"Yes, this is the girl I'm looking for."

The man stared at the silver in Mo Xun's hand and said, "I met him yesterday!"

Seeing the greedy look in his eyes, Mo Xun did not hesitate and threw the money to him.

"Please also tell me the whereabouts of this girl."

The man caught it with both hands and bit it with his teeth, his face suddenly beaming with joy.

"Go eastward along the street you just walked, pass by Tianxiang Restaurant, then turn south and see two crooked-neck trees planted in front of the door. This is it."

Mo Xun asked with some confusion: "Dare I ask what this is?"

The man didn't hide anything and said with a smile: "There is a man named Li Zhong living there. Yesterday I saw him secretly following the girl up the mountain. As for what happened next, I don't know!"

Mo Xun followed the place pointed out by the man and arrived at Li Zhong's door not long after.

There were two wooden doors without any color, the edges were rotten and weathered, and even one of the door bolts was missing. The house was surrounded by a circle of earth walls, and no movement could be heard inside.

Mo Xun looked at the crooked-neck trees on both sides, and then looked around to make sure that he had found the right place. Then he pressed against the wooden door and looked in through the crack in the door. There was a large courtyard surrounded by buildings. There are several tile-roofed houses.

Putting his hand on the door bolt, he felt that there was not much force, and the wooden door was pushed open with a creak. The moment he pushed the wooden door open, he felt the presence of several auras, but they were hidden very deeply. When he was outside the house just now, , I didn’t notice it for a moment.

Mo Xun couldn't help but frown, but after a moment, he relaxed again.

In fact, when the man led him to a remote place just now, he guessed two possibilities.

Either the other party is afraid of Li Zhong's revenge.

Either two people are in a group.

It was just because he was eager to find Su Yunshang that he ignored her for a while.

After all, no matter how many conspiracies there are, they become insignificant in the face of absolute strength.

He stepped across the threshold and closed the door. As soon as he reached the middle of the yard, a dozen people suddenly jumped out and surrounded him.

Most of these people are thick and tall, wearing coarse linen clothes, and have all kinds of weapons in their hands, including sticks and swords.

Mo Xun glanced around, and when he saw the man behind him who had just shown him the way, his face showed little expression.

"Hey, it's another fat sheep!"

Mo Xun looked at the person who spoke. Among the people, only this person held a complete big sword in his hand, and the others also looked at it as the center.

"Are you Li Zhong?"

Li Zhong looked Mo Xun up and down and smiled, but he looked a little ferocious.

"Yes, I am the Li Zhong you are looking for. Little brother, I have worked so hard to give you money. Li is very grateful!"

Mo Xun stared at him and smiled the same way. Since he didn't find the wrong person, it would be easy to handle.

He then took out a piece of gold and weighed it in his hand, instantly attracting a dozen pairs of greedy eyes.

"Silver is easy to come by. As long as you can tell me whether you saw a woman wearing yellow clothes yesterday, this ingot of gold will be yours!"

Before Li Zhong could speak, a strong man next to him said eagerly: "Brother, what are you talking about with him? There must be something more valuable in this kid!"

After the strong man said this, he took the first step and seemed about to take action.

However, Li Zhong stopped him and said to Mo Xun in a leisurely manner: "Yes, I have indeed seen the girl you mentioned, and just last night, Li sold her to Changhua. building,"

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