Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 385 Magical Weapon

Liuli Palace mainly stores some weapon refining techniques.

The master of this sect is good at formations, and the refining of formation equipment is inseparable from the art of refining. Even these two fields overlap in some aspects. Therefore, in addition to formations, the two fields The Yizong's weapon refining collection is quite large.

But speaking of it, many of the secret techniques for refining weapons are more or less related to formations, so in this regard, they can only be said to be refined, but not complete.

The two came to the outside of Liuli Palace. After checking their identity tokens, they acted as if there were disciples and introduced them into the formation.

As soon as he entered, before he could react, a graceful and beautiful woman greeted him gracefully.

It’s Dong Qianxue!

Seeing Mo Xun and Zhang Xuan walking together, Dong Qianxue didn't show much surprise, she was still as dignified and beautiful as before.

"I've seen two senior brothers, and several senior uncles are already waiting inside."

Henry Zhang frowned slightly, and Mo Xun just nodded lightly, but there was a lot of anxiety in his heart.

If the mountain gate hadn't been closed, he would have had the urge to run away.

But he also knew that after going in later, nothing might happen, but if he didn't go in, he would obviously be found guilty.

Furthermore, with his little ability, how could he escape?

On the contrary, Dong Qianxue's uncle made him somewhat relieved.

It seems that there is no Nascent Soul cultivator here!

"Could you tell me, Fairy, what's the important reason for calling us here this time?"

Dong Qianxue smiled slightly.

"I don't know about this. You two will find out as soon as I leave with you."

After speaking, Dong Qianxue said nothing more and led the two of them into the back hall.

The layout here is no different from other places.

The front hall is carved with dragons and phoenixes, exuding solemnity and momentum. It enshrines the statues of the ancestors of Liangyi and the soul tablets of some elders.

Passing through the front hall is a long corridor with many buildings on both sides. The faint fluctuations of the magic circle in the air clearly indicate extremely high defense.

Mo Xun glanced inadvertently and happened to see Henry Zhang's eyes wandering around next to him, as if he was looking for something.

But he knew that this was not searching, but observing.

Observe the layout, holes and loopholes of the formation here.

As for why he thought so, it was because he was doing the same thing as soon as he entered this place.

This is a bit strange. The reason why he did this was because he had a ghost in his heart and was thinking about finding a way out if something unexpected happened.

But what about the guy next to me?

What's the reason?

It's a pity that before such questions could be sorted out in his mind, Dong Qianxue suddenly stopped and turned around.

"The elders are inside. Just go in. When you come out, I will catch up with my two senior brothers."

As he spoke, Dong Qianxue pointed to the gate not far away.

Mo Xun and Henry Zhang looked at each other, then cupped their hands at Dong Qianxue and walked over side by side.

The apse looks unremarkable from the outside, and nothing inside can be seen outside the door. However, as soon as you step across the threshold, your vision suddenly becomes clearer.

Obviously, there are also some restrictions here.

Inside is a large hall with a bluestone floor and an empty space. There are six chairs on both sides, with five men and one woman sitting on each side.

Mo Xun was very familiar with two of them.

One is the leader of Sun Dian, and the other is Feng Wanchou who captured him as a young man.

It seems that Elder Feng's status in the sect is probably not low.

The six of them are all Dan-Jie cultivators, and the lowest one seems to be in the middle stage of Dan-Jie.

Although several people had already restrained their auras, Mo Xun still felt the suffocating pressure as soon as he entered this place.

Maybe this is just a kind of psychology. When facing a monk who is much higher than himself, anyone will unconsciously have the illusion of weakness.

Not to mention the six people, even a pill-forming monk, to attack them would be like crushing an ant.

The strength gap between great realms can never be reduced through a treasure or a secret technique.

Even if they are in conflict with each other in terms of skills, if they really fight, it will not help.

Just like water can defeat fire, but compared with the raging fire, it is in vain.

Seeing this formation, Mo Xun and Zhang Xuan hurriedly took two steps and bowed to the crowd.

At this moment, Mo Xun completely gave up the idea of ​​​​escape.

Even if he has three heads and six arms, he would not dare to make any move to leave the cabinet.

At this moment, I could only secretly pray that the stuffing of the heaven-defying green gourd in my arms would not leak out.

There was silence in the hall for a moment, and finally Sun Dian spoke first, but he did not rush to the two people below, but introduced to the side: "This is Fellow Daoist Lin Yi, and the one next to him is Fellow Daoist Zhang Xuan, the two of them They are all newly promoted deacons and elders.”

As the leader on duty, Sun Dian also received all the new Foundation Establishment monks, and it was not unusual for him to speak their names.

A middle-aged man with a warm face said with a smile: "You two have not been here for a long time. I wonder if you can still adapt to the cultivation in the sect?"

"Thank you for your concern, senior. Everything is fine for me, junior."

Henry Zhang was a good talker, and Mo Xun also expressed some words of thanks afterwards.

Everyone probably knew what they were going to talk about next, but until they found out the truth, they were quite friendly.

These elders did not express their intention of calling them here, and the two of them would not take the initiative to ask. They just treated it as if the elders were asking the younger ones, and actually chatted about something unrelated.

"Some of you may not know yet, but Junior Brother Lin was introduced here by Junior Brother Xu Qianfan."

After hearing what Sun Dian said, several people stared at Mo Xun and asked some questions about Xu Qianfan. In their words, they not only praised his cultivation, but also lamented that Xu Qianfan's whereabouts were unknown.

"By the way, since Senior Nephew Lin came from the ancient ruins, have you ever heard of a place called Lingmendu not far from Qiu Ming City?"

Mo Xun narrowed his eyes slightly, and it seemed that he was getting to the point.

In fact, he couldn't avoid this problem.

After all, the demon cultivator back then happened to appear at Lingmendu not far away after the ruins were opened, and at this time point, he happened to be there. Anyone can easily connect these.

The person who asked this question was the only female elder among them.

"Reporting to senior, I have never heard of it."

After saying this, Mo Xun seemed to feel that it was not enough, so he added: "Actually, this junior has been practicing in Wuqing Mountain and has not stayed in Qiu Mingcheng for a long time. He can only go there for the ancient ruins, so there are many places. Not very familiar.”

After the woman asked this question, she said nothing more.

On the contrary, Feng Wanqiu, who had been silent all this time, said at the right time: "If we talk about it, I have to say thank you to Senior Nephew Lin. If it hadn't been for your help that day, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to sit here now."

"Oh? Senior Brother Feng, what do you say?"

As Sun Dian asked, the interest of the other people was also piqued.

But there was no need for Mo Xun to say more, Feng Wanchou had already briefly explained what happened at that time.

The eyes of several people looking at Mo Xun again were obviously somewhat meaningful.

Although it is not uncommon for foundation-building monks to possess magic weapons, they are not many after all.

Generally, those with such a net worth are mostly people from a background, such as the nephews of Yuanying or Danjie monks.

But if this kind of thing happened to a casual cultivator, it would inevitably make people look at him a few times.

After asking Mo Xun, the attention of several people turned to Henry Zhang again.

It was the female elder who spoke.

"I heard that Senior Nephew Zhang exchanged a magic weapon with someone at an exchange meeting in Baisha City not long ago. I wonder if this is the case?"

There was a smile on the corner of this woman's mouth and her voice was soft, but in her ears, there was an irresistible sense of majesty.

After hearing this, Ben was still thinking about Mo Xun in his current situation. He quickly turned his head in surprise and looked at Henry Zhang in front of him.

Isn't his magic seal a magic weapon?

He really didn't expect that the person in front of him was like him. He also had dealings with demons and also obtained a magic weapon.

No wonder this person hesitated to speak along the way. It turned out to be this reason.

And it seems that if the other party didn't show up that day, he might have something to do with it!

If this is the case, then the previous speculation needs to be reconsidered.

But before he thought about it, he realized another problem.

Could it be that the demon cultivators who appeared at Lingmendu that year were not the same group as the demon ancestors a few days ago?

He glanced at Henry Zhang secretly again, this matter seemed to be getting more and more complicated.

But having said that, this is obviously good news for him. At least there is someone who can help him attract some firepower.

Henry Zhang frowned slightly at first, and then relaxed hurriedly and without any trace.

"Exactly, about a month ago, this junior participated in an underground exchange meeting and exchanged several things with a colleague."

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