Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 386 Investigation

Seeing that the eyes of several elders were all fixed on him, Henry Zhang knew that this matter would definitely not be fooled, so he had to continue: "There is indeed a short sword inside. The younger generation didn't know it before, and thought it was just a piece that had lost its spirituality. It wasn’t until other fellow Taoists told me about the magic weapon that I realized it was a magic weapon.”

A middle-aged man with a thin face moved his palm, and a light flashed in his palm, and a sharp blade less than a foot long appeared.

This sharp blade is completely black, with no embellishments and decorations. It looks extremely simple, and even a bit rough in workmanship.

However, it gives people the feeling that it is full of murderous intent.

As soon as the object was taken out, Mo Xun was sure that it was indeed a magic weapon.

Just because the feeling the sharp blade gave him was very similar to the magic seal.

"Is it this knife?"

Henry Zhang quickly raised his hand and said yes, with a look of surprise on his face, but in Mo Xun's eyes, this surprise seemed a bit deliberate.

"Tell me the origin of this thing first!"

Henry Zhang thought about it for a moment, and then said: "About ten years ago, this junior went to a cave of Danjie monks with his friends. This knife was found inside, but over the years, the use has not been figured out. , At the exchange meeting that day, someone recognized this magic weapon and exchanged it. "

After hearing this, the thin man suddenly snorted coldly.

"You are lying!"

Then a violent momentum escaped from his body, like a strong wind, suddenly shaking Henry Zhang back several steps, and even Mo Xun on the side was affected to the point where he could not stand still.

But just when he lost his balance and was about to retreat, a gentle force appeared behind him and slowly supported him.

Mo Xun was shocked. He first glanced at the thin man, and then looked at Feng Wanchou with gratitude.

But before he could react, the thin man made a "pop" sound and slapped the armrest hard.

"Obviously, you were the one who took a fancy to someone else's piece of pine orchid spirit, and the other party named him in need of a magic weapon in exchange, so you had no choice but to take out this item. Don't you know that?"

For some monks, it's not that there are no magic weapons exchanged by name, it's just that they are extremely rare.

After all, in southern Xinjiang, there were human monks practicing demonic arts. Presumably, this Xihezhou should also exist.

Or some people may need the assistance of demonic energy for some reasons when practicing certain secret techniques or refining treasures, and may also be able to use this thing.

Since the demon clan was wiped out, everything related to demon cultivation has become a taboo on the surface. However, such transactions often only exist underground and cannot be seen in the light.

Ordinarily, in the past, it was not a big deal for a cultivator to possess one or two magic weapons. No one would pay special attention to these.

But at this juncture, people have to think more.

After all, the sect suffered such a catastrophe and lost so many elders and disciples all at once. It was impossible for the sect not to let it go.

Mo Xun suddenly thought of a possibility and couldn't help but shudder.

Will this group of people make the decision to kill all the suspects directly in order to give an explanation to the ancestor of Yuanying?

The key point now is that it is not clear why the demonic cultivator came here that day. All the previous speculations were only based on fragmented clues.

You must know that the world of immortality has always been ruthless, and negotiating with others is only in the face of equal strength.

If these people couldn't figure out the reason, they would really do such a crazy thing.

Faced with the elder's anger, Henry Zhang replied hurriedly: "How dare I lie, I just had a feeling before, but I really don't know the true origin of this thing. The man said he wanted a magic weapon, so I just wanted to test it." When I took it out, I couldn’t believe that this knife was really related to the demon clan.”

This explanation doesn't sound like there's anything wrong with it.

However, the face of the thin man was still gloomy and terrifying.

To be honest, it is difficult to find out the truth simply through this form of questioning, but these elders must not have any good clues in their hands, and they even don't know what to check.

It was just because of the sudden attack by the demons that everyone instinctively thought that the disaster was probably caused by an uninvited guest coming to the door in the near future.

Moreover, this guest must have offended the demon clan a lot, otherwise he would not have even alerted the demon ancestors.

Therefore, their starting point is to interrogate all the people related to the demon cultivator.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little silent. After a while, Sun Dian said: "Brother Zhang, tell me where you got this Demon Ren!"

Sun Dian's tone was quite calm.

Next, Henry Zhang had to tell everything in detail starting from more than ten years ago, including which friends he had and where he got the inherited secret, and then went deep into dangerous places to hunt for treasures.

This kind of thing is not much different from an ordinary trip to a secret realm.

There was nothing suspicious about the words.

But Mo Xun suddenly thought of some details.

This detail has nothing to do with the so-called Mo Ren, but what he just heard, combined with Henry Zhang’s previous behavior.

A month ago, Henry Zhang got the Songlan Jing at the exchange meeting. It was also at that time that this person came to him to ask for the elixir.

But as far as he knew, the Pine Orchid Spirit was not a spiritual creature, but just a weapon-refining material, and it seemed to have nothing to do with alchemy!

Mo Xun slowly let out a breath.

What is the connection between Song Lan Jing, Alchemy, Liang Yi Sect, and the Demon Clan, these seemingly unrelated things?

He felt as if he was still missing a thread to connect these problems.

He is the most proficient in alchemy, and has a preliminary understanding of Liangyi Sect. He has dealt with the demon clan twice, but he is not involved in weapon refining, so he does not know much about Songlan Jing.

But then again, thinking about this now doesn't seem to do him any good.

After Henry Zhang finished speaking, he stood quietly aside.

Sun Dian then spoke: "You must have guessed that the reason why I called you two here today is to investigate the demon invasion. However, it is not targeted at you alone. Other disciples of this sect will follow this process. I hope the two nephews will stop harboring any grudges."

Henry Zhang and Mo Xun handed over their hands at the same time, saying they did not dare.

"There is something here that is designed to detect the remaining demonic energy on your bodies. You two can inject spiritual power into it respectively."

As he spoke, Sun Dian had already taken out a gray disk, about the size of a foot and a finger thick, with some simple runes carved on it.

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