Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 380 Purple Void True Fire

The huge demon-suppressing tower seemed to be built of hot magma. It kept spinning in the air and rushing through the black clouds, like a huge magnetic mountain, absorbing all the beast-shaped black shadows that had no time to escape and were shrouded in red light.

After seeing this magical scene, the morale of the disciples of Liangyi Sect soared. For a time, magic weapons flew across the sky again, and fire and lightning flashed.

Mo Xun, who was far away, was naturally amazed!

Not to mention the power of this formation, the overwhelming momentum that almost covered a group of mountains was enough to make people excited!

This scale of formation is probably at least above level seven!

Liangyi Sect is worthy of starting with formations, and there are really a lot of good things in the bottom of the box!

However, this terrifying momentum did not last long. A light column in the distance suddenly went out, and then the pagoda in the sky also shook slightly, and the range of the red light emitted from the tower was reduced by a circle.

Without further guessing, Mo Xun knew that a demon cultivator must have destroyed one of the array's cores.

Not long after, another beam of light went out!

Then, the second and third beams, in just a cup of tea, half of the original twelve beams of light were gone.

The pagoda in the air also began to tremble, not only did the light rapidly fade, but the tower body became translucent, as if it would crumble and disappear if it held on for another moment.

Generally speaking, the stronger the attack of the array, the lower the defense.

After all, the caster's mana is limited and cannot take both into account.

Although the "Twelve Stars Apocalypse Demon Subduing Array" is based on the twelve golden elixir cultivators, it seems to have a strong lineup, but after all, the coverage area is too wide, and it is so powerful that it consumes a lot of mana, so it is inevitable that it is weaker in defense.

But in this way, the confidence that the Liangyi Sect had just built up immediately began to reverse!

At this moment, a black figure suddenly appeared from the side of the mountain without anyone noticing.

Before everyone could react, the strong wind wrapped in black yin energy came whistling.

The eight spellcasting monks around were swept by the yin wind at the first time. More than half of them spit out blood and fell to the ground because they had no defense and were caught off guard.

The mana that maintained the formation was also interrupted at the same time!

Suddenly, the tower above Feng Wanchou's head dimmed a lot.

Mo Xun and several other guardian monks were also caught off guard, but because they did not participate in the spellcasting, they were not seriously injured even though they were blown down by the strong wind.

As for Feng Wanchou, he was a Jindan monk after all. Even though he was not prepared, because of his strong mana, he not only resisted the sudden attack, but also stabilized the tower above his head.

However, without the help of the eight people on the side, the blue light column emitted from the tower was naturally half weaker than before.

The dimming of the center of the formation directly caused the originally shaky demon-suppressing tower in the black cloud to shake again.

The black shadow succeeded in one strike, but did not leave. Instead, it took advantage of Feng Wanchou's lack of time to be distracted and immediately turned into a black light and went towards the nearest cultivator.

With a scream, when the black shadow dissipated, the cultivator had already fallen down with blood flowing from all five orifices. In the blink of an eye, he was silent.

Then, the black shadow quickly entangled the second person, who was the cultivator who introduced Feng Wanchou to Mo Xun halfway.

Almost in a breath, four or five more people fell one after another, and the team of more than ten people was suddenly reduced by half.

Seeing this scene, everyone's face was full of panic!

And Feng Wanchou, who was in the center, had bloodshot eyes, but because he was in charge of the formation, he was unable to separate the magic power for a while and did not take action in time.

There was no need to guess at this time, everyone naturally understood that this black shadow had at least the strength of the Jindan stage!

Just when the black shadow wanted to repeat the same trick and pounce on one person again, a talisman suddenly flew over.

The talisman suddenly turned into a ball of purple flame in the air and collided head-on with the black shadow.

Then a heart-wrenching wail was heard from the black shadow's body, and then the black shadow's chest was instantly ignited, jumping with purple flames, making bursts of hissing sounds, and at the same time emitting thick black smoke.

A person next to him immediately had a happy face, with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, and covered his chest and said: "Purple Void True Fire!"

Hearing this name, Mo Xun's face also showed some emotion.

Is this the Purple Void True Fire?

He is so familiar with this thing!

This thing is one of the thirty-six Xuantian True Fires, and in terms of ranking, it is far above his Chili True Fire.

When he was refining the red wormwood, he did a lot of research on the Xuantian True Fire.

It is said that this fire is the most yang in the world and can destroy all the dark monsters in the world.

His eyes could not help but fall on the person who cast the spell.

He saw that this person had taken advantage of this short time to retreat more than ten steps. The others also gathered together tacitly, each of them was covered with a defensive magic weapon.

Even Mo Xun had a shield-like thing on his head.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, he could actually encounter the Xuantian True Fire for the second time!

But what puzzled him was why this person's Zixu True Fire was stimulated from the talisman?

Could it be that the fire was sealed in the talisman?

But then again, this fire is worthy of its reputation. A talisman can seriously injure the black shadow!

"I never thought that Senior Brother Yan actually possesses the Purple Void True Fire!"

Hearing the joyful voice on the side, the monk surnamed Yan not only did not answer a word, but frowned faintly, and looked at the black shadow in the distance with vigilance!

The black shadow extinguished the flames on his body, and immediately turned into a black light, and was about to pounce on everyone.

Everyone was startled, and either wanted to escape or prepared to cast a spell to resist.

At this time, the monk surnamed Yan raised a talisman high again and blocked in front of everyone, but no one noticed that the other party's entire palm seemed to be trembling slightly.

When the black shadow was about to rush to everyone, perhaps because of the talisman, it turned a corner and rushed to the side.

But at this time, most people had reacted.

In an instant, several magic weapons flew high into the air, some shot out blue blades, some emitted dazzling red pillars of fire, and some threw out a talisman in their hands, and suddenly thunder and fire rose up, submerging the black shadow.

Mo Xun naturally did not show mercy, and while retreating, he threw out several fireballs.

Because the peak was not big, and they were worried about interfering with Feng Wanchou's spells, they were careful when they attacked!

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