When he heard this name, no matter how stupid he was, Mo Xun knew where this place was. His face instantly turned cold, and his eyes looking at Li Zhong were even more cold.

Unexpectedly, Li Zhong not only failed to notice, but said even more unscrupulously: "Little brother, you want to find her? Li can introduce her on your behalf. When the time comes, I can go to the Flower House and serve tea and water with your mistress. How about a companion?"

Mo Xun was so angry that he smiled and stared at Li Zhong and his brothers: "Okay, that's what I have in mind!"

Mo Xun agreed so readily that Li Zhong was a little confused. In addition, as soon as the boy entered this place and was surrounded by everyone, he didn't show any fear. He couldn't help but murmur in his heart and speculate. What does the other party rely on?

"That's easy to say, but little brother, you'd better take out the silver you have and let your brother keep it for you. I'm afraid you don't know that the boss of Zhuhualou is not as easy to talk to as Li!"

Mo Xun sneered, and held Jin Zi's hand unconsciously with a little more strength.

"No need to go to such trouble!"

After saying that, he suddenly threw the crumpled gold ingot towards Li Zhong. After hearing a fierce cry, Li Zhong covered his eyes and fell to the ground, his face instantly covered with bright red blood.

When everyone around saw this, the two people next to him immediately shouted "Big Brother" and hurriedly helped Li Zhong, while the others were shocked in their hearts, their faces became fierce, and they each took their weapons and threw them at Mo Xun.

How can the light of a grain of rice compare to the bright moon?

Within a few breaths, people were lying on the ground in various directions in the courtyard, and shouts and wailings could be heard one after another.

Pedestrians and neighbors passing by outside the house heard such commotion at Li Zhong's house. Instead of going in to check, they pulled the children and supported the old man, quickened their pace, hurried back home, and closed the door tightly.

After a cup of tea, Mo Xun opened the courtyard door and walked out, walking in one direction without stopping.

In the courtyard, there were already wailings, like a pig being slaughtered. If anyone came in, they would definitely be shocked, because everyone lying on the ground had their hamstrings broken, and the bandit leader of this group, Li Zhong, He was even blind in one eye, even the tendons in his hands were severed, and he was dying.

The Liudao Gang, which had been causing trouble to Xingping Town for several years, was annihilated!

Mo Xun was really angry at this moment, otherwise he would never have done such a cruel act given his temperament.

With almost no effort, he found the only prostitute in town... the Flower House!

It was noon, and there was a lot of activity in front of the Flower House. People came in and out from time to time, including street vendors, pedestrians and horse-drawn carriages, but there were more than other places.

Mo Xun paused at the door for a moment, then stepped in.

Before he could clearly see the layout inside, a woman with heavy makeup and a voluptuous figure came forward with a scent.

Seemingly seeing that Mo Xun was young, the woman's eyes lingered on his face for a moment, and then she said enthusiastically: "This is your first time, young master. Please sit inside first, and I'll have someone show you tea right now!"

Mo Xun looked around and saw that the flower building had two floors. At the bottom was a hall with four or five round tables on which some men and women were scattered.

The men are old and young, but the women are all young and beautiful.

After taking a look, he didn't find Su Yunshang's figure. He moved his eyes upstairs and followed the wooden stairs. There was a fence around the second floor, and behind them were small closed rooms.

Mo Xun ignored the woman in front of him, bypassed her, and headed upstairs.

"Young Master...Young Master..."

The woman hurriedly chased after him, cursing in her heart at the same time, whose young master was this? He looked young, but how could he be so anxious!

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