Detection of demonic energy?

Mo Xun frowned in surprise. What is he trying to do?

This request seemed reasonable, but Mo Xun always felt that there was something strange.

He had just fought a demon cultivator a few days ago, and Zhang Xuan had also carried a demon weapon before. Even if he was contaminated with some demonic aura, it seemed to make sense.

At this time, let alone the two of them, I am afraid that the elders sitting here, and even most of the disciples of this sect, will be infected with some demonic energy.

Of course, no matter what Sun Dian said, the two of them could only do it. Even if they did not give any explanation and simply asked them to do the test, they naturally could not refuse.

Although the two of them were a little confused, they still followed Sun Dian's instructions, stepped forward, pressed their palms on it, and transferred some spiritual power into it.

After doing this, seeing that there was nothing unusual in the people present, the two of them prepared to say goodbye and leave.

But just as they turned around, a strong wind suddenly hit them from behind.

Mo Xun's face changed immediately, and he instinctively dodged.

But with his limited skills, how much power could he have to fight back in front of a Jindan cultivator?

There was only a muffled sound, and a loud explosion in the hall. The residual power of the explosion directly knocked him out and hit the door frame beside him heavily.

Fortunately, he made a little defense at the first time, otherwise, even if he was not seriously injured, he would have broken a few ribs.

A layer of smoke and dust suddenly stirred up in the whole hall.

Mo Xun's mind was a little confused, but soon he thought of a possibility.

Could it be that he had exposed something?

In a moment, his heart was in his throat.

After a short thought, he almost didn't have time to turn around to see what happened, and he was about to get up and run away.

But at this time, a loud shout came.

"Don't run!"

As soon as the voice fell, he felt several figures passing by him quickly, and then a huge breath almost suffocated him.

Just when he was a little confused, another voice sounded in his ears.

"Leave here quickly, don't stay!"

He was very familiar with this voice, it was Feng Wanchou!

The sudden scene made him stunned for a moment.

First, he was attacked by the group of Jindan elders, and Feng Wanchou reminded him to leave. What's going on?

Leaving here means leaving the sect?

But the mountain gate is now closed, how can he leave easily?

In an instant, many doubts appeared in his mind.

Fortunately, this confusion did not last long, and he finally understood what was going on.

I saw that outside the palace, it was already a mess, and the rumbling sound was endless.

The long whip exploded in the air, and the strange copper furnace, high in the air, emitted bursts of dazzling red light, and the wind blades like scimitars kept gathering from all around and hitting the center, splashing pieces of gravel on the bluestone paved road.

Then, the surrounding ground, including the palace behind him, began to tremble, and bricks and tiles fell from the top of his head from time to time.

The surrounding formation fluctuations also became agitated at the same time.

He could clearly feel that powerful attacks were trying to break through the prohibition of guarding this palace.

Although he had only studied the formation for a few months, he could more or less see some of the tricks.

As soon as he entered this place, he found that the formation here seemed to have a bit of a trap, but he was not sure. Now it seems that it is in line with his previous speculation.

Presumably, these old guys must have changed the formation here, waiting to catch the turtle in the jar!

But this "turtle" does not seem to be him!

When the dust and smoke dissipated a little, he finally saw the center of the fight, which turned out to be a figure that made him a little unsure.

Zhang Xuan!

In an instant, he seemed to understand something.

This person has hidden his cultivation!

He finally realized that the disc that Sun Dian had just taken out was not for detecting demonic energy, but for identifying cultivation!

The sneak attack just now was not aimed at him. As an innocent person, he was just affected.

No wonder he was only blown away by the attack of a Jindan cultivator. He thought it was his defense that worked.

Back to the fight outside, Zhang Xuan was surrounded by a faint golden light.

From time to time, magic weapons of various shapes, such as rings, heavy hammers, and colorful silks, circled above his head, emitting threatening rays of light, or directly hit him, emitting lightning and sparks.

I don't know which elder's copper furnace was hanging in the sky, as big as a house, and cast a large shadow on the ground.

From the copper furnace, pieces of burning sparks poured out, like magma falling from a volcanic eruption.

The air was filled with burns, black smoke, dust, and flames. Outside the entire hall, it was like the end of the world.

Around Zhang Xuan, seventy or eighty flying knives of about a foot in size circled around him, emitting dazzling silver light, not only blocking the dangers outside, but also launching attacks.

Although it was not the first time that he saw a Jindan cultivator take action, at this moment, Mo Xun was still shocked by the scene.

The situation in front of him was really beyond his expectations.

Judging from the scale of the fight, Zhang Xuan's realm was at least in the late Jindan stage, or even at the peak.

It was not simple for such an old monster to hide under the nose of a Yuanying cultivator for so long.

In fact, half of the six Jindan elders have reached the late stage. It is said that with six against one and surrounded by the formation, even if they cannot easily win, they should have the upper hand.

But at this time, the two sides are obviously in a stalemate of equal strength.

This may be due to Zhang Xuan's high cultivation level. In addition, in Mo Xun's opinion, it is also due to the formation.

The place is small, which makes the six elders feel a little restrained. I am afraid that they will not stop and destroy the formation structure, but let this person run away.

Perhaps the elders did not expect that they were facing such a powerful opponent.

Mo Xun retreated to the palace to avoid being affected by the battlefield, while considering the pros and cons of this matter.

Regardless of the reason for the siege of the demon clan, perhaps it was his magic seal, or it was aimed at Zhang Xuan, but I am afraid that once this happened, no one would suspect him!

With this in mind, he felt more relieved.

As for whether Zhang Xuan could escape, he was not worried at all. After all, there were still several Yuanying ancestors in the sect.

Even if this person was powerful, could he be stronger than a Yuanying cultivator?

The fight here naturally attracted the attention of others. In the chaos, Mo Xun even found Dong Qianxue's figure.

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