Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 383 Sealing the True Fire

After returning to the cave, he had to set up the Qiankun Liuhe formation again, and at the same time, he closed the cave door and hurried into the secret room.

As for what would happen in the outside world, with his current ability, he had no time to care, and could only hope that the elders could completely defeat the remnants of the demon clan.

But then again, what was the purpose of this group of demons coming here?

Could it be that magic seal as he thought?

Since he got that thing, he has studied it several times, and also took out several copies of magic skills that he had snatched from the Demon Sect when he was in Southern Xinjiang for reference, but he still couldn't figure it out.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Since he got this thing, not only did he not get any useful value, but he also brought a disaster!

Of course, maybe he was overthinking, or maybe this demon clan had some connection with the Liangyi Sect in the past.

Thinking of this, he immediately took out two sound transmission notes.

One was sent to Hu Weizhou, whom he had not seen for many days. On the one hand, he asked about his safety with concern, and on the other hand, he asked indirectly about the reason for this matter.

However, what puzzled him was that he did not see this person today.

At present, the only person he could ask in the sect was this person!

The other one was sent to Dong Qianxue.

This time, he directly stated his intention without saying anything roundabout.

In front of smart people, sometimes it is better to be direct.

Moreover, if he still behaves too calmly when such a big thing happened in the sect, it would be abnormal.

But I don’t know whether these two people did not escape in the battle just now, or for other reasons, they waited for a long time and did not receive any reply.

But at noon the next day, Liu Jing and Qu Ming came back.

Mo Xun asked and found out that after leaving the cave, the two did not go down the mountain directly. After hesitating for a long time, they decided to hide for the time being and wait for the development of things.

It was not until last night, when there was no movement from the outside world, that the two of them ran out in fear.

But at that time, they wanted to go down the mountain, but they learned that the sect was closed and they could not go out, so they ran back.

Because he was always worried about the movement from the outside world, Mo Xun immediately sent them to the market to find out the details of yesterday.

Although he is now in the sect, he has the title of deacon elder.

But to be honest, this identity is a bit embarrassing. He has no master and not many good friends. Even if there is a slight movement, no one will notify him.

I am afraid that if it were not for the sound of the nine-nine bells, or if his cave was a little remote and could not hear any movement from the outside world, even if the entire sect was destroyed, he might not know.

In the secret room, at this moment, he was holding an ancient jade slip and studying it carefully.

This was something he found in the storage bag of the man holding the talisman.

In the storage bag, in addition to the jade slip, there are also several low-grade magic tools, as well as some spirit stones and elixirs.

However, compared to these inferior things, he obviously values ​​the formation book inside and the jade slip in his hand more.

Let’s not talk about the formation for now, but the content of this jade slip is a little confusing for him.

It records a method of making a "Tianyan True Fire Talisman".

From the literal meaning, this talisman seems to be a method of sealing Xuantian True Fire into the talisman.

However, it is a bit confusing that since you have Xuantian True Fire, why don’t you use it directly, but seal it?

Just like his Huoluan, after refining it, you can fight the enemy at will, why do you need to seal it in the talisman?

Could it be that this can increase the power?

Or is this method specially created for those who cannot refine the true fire?

But then again, since it cannot be refined and tamed, how can it be sealed?

This is a completely contradictory question!

However, at the end of the jade slip, a map was drawn, with some place names that he had never heard of, and he didn't know where they corresponded to.

He was no longer unfamiliar with such maps, which were nothing more than some secret realms or treasure lands.

If it were in the past, he might have asked a few questions, after all, he had gained a lot since he went to the ancient ruins last time.

But now his main focus is on forming pills, so these things naturally can't arouse much interest in him.

Moreover, in any secret realm, there are mostly opportunities and dangers. If you are lucky, you may get some benefits, but if you are unlucky, you may worry about your life.

He has everything now, so he will not take risks easily.

However, this jade slip looks a bit old!

He suddenly remembered the second talisman in the man's hand, why didn't he use it in time?

Now that he has calmed down, he seems to understand a little bit.

I'm afraid the other party only has one "Purple Void True Fire Talisman", and the second one is probably just a bluff!

And the only talisman is very likely to be obtained from the map together with this jade slip.

After shaking his head slightly, he put away the jade slip. Since he didn't have much clue, he didn't waste his thoughts on it.

Just as he was about to enter the green gourd, a sound transmission note flew in through the formation restriction.

Mo Xun grabbed it in mid-air, and Hu Weizhou's voice came from it immediately.

"Thank you, Brother Lin, for your concern. The demons are coming aggressively this time. I was slightly injured in the battle yesterday, so I replied a little late. I hope Brother Lin will forgive me. However, I am afraid that the matter I talked about last time will be delayed for some time..."

After a while, Mo Xun exhaled a breath of turbid air.

Last time, he made an appointment with Hu Weizhou that he would go with him to find the mantle left by the old demon Qianji in half a year or a year.

Just from his tone, this person seemed to be seriously injured this time. In addition, a fellow who had originally agreed to go with him died in the battle yesterday, which resulted in one less person, so this matter had to be shelved temporarily.

Mo Xun didn't care about this, after all, it was just a substitute chess move.

But there was no mention of the demons in it.

It seems that Hu Weizhou also knew little about this.

That night, Liu Jing and Qu Ming also came back to report to him with the news they had inquired about.

However, it is a bit disappointing that at this moment, apart from some rumors that make people panic, there is still nothing substantial in the outside world.

For example, the demon cultivator had an old grudge with a certain ancestor, or colluded with other hostile sects such as the "Kuodao Sect".

There are also some who say that the demons disappeared for ten thousand years and suddenly appeared in the world because the sect has treasures that can restore the demons...

As for the casualties this time, as Mo Xun had expected before, at least more than two hundred foundation-building cultivators died in this disaster, and seven Jindan elders are still missing.

Such a price can be regarded as a serious injury to a seven-star sect!

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