Under the black clouds, there was a sudden chaos. Countless black shadows rushed left and right, trying to escape from the shadow of the Demon-Conquering Tower, just like a tiger suddenly appeared among a group of goats.

In just a moment, hundreds of demon cultivators were already absorbed into the Demon-Conquering Tower.

The human-shaped shadows that had been fighting fiercely with those pill-forming monks immediately turned into wisps of black smoke and fled out of the mountain gate like a frightened bird.

The entire situation was completely reversed the moment the Great Elder appeared.

The black clouds covering the top of the head also began to be eaten away and disappeared little by little.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew from the sky, sweeping the sand, gravel, dust, dead branches and leaves on the ground, as well as the black shadows that had no time to escape, into the sky.

The fierce wind blew some monks with low cultivation levels to and fro, making it even harder to open their eyes.

It’s just that the wind comes and goes even faster!

In just a few breaths, when the wind stopped and everyone reacted, they found that both the black clouds in the sky and the black shadows below had disappeared.

Only the lonely, hill-like giant Demon-Conquering Tower was left.

It was only then that everyone could truly see the entire tower.

The bottom floor of the entire pagoda is hundreds of feet wide. It blocks out the sky and the sun, forming a big shadow on the ground, just suspended in mid-air. The high spire has not reached the clouds, and no one knows how high it is. .

On top of the tower, there was a glistening fire light, as if it was burning.

No matter who sees such a magnificent pagoda, they will probably be shocked in their hearts unconsciously!

Just when everyone thought that the disappearance of those black clouds and shadows was due to the power of the Demon Subduing Tower, there was an angry voice.

This sound seemed to have no source, but it really reached everyone's ears.

"Demon cultivator, stop leaving!"

As soon as the words fell, a ray of light suddenly shot out from the Demon-Conquering Tower and went into the distance. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared!

As the light disappeared, the Demon-Conquering Tower in the sky began to gradually become transparent amid the rumbling, until it completely dissipated.

Without the surrounding formation eyes and the magical blessing of the great elder, the demon-suppressing formation finally disintegrated.

Mo Xun couldn't help but open his mouth in surprise, was this... being escaped?

Looking at the place where the light disappeared, he was a little unable to react for a moment.

I thought that the appearance of this great elder would completely reverse the situation, but unexpectedly, under the eyes of the Yuanying monks, he was still run away by the group of demon cultivators!

And not long after the light disappeared, a majestic voice came from the air again.

"The mountain-guarding disciples of the Liangyi Sect listened to the order and immediately closed the mountain gate. From now on, no one is allowed to leave the door even half a step!"

Although the anger was suppressed in this voice, one could clearly hear the murderous intent contained in it.

But what is a little surprising is that this voice does not come from the great elder just now.

Come to think of it, these may be the other two Nascent Soul monks who are dealing with the Demon Ancestor outside the mountain gate!

Looking at the Cangqiong Palace not far away, which was almost in ruins, many middle and low-level monks like Mo Xun stood there blankly, not knowing what to do next.

Within a radius of a hundred miles, whether it is the green mountains or the jungle, it is now devastated. There are traces of scorched earth left after the war everywhere. There are still dozens of places around that are burning with raging fires.

On the main battlefield under the black clouds, broken limbs and broken arms could be seen everywhere, and some bloody heads and bodies were scattered on the ground or hung on the branches of trees.

Blood and soil have long been mixed together, and the air is full of the smell of blood and burnt.

At this moment, eight or nine bloody corpses were scattered on the mountain peak not far from Mo Xun.

Mo Xun secretly sighed in his heart, I am afraid that the ones who suffered the greatest losses after this battle were the foundation-building monks in the sect.

As for the low-level Qi Masters, they could not play any role in a battle of this scale. Therefore, when the battle started, most people left the battlefield.

Here, there is the special protection of the sect elders. Of course, the most important thing is the demon cultivators, who almost do not pursue and kill these Qi refining cultivators.

This is naturally not due to the kindness of the demons, it’s just that they don’t have that much time to deal with these little shrimps!

"Clean up this place, and then you all go back to the caves first!"

Feng Wanchou put away the tower on his head, and after leaving these words, without giving the others a chance to ask, he rose into the sky and headed towards the Cang Qiong Palace.

Counting Mo Xun, among the dozen or so people brought by Feng Wanchou, only six were left alive, and three of them were slightly injured under several sneak attacks by the demon cultivator.

The six people looked at each other. The one with the highest cultivation level was Mo Xun. Coupled with the power of the talent's arrow, the others also understood his strength, so everyone's eyes were focused on it at this moment. Brushingly, it fell on him.

Mo Xun looked around and understood what they meant in an instant.

These people were obviously interested in the storage bags scattered on the corpse.

But in this case, those are the property of the same family, who dares to take it as his own?

The other five people obviously wanted Mo Xun to take the lead. When they were traced, there might be one who was holding the top of the tank.

Mo Xun snorted in his heart. Although he was greedy for money, he was not brainless.

"Everyone, you are only slightly injured below. You must return to the cave to recuperate immediately, so let's leave first!"

After saying this, he immediately bowed his hands to several people, then turned into a red light and disappeared from the place.

As for what those people will do in the end, he has no control over it!

But on the way back to the cave, it made him a little embarrassed.

Logically speaking, if such a big thing happened to the Liangyi Sect, with his character, he would naturally choose to leave the place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

But now that the mountain gate is closed, how can he get out?

After shaking his head slightly, he patted the storage bag on his waist and took out a scroll.


While Mo Xun was flying in the air, he told Gongyang what had just happened.

At this time, he could only hope that this old guy would give him some advice.

"The Twelve-Star Apocalypse Demon-Suppressing Formation..."

Gongyang murmured to himself for a moment, and then said: "Although I haven't seen the great elder, as a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, his magic power is naturally unmatched by ordinary people. Even if the demons come to sneak attack again, he can still protect his power." I can’t live with you disciples, so I suggest you don’t leave in a hurry and take a look first!”


Hehe, normal updates will resume tomorrow!

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