Morning light shone into the room. Mo Xun stretched his body and his stomach growled.

It was so quiet outside that Mo Xun was a little surprised. The sun really rose from the west. Su Yunshang didn't bother him for a whole day.

He pushed open the door and the fresh air hit him. He went to the vegetable garden as usual and picked some vegetables. Then he called Su Yunshang to cook. However, there was no response from the room after calling several times.

Curious, he knocked on the door again. Without much effort, the door creaked open. It was empty inside, even the bedding was neatly arranged.

His heart sank immediately. He was afraid that Su Yunshang had not come back since she went out yesterday.

The first thing he thought of was not that the other party had escaped, but that she might have encountered some danger.

After all, Yunshang herself knew that she was poisoned by Mo Xun and could not hold on for more than three days. No matter how stupid she was, she would not run away rashly.

Of course, it is not ruled out that she has found a way to crack it.

With this in mind, Mo Xun ran down the mountain.

Along the way, he tried to expand the search range, wondering if the girl would fall into a pit like last time.

However, the closer he got to the foot of the mountain, the gloomier he became.

What he was most worried about was that Su Yunshang had an accident in the town. No matter what the reason was, after a day and a night of delay, she was probably in danger.

Thinking of this, he unconsciously quickened his pace, and soon he came to a place called Xingping Town.

On the main street of the town, peddlers started to set up stalls from time to time, and the shops along the street were open to welcome customers.

Mo Xun asked one by one along the street, and at this time, he had no good solution.

However, after asking for most of the street, he didn't get any news, and he couldn't help but get anxious.

Logically speaking, the town is so big, and there are a certain number of pedestrians coming and going every day. Su Yunshang is so outstanding, there is no reason not to leave any clues.

Could it be that Yunshang had never been to the town yesterday?

As soon as this thought came to his mind, his head suddenly became bigger. If so, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack to find her.

However, he thought about it again, and it was not right. Su Yunshang would come to the town every once in a while. Could it be that none of these people had left an impression?

Thinking of this, he immediately took out a silver ingot, stood on the street and held it high, and shouted loudly: "If anyone can tell the whereabouts of a girl, this silver ingot will be his!"

As soon as this was said, it attracted a lot of people's sidelong glances, but everyone's burning eyes only stayed on the silver in his hand, but they were indifferent.

Mo Xun shouted three times again, except for some whispering and watching the excitement, no one came forward.

Just when he was a little disappointed, someone suddenly bumped into him and whispered: "Follow me!"

The man lowered his head and walked forward.

Mo Xun was stunned, and after thinking for a moment, he followed.

After passing an intersection, the man dodged and turned into a narrow alley.

Mo Xun frowned, and without thinking too much, he turned in as well.

The two stood facing each other. This was a short middle-aged man in his thirties or forties, wearing dirty and worn clothes, with a messy beard.

Mo Xun looked at the other person up and down, and bowed his hands and said: "Brother, you brought me here, but do you know the person I'm looking for?"

The man smiled, with messy black and yellow teeth.

"Of course, the girl you are talking about is wearing a yellow shirt and looks very beautiful?"

Mo Xun tilted his head and thought about it, recalling Su Yunshang's clothes yesterday.

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