groups, with two people in each group, one responsible for casting spells and one for guarding.

After distributing a formation flag to each of them, Feng Wanchou told them to form a large octagon according to the eight palace directions.

Mo Xun and a cultivator in the middle stage of foundation building named Changfeng formed a group and guarded the Gen position.

After several months of study, he now has a certain understanding of this Bagua formation. He can get a general idea of ​​the simple position arrangement, the eight gates, and the five elements.

But that's all. So far, he hasn't even learned the most basic things, let alone actually deduce them.

"My safety is in the hands of my senior brother!"

Lu Changfeng looked to be in his thirties or forties, with a fat head and a round head. He always had a warm smile on his face. He was dressed in gorgeous yellow and white clothes. He didn't look like a cultivator, but a member of the mortal world.

Mo Xun smiled and nodded, then sat down not far from Changfeng, looking around from time to time, and at the same time looking at the black demonic energy in the distance.

He could still clearly hear the sound of fighting on the battlefield. This disaster estimated that even if the Liangyi Sect did not perish, it would probably be seriously injured.

Fortunately, the palaces in the sect were distributed in different places, so they would not be affected.

He even couldn't help but wonder, if it was still so messy, or if the two Yuanying cultivators were defeated, should he take the risk to go to the Formation Pavilion and fish in troubled waters to get some benefits?

Just as he was thinking about it, everyone had returned to their positions.

This time, the formation was naturally led by Feng Wanchou!

He was seen sitting in the center of the octagonal formation, and the pagoda-shaped tower was suspended above his head.

With a loud shout, the eight cultivators who participated in the spellcasting raised small red flags at the same time, pointing directly to the direction of the tower in the center.

Then, he saw different colors of spiritual power light haze, from the eight vertices, converged on the town tower, illuminating the already radiant pagoda.

As for the other cultivators, they were like Mo Xun, guarding the surroundings and keeping alert!

Looking at the colorful town tower, Mo Xun felt the fluctuations of the formations around him on the one hand, and compared it with what he had learned recently, trying to see some clues from the flow of mana.

After all, in addition to the need for solid theory, specific practice is also very important for formations!

Otherwise, he would not have wasted so many points to exchange for ready-made formations to learn and deduce.

Feng Wanchou sat under the town tower, and under the reflection of the colorful light haze, the whole person seemed to be bathed in a sea of ​​colors, looking extremely sacred.

Suddenly, a gorgeous firework rose from the horizon!

Yes, Mo Xun was not wrong, it was indeed a red firework, which was very dazzling under the black clouds.

This bunch of fireworks seemed to be the signal to start the formation.

Feng Wanchou suddenly opened his eyes, then held up his hands to the sky, and poured out a vast spiritual power from his body, injecting it into the tower above his head.

Mo Xun, who was far away, was even more shocked.

Because when Feng Wanchou cast the spell, he felt the air around him suddenly sink, and the surroundings of his body seemed to become tense, and an extremely uncomfortable pressure instantly enveloped him.

He didn't know whether it was due to the power of the formation or from Feng Wanchou.

But before he could react, the tower in front of him suddenly emitted a beam of light red light, soaring into the sky!

Surprisingly, twelve huge red light beams were ejected from all directions centered on the black cloud at the same time, like giant pillars rising from the ground, covering the area of ​​hundreds of miles.

From a distance, it looked like a huge cage woven from red silk threads, reaching straight into the sky!

On the battlefield, everyone who saw this scene stopped what they were doing and looked around in shock and fear.

This kind of momentum was really too loud.

But not long after, whether it was the human cultivators or the demon cultivators, after discovering that these light pillars had no effect on them, they once again chopped each other into pieces.

Then, in the black mist, something suddenly appeared faintly.

However, because it was too huge, covering the sky and the sun, and covered by black clouds, only a rough outline could be seen from some places.

That thing seemed to be a floating palace!

But then again, how could a palace float?

In addition, this so-called palace was indeed a bit big, and it looked to be about thousands of feet.

When the palace pushed away the clouds and slowly revealed its full appearance, everyone noticed that the so-called palace was actually a giant pagoda that stood tall and like a hill!

At this moment, everyone began to panic!

Many people who reacted quickly immediately left the fight, either flying in the air or riding the wind close to the ground, all quickly fleeing in all directions.

And those black shadows with demonic energy rising to the sky also realized that something was wrong and went deep into the black clouds.

But this demon-suppressing pagoda obviously wouldn't give them too much time.

The demon-suppressing pagoda flashed a red halo and suddenly burned, just like a blazing mountain of fire hanging high in the sky, emitting a large piece of dazzling red light.

Under these lights, the black clouds around the tower began to dissipate and dissolve in groups.

On the ground, the dark shadow of the demon race illuminated by the red light seemed to be captured by an invisible force. In the blink of an eye, it struggled and was sucked into the pagoda, and it seemed that it didn't even have time to let out a wail.

But strangely, the human cultivators covered by the red light were not affected at all.

The situation on the battlefield seemed to have changed drastically after the appearance of the Demon Suppression Tower.

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